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Posts posted by Spyro_Haze

  1. I like the idea and abilities (especially the shield (cough cough, Garuda, cough cough)), every single one has its use. Passive is cool, i really like getting stronger over time. Does this bonus health and armor scale with mods?

    Yes, change the name, too damn cringy!

  2. I can see where you were going now and it is great design for games like LoL for example where you rely on ability cooldowns. Having small ability on low cooldown to use regurally and better one with bigger cooldown for special ocasions (Veigar beeing best example). I don't think Warframe benefits from such design though. We are only limited by energy (no cooldowns except for sanctuary) and things like energy restores, zenurik dash, trinity herself, energize or energy siphon exist here.

    It is just like Ember's 1. Unchanged on latest rework its simple damage ability with small aoe. Literally noone used and noone uses it now. Only Ember i seen that casts this ability is me for benefit of augument. Volt is the same story. Most people don't use any auguments so these are basically dead abilities.

    Look at frames like Wisp, Nidus, Gara, Garuda, Ivara or Saryn. Every ability is important part of kit, used early and late game.

    Or even Mag, Nezha, Banshee, Excalibur, Rhino, Valkyr Loki, Inaros or Wukong. Most people use only part of their kit but every ability does something different and is actually used for specific things.

    Don't get me wrong if you think it will benefit frame's kit in a way i don't see or you just want it this way its fine. But i like the general idea and would actually like to try it in game. Better the design better the chances ;). We kinda have Khora and Venari but its wasted potential.

  3. Its second frame based on radiation i see here and the concepts are very similiar. I really like that its based arround gas damage aswell, something we don't have yet.

    Abilities are simple but work good together, have interactions. I like it. Ability range seems like big yas :P.

    The only thing i don't like is his 4. Its called nuclear winter but it shouldn't freeze enemies, doesn't fit the theme at all (even though its real term but that's just not how it works xD). Maybe it should have blast proc instead? I don't know, definately not freezing enemies in place.

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  4. I like it a lot. Lore is cool but isn't it canon that there is only one of each warframe?

    Abilities are cool aswell. I like deliverance a lot but it seems like something really hard to pull of even when allies know how it works. Duration is just so damn low.

    Blood pact - overpowered as heck. There is a reason why there are so little life steal abilities in game and life steal mod is channeled. This will never be in game brother, just remove life steal all together from it. Also its augument is super strong.

    I like that special melee he has and that he actually uses it to cast abilities (hexblade, huh?) and its sheethed in the void itself, really cool design! Both passives are super cool aswell, aditional move patterns are explained in lore and are actually super useful. Confidence bar - i want this so badly in game :D.

    Other abilities are just ok, not bad. Would really like to try this concept in game. Especially the dashes.

  5. Now this seems like a frame i would like to see in game. Great unique theme and actually useful. Still not the biggest fan of trait but it has reasonable limitations and fits the theme a lot so its ok.

    Loot chance from 15% to 75%? Woah that's a lot but since he has to damage target at least once i think its reasonable.

    18 minutes ago, TheLogicMage said:

    I let Tyrannis gain the buffs at half their normal effectiveness when he activates this ability.

    I did almost exactly the same in my concept haha.

  6. This is cool kit sticking to theme, seems a bit overloaded at first glance but it really isn't.

    I think changing form should take at least one second. Overall its something i would really love to see in game, dynamically switching to get the job done with the most fitting tools. I don't like her 4 that much but i don't have idea for ability better fitting the theme and beeing actually useful as your proposition.


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  7. It seems like really cool Frame to tank damage and actually reflect a huge portion on it, really cool and well thought through with the interactions of abilities.

    The only issue i have: 1 and 2 have fear mechanic which will never proc on higher level content. Since 2 is already very strong it could have it fear removed and 1 could have 50% chance of proccing the fear if enemy still ignited by it is killed by Archfiend. Lets be honest, this damage will never kill a thing, even on Sortie levels.

    Also passive seems a bit too strong (crit weapons deal so much damage), maybe you could turn it down a little and maybe add a max hp threshold of heal per one kill, 30% seems reasonable to me.

  8. I like the ideas for the theme and abilities, don't seem op (damage reduction needs time ect) but have their uses. Only the passive is a joke, even Rhino has better xD 

    4 seems super interesting but i think it will be hard to balance bcoz of enemies health. It can either be completely useless or broken as heck. Cool concept though. I wish there were some cool interactions between abilities like Gara or Wisp have.

  9. Frost is outdated i agree on this, but he is not weak and everything you propose here are just massive buffs :D. Would like to try them though.

    I don't agree with passive, we have Gara doing just that already.

  10. Basically Orianna from lol :).

    I like the idea but her abilities don't do too much (seem to have no real impact in theory) and ability damage falls of pretty quickly (excepction beeing Saryn's Spores and Gara's splinters due to almost infinite stacking potential) in content at Lich or RJ level. Also none of the auguments seem to be worth a mod slot.

    3 is great concept for ability, leave it as it is. The more i think about 2 and 1 the more i realise its basically the same (command the ball) ability and it could be just combined into one. Tap to cast it as 1, hold to cast it as 2. It leaves a space for some utility ability for example pull enemies towards the ball and ragdoll them for short time/ push enemies away Mist with chance of blast status effect. 4 is basically a better 1 as i see it, not a fan of that.

    Don't get me wrong, idea for the ball and abilities having different effects depending if Frame has it or not is dope! I just don't see a reason to pick her over other frames as she is described now.

    • Like 1
  11. Well his abilities are strictly damage + crowd control from electricity procs, very straight forward but 1 and 2 seems like abilities satysfying to use.

    How about adding some cool synergies between abilities like Wisp or Gara have?

    I would love to see nordic runes on Warframe!

    • Like 1
  12. This is really interesting concept we don't have in game yet but there are 2 problems. If he can get energy only from his 2, you cannot use any ability until you have ranked him a bit. It seems like a small detail but i would get annoyed by it. Radiation procs on passive seem a bit too strong for me but we have Gara already so i will just shut up xD.

    Kit seems okay on paper... but there is not much he can do actually and he spends a lot of time channeling and doing nothing to the enemies really. Maybe if numbers were high enough. It just seems weaker than most abilities in game at the moment. 

    Maybe absorbtion could take status effects from allies too and count them in (or at least randon rad procs they got god knows where from). His hp is huge though! Maybe that's balanced actually? Hard to tell, would like to try this out actually.

    Yo, but i like the theme a lot.

  13. Interesting idea and theme, but nothing much sadly. 1 is pretty good to remove high priority targets like Noxes or Ancients, taking huge armor is okay with his high stats, i like this ability a lot.

    Other abilities are flawed however. Passive that lets you drain players... while it fits the theme it is unhealthy and toxic design. People can just go low level missions and drain new players of pure malice (and they will... trust me on this one). Only switch teleport is more toxic than this. Limbo's rift can at least be escaped at will.

    2. Super small radius of so very worse hallowed ground from Oberon. Not really that fun to use (yes crowd control is nice, but too small and chances are too low). Speed bonus could last for some time after leaving the area maybe?

    3. With augument its okayish. But one mod slot to make ability slightly useful is not good idea. Aditional loot chance on kill would stacked only with Khora because Hydroid have 100% anyway. If Khora augument is affected by ability strenght then its not really needed. 15% chance for aditional loot from enemies killed only by Tyrannis is nothing dude. Especially for high energy cost. It should either be aura (enemies killed by anyone have chance for aditional loot) or the chances should be increased if it stays only for Tyrannis kills. Or augument should be baseline. Right now its so not worth it. Just take range Hydroid.

    4. I love the idea behind it. Steal from enemy and grant this buff to allies. This is exactly the mechanic i used in my concept. Your version however lacks a bait to use it often. If i don't get anything from it i'm not using it - a lot of people think this way. I will give you an example. Fireball Frenzy from Ember or any other augument that turns ability into huge damage buff for entire team including caster (don't even have to target specific players since its aoe nowe). Imo those are most op mods in game but i literally never seen a random player using it except me. Even Ash aoe invisibility. 

    I criticised a lot, but the theme and ideas for abilities are cool man, please work on it a bit more, i would really want to see greedy frame in game!

  14. Nav the vengeful spirit finally finding a way back into this reality, seeking out those who wrong tenno during this dark times... or any times really as vengeance tastes best served cold. Draining enemies to sustain herself and use it against them she has something to say in any circumstances.

    I'm not an artist, so no concept art. Visually i imagine her to be a cross between Wisp and Inaros. Key feautures would be overly thin waist, bone like ornaments on chest (ever seen necromamcer from Diablo 2?) and a tube coming from her left hand, twirling arround arm and going into her back. Abilities are rather simple but have many interactions and rely on draining 3 different types of essence for different results... so prepare for a wall of text. I kinda thought through numbers but they can be changed of course.

    Abilities in short.

    Trait: deal more damage to enemies who have damaged you already, see them through walls for short time.

    1. Drain target to gain essence (choose one of 3 types) and damage it a bit. Gain defensive statistics (health, shield or armor) dependant on essence type drained.

    2. Become invisible. For the duration gain movenent speed and damage reduction. Stealth is cancelled upon dealing damage. Can perform 1 melee finisher while stealthed.

    3. Summon one invulnerable doppleganger with timed life. It can use Navs melee and unique abilities (viral status aura, protection from status effects or disrupting enemies who try to use abilities) dependant on essence used to summon it. One doppleganger at a time.

    4. Expel all stored essence in explosion and buff allies in range with portion of 1st ability buffs. Damage type depends on essence stored. Status chance and damage get lower with distance and cover. 

    Those are the very basics of abilities, they interact with each other in many ways. Check below for all the details.


    75 (225)hp, 75(225) shields, 10 armor, 150 (225) energy, 1,15 sprint speed. 

    Vengeful (trait): Nav deals 50% (halved against eximus and boss units) increased damage to every enemy who already damaged her in current session (damaging shields or operator marks enemies aswell).
    Enemies who attack Nav are highlighted for 10 seconds and can be tracked through walls (only for Nav) and on minimap (entire squad). 

    Drain (1) (25e per full drain) 
    Tap to switch between 3 drain focuses. Hold to start draining target. Tap to stop prematurely. Single handed action, can move and attack freerly. Time 4/10 seconds to fill entire bar. Range 8/10/12/14m. Draining matching target takes 4s, otherwise it takes 10 seconds (so you can get any essence if you want so badly, it just takes long). After succesful drain target takes up to 400/550/700/850 slash/puncture/impact damage and impact proc (stagger), depening on the bar filled (those are numbers for full duration drain). Slash matches all except machinery and robotics. Puncture matches all targets with armor. Impact matches all targets with shields. Matching or not, drain fills bar, it just takes longer. Different drain types fill the bar with different essence (colours).
    Bar full of rancor essence (slash) grants 300/400/500/600 max hp.
    Bar full of zest essence (puncture) grants 150/200/250/300 armor.
    Bar full of fervor essence (impact) grants 400/530/660/800 max shields.

    Note, that this is not heal or shield restore, it increases Nav's max hp/shield or armor. It stays at the same % value.

    Essence decays at a rate of 1% of max ammount per second. If possible energy decay takes equal ammount of each energy.T There is only one bar to fill with different essences. Those can be mixed and have portion of each buff active.

    Draining target affected by -vengeful- also stuns it for the duration.
    Nav gains portion of essence per game tick, meaning she still gets some even if target dies prematurely. 

    Windwalk (2) (50e)
    Become invisible for 4/6/8/10s and gain 10/15/20/25% dmg reduction and movement speed (lasts as long as Nav stays stealthed by windwalk and 1 second after leaving stealth). Atacking with weapons or dealing damage with abilities ends stealth prematurely). During first second of windwalk Nav is invulnerable. During windwalk Nav can perform melee finisher even on alerted enemy (it ends windwalk's stealth though). Enemies marked by -vengeful- take 25/50/75/100% increased melee finisher damage.
    If Nav have a shade active while windwalk is cast, the shade teleports to Navs  initial location (if Nav was targeting shade they swap places) and becomes targetable for enemies (it stays invincible, but draws enemy fire as long as Nav remains under windwalk's stealth). During this time enemies attacking the shade will be marked and highlighted by -vengeful-. Shade will not disapear  (even if its  duration expires) until this instance of windwalk expires or its stealth is ended prematurely. Nav cannot recast windwalk before it expires.
    -Drain- and -Expel- will not break stealth until they deal damage. Casting -malicious projection- while under Windwalk's stealth refreshes its duration. Essence bar doesn't decay as long as Nav stays under Windwalk's stealth. 

    Malicious projection (3) (75e) 
    Requires essence bar to be at least half full. After 1s cast time Nav projects outwards one of her corrupted shades creating invulnerable doppelganger of herself (enemies will prioritize shade the least but are still alerted by them). Half of essence bar is consumed in the process (prioritizing essence she had the most of first). Shades can use Nav's melee weapon and abilities based on Nav's essence type she had the most while casting. Base duration is 12/14/16/18. Shades have 100% status chance on their abilities.
    Rancor shade (slash) emits cursed aura that makes enemies in 20m radius continously suffer from viral status effect (if shade disapears or enemy steps outside the range proc will still remain for 4 seconds, as usually) and is capable of ranged slash attacks. It has 20% shorter duration than other shades.
    Fervor shade (impact) has ranged electricity attack and can smite enemies (30m range, requires line of sight) who attempt to use an ability (i.e. Ancient healer aura, Moa stomp, scorpion pull). Ability effect is prevented, enemy suffers from blast status effect. This ability has 1s cooldown and reduces shade's duration by 1 second.
    Zest shade (puncture) can errupt every 4 seconds dealing puncture and impact (50/50) damage within 12m radius and links to nearby allied Tenno in 20m radius. Linked allies are protected from status effects but every protection reduces shade's duration by 0,5s.
    Shades act like specters and can be interacted with as such (follow/hold position).
    Tap again to give shade new command  (follow this ally, attack this enemy, follow me (if no unit was targeted))
    Shade default mode is follow Nav.
    Casting -windwalk- gives shade hold position command for as long Nav remains under effect of -windwalk's- cloak, then it follows Nav unless given other command during this time.
    Shades will prioritize enemies marked by -vengeful- and benefit from its damage buff. Shade abilities don't benefit from range and duration mods.
    Hold to release shade prematurely. When disapearing or getting released Shade can drop pick ups. Rancor shade has 150% chance to drop health orb (always drops one with 50% for another one). Zest shade has 10% chance of dropping energy orb and 50% for health orb. Fervor shade has 50% chance of dropping energy orb. Chances are increased with ability strength (i.e. 300 strength means rancor shade drops 4 health orbs with chance of 5th while fervor shade drops 1 energy orb with chance of second one).

    Expel (4) (100e).
    After 1,5 cast time Nav realeses entire essence stored (more damage for full essence bar but cannot be cast while having less than 1/3 of the bar) in a violent burst of energy dealing up to 1500/2200/2900/3600 damage to enemies within 15/18/21/24m radius. Nav also buffs every ally and herself within range with halved -drain- buff she had while casting Expel, for 25/30/35/40s (full duration at 1/4 of range, 50% duration at edge of range). Damage type depends on the essence type Nav had the most of during casting (slash for rancor, blast for zest and magnetic for fervor). Damage diminishes with distance (100% on 1/4 of the range and 25% on the edge), status chance diminishes with distance aswell (100% on 1/4 of the radius and % of essence bar Nav had on cast at edge of radius). Damage and status chance are halved for enemies behind full body cover.
    If Shade is caught in explosion its duration is extended (by 40% of its base duration  (which is 20%  shorter  for  rancor shade) on 1/4th of range and 10% on edge of range), this effect is doubled if shade and explosion are of matching essence. This effect is also halved if shade was behind full body cover.
    -Drain- and Expel buffs stack, but only for Nav since only she benefits from -drain-.
    Expel buffs don't stack, getting new buff removes old one. 


    I apreciate any cryticism that can help make it better, more balanced and actually fun to use.

  15. I was also hoping for something to weave and actual spider web, like one string at a time to gain huge advantage in the area. Would fit the theme so damn well. We have Nidus Frost and Khora for area lockdown i guess. But webbing my own railjack would give that "you board me on your own risk" vibes.

    Imo your design is actually ready. Only depends if people like it or not :D.

    Edit: of course, @keikogi pointed out valid things, but not every frame must be super meta "endgame" ready. 

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  16. The general concept of a web weaver is super cool, and art is gorgeous!

    Abilities have synergies and fit the theme, are also quite strong. 

    Third ability is very weak though. If it can be dispelled like limbos bubble then it would be super crap. If not (like Nezhas flames for example) then it would be actually pretty good against demolisher units. We have magus lockdown but that would be nice alternative.

    I would love to test it in game. That's what Khora should be like with her spiderish looks.

    Edit: Her statistics are ridiculously high for Frame with damage reduction in kit though (health and energy).

  17. When host migration happens on the outdoors map it glitches and im stuck in "starting screen". Everything happens (enemies and specters move and fight) but I am unable to do anything and need to alt + f4. It is very consistent bug, please do something about it, its literally impossible to go Prodman without 3 premades or doing it alone (playing WF alone is not that fun you know...).

    Edit: It used to happen to me like month ago, now i started running low and kash but bug is still there.

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