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Posts posted by Scryed

  1. Just because you have two expensive graphics cards does not mean that there is automatically nothing wrong with your system. 


    I have a SLI set up as well, and I reconfigure it all the time to do different things. I know for a fact that if I do not set my settings right it can result in poor FPS. Due to your bullheadedness, I am inclined to believe that Bobsplosion (love the name) may be on to something...

    there is nothing wrong with my system every OTHER game I play is a stable 120 fps, its just warframe


    I have a i7 980x, 16gb ddr3 1600 ram 2 680 gtx's the only game I have slowdown is this one, therefore it is not my system it is the game I have tried numerous video drivers to no avail, I built this system to play games for fps, had no problems with crysis 3 until i exceeded the resolution of 1920x 1080...............it is not my system. this game engine needs more optimization. when I dip down to 25 fps in some random area without exceeding 50 percent gpu load or 60 percent cpu load it is not my system........its the game

  2. Not really. Not everyone is rich is on credits. Especially since DE has been nerfing credits so much lately. I always find myself in need of credits. Credits should be the one thing the game that we should not have to grind for, yet lots of people have to.

    T1-T3 capture gives you an amazing amount of credits for a such a simple mission... you are playing the game wrong.

  3. 99.999999% of the time its a Reaper Blade. I have 19 now.... collected 3 in a row today.

    Edit: Make that 4 in a row today..... stupid ridiculous....


    Like 5 yesterday. What is up with the drop table? Its ludicrous. PLEASE look into this. 

    Yeah but at least you didn't get 21 in a row......IN A EFFIN ROW MAN


    RNG MY &#!.

  4. Well this is my opinion. I don't care about skana lato and excalibur prime being exclusive, its ok. Excalibur proto skin is also ok. Wraith & Vandal weapons and exclusive mods however, are just a nightmare for new players to come. Theres no.doubt that if you wanna make reliable proc builds, you need tethra and cicero mods. I personally have cicero mods and can just buy tethra for cheaper than I sold them anytime, for platinum howeverm I can agree that they need to be rare, but any exclusive mod or weapon that is stronger than original will limit the joy new players will have.

    Sure, old players need some exclusives, but that exclusivity should be exclusive to visuals and not something that changes the way you play for once and for all.

    Think what would happen if melee 2.0 was exclusive to founders only...

    Well I made my point. I dont see any possible reasonable argument to oppose how I think. This is bad for de, bad for our community, bad for new players. There shouldnt be exclusive mods or weapons that are basicly needed. Primed chamber is a game breaker: Either you cant buff snipers without making them too OP, so sniper is not reliable for normal player, or you buff it to make it reliable to normal player and you make it too OP for that 1000 person who won that mode.

    Timed exclusive can be ok but not with disney vault; you can just release them several months ago for some, but you need to express that openly. A mod released for some players should be availible to others within a month or two at max.


  5. Doesn't DE have beta testers to prevent that? There's no way a company would drop a half finished un tested product. None of the other console games have that porblem with severly glitchy updates that put the game out of commision. They have testers in the company, I assume DE has the same...

    PC is the beta tester man....

  6. These are good points .... I have forgotten about the no recoil weapons. 


    About hush...When you install a silencer on a weapon ... you reduce accuracy.


    That's why recoil is not the same thing with accuracy.

    The recoil buff can be implemented with a minimum value.


    So if recoil value is greater than 0 than increase it with x if not add Y.

    no when you put a "suppressor" on a weapon you reduce its hitting power, accuracy is there there on suppressed weapons. And no to all of what you proposed because there is nothing but drawbacks from every single thing you made up.

  7. I'm saying this as a vanguard rhino user too : in my opinion ALL the stat on helmets should go, even the existing ones.

    Helmets should be an aesthetical choice, nothing else. And especially not a balance breaker.

    I think all of YOUR helmets should go, the ones I built are staying so eff you, that is YOUR opinion

  8. I honestly don't like the idea of Prime frames getting extra numbers, even if they're very minor. I think all Primes (weapons included) should be SIDEgrades, not UPgrades.


    As for the frames, what if they had access to special Auras that normal frames cannot use? Maybe some kind of hybrid Auras like increasing Primary and Secondary dmg in one aura?


    THAT kind of thing I wouldn't mind, but it the Prime frames are just BETTER? Then everyone rolls a Prime, and people loose their customization for the sake of numbers.



    We already see that with weapons so why not give prime frames better things? it doesn't have to be massive but it could be a slight bit better than a standard frame, we already see that in weapons.

  9. Ill take fps bug fixes, invisible wall fixes, loot table drop fixes ETC over melee 2.0 at this point in time right now, cause we still have the same damn bugs but yet we keep getting new content....... /mindboggle

  10. ..so DE added Resource drop chance booster, and nerfed normal drop rate?


    Ive killed 10+ times Raptop and even more Krill + Vor bosses and all what they droped was common resources. wth?


    now this game is 100% Pay2Win

    They did that with XP too............thought you knew?

  11. Nope





































































    its already bad enough when I am chained stunned/knocked down by scorpions and lancers maybe a bombard/heavy gunner, now you want to add another stun?




























  12. It still scans slow.........if it was instant I could see you being irate about it, but its the same speed as a normal scanner and with people killing your targets good luck scanning anything.

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