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Posts posted by Spyro_Haze

  1. Am I the only one that enjoys Lich system as it is now?

    Just don't kill Larva if you don't want. Every encounter with Lich gives you some information about requiem combo but he gets stronger. First time a thing that you need to do something else than oneshot boss during vulnerability phase with min maxxed weapon. Please keep it like it is right now.

    Edit: Yes, it wasn't super cool on launch, but now is fine.

  2. Everyone uses Cassini on Saturn to get Lich. Not for bad reasons.

    I tried to get my first Lich on Sedna and Uranus for hour. I got couple of messages that Larvling should have actually spawned (the same i got later on on Cassini) but there was no marker and no larvling anywhere, some time later message about larvling beeing extracted. Multiple times. I gave up and rolled with Cassini. First attempt, as soon as i got messege there was marker, larvling killed, Lich spawned.

    I tried it NOW when spawning the second larvling. Again, only Cassini works...


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  3. Somewhere between Europa and Ceres. Played for some time now but any interesting game or story aspect have not been introduced yet.

    Game literally hides everything that is actually fun content behind second dream and war within. I'm not saying its bad but fact is: without help its long way before game is actually fun. With help it doesn't feel like player acomplished anything really.

    For me it was Natah when it began to be interesting.

  4. Stop using rigged maxxed mods. No matter what weapon it is, if you throw maxxed mods on it oneshots way up to sortie levels.

    Get new frame, equip new weapons on it and use S#&$ or half maxxed mods only. Also pay attention to lore in each missions (disruption on Jupiter is best example). There you go.

    Listen to bounty comments aswell, surprising ammount of references there.

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  5. Zdecydowanie zły dział, jak wspomniał decado.

    Bursy spawnują się w większości (nie jestem pewien czy na początkowych planetach jak Venus także) misji z Corpus jeżeli uruchomisz alarm i go nie wyłączysz przez dłuższy czas. Długie misje obrony i survivalu też je spawnują, tyle, że nie od razu.

    Najlepsze miejsce to event Razorback armada, jest ich tam mnóstwo, ale wnioskując, że pytasz o to na forum nie grasz za długo i nie masz dostępu.

    Moim zdaniem najlepiej otwierać relikwie na obronie corpus i zostać dłużej. Wpadają i primy i bursy na jednym ogniu.

  6. My brother was doing it literally 2 days ago. I was dying of laughter seeing him struggling. I love spy missions and i got it on second attemp.

    For anyone struggling: first part is easy, second part is simple if you go middle then right then the rest. Last part you should go to left, clear upper platform and deal with the lasting 3 when they spread. Just memorize their movement.

    Use Titania, Nezha, Valkyr, Ivara or Mirage, their passives help. Nezha is the easiest.

    Edit: Someone mentioned wisp, this is great idea actually, free invisibility.

    Edit2: Practice with Simaris first, right??

  7. You don't need to spend any money or plat. If you are collector type of guy like i am then slots are worth spending plat on. 1 full colour pallete aswell. Nothing more.

    If you feel like supporting devs there is plenty of stuff to waste plat on. Skins, prime parts on market, rivens ect.

    Buying primes is really dumb move tho, in time ull get them all anyway. See tenno planner. Infinite formas and rare materials as you do relics.

    Reactors, catalysts and adapters are tempting too... but you get a lot of those from events and invasions.

    Ps: Ivara and Harrow are the only frames i ever considered to buy with plat, you just need luck to get them.

    Edit: Nidus is tricky too but i enjoy salvage a lot, even solo so i got him in no time.

    It all depends on you, if you value your time more than some kash or want support devs then pay for stuff. This game only grew bcoz people payed. On the other hand plat is very easy to farm (only level stuff on infinite relic missions - look loki prices) or buyable with common 75% coupons. Stuff I farmed myself is more satisfying to play for me tho.

  8. Yet another Titania thread. Sadly, deserved. I love little fairy but she is meh at best. Fun to play on 'normal' gameplay (just nodes) and good at cheesing puzzles (either with her 4 or bullet jump buff) but nothing more. On paper all her abilities are really good but i'm practice she is just too clonky and unreliable.

    I agree that interactive abilities with synergies are super fun to use (Gara, Wisp or Saryn for example) but i don't think every frame needs this. Titania's theme would be good enough if only her spells were just reliable.

    Passive: pretty good, I love it.

    1. I like it a lot, but i think it shouldn't stop movement while casting.

    2. Except dust, auras are S#&$ and have small radius (useless on free roam). Auras don't benefit from mods. Enemy can be only targeted once, but their debuff is very short. Spirit obstructs vision a lot and doesn't stay too long to pick it up after the encounter. All of this make it really S#&$ ability against higher level enemies that actually deal damage. Trying to use it on mot is actually a hinderance. Spirits staying longer and beeing almost completely transparent would make it okayish. It could just be a blob of energy similiar to focus glyph.

    3. This is just weird ability. Good cc that you don't need anyway against normal enemies but if you try casting it when needed (enemies that actually deal damage) you will most likely die before it takes effect or before casting animation ends. The visual is also too similiar to her 1. I often see people try to shoot 'lanterned' enemies bcoz its confusing for them. If this ability had Nidus larva mechanic then we could actually cast it from behind some cover. Tap once to send butterflies in the direction, cast again to do what it does now but at the current location of butterflies. Hold to end manually.

    4. Its okay, if you don't have good weapon, for increased defense or mobility. 

    Those changes would be very simple to implement and leave her kit actually intact, just make it not as clonky as it is right now, which is Titanias biggest issue. Would like to see either those or complete rework.

  9. There are 4 tiers of barracks. Are those different rooms i need to build separately or is it just one room that i upgrade when i want?

    I am planning out dojo and need to consider space requirement for barracks in case we needed them later. Sorry if this was asked before.

  10. Honestly there is not enough data for me to have any opinion on Cy so far. I wonder if Ordis and Cy will have some kind of funny interactions when entering Railjack for the first time. 

    You better treat my operator well!!!

    About premium cephalons, Darvo could sell them, he has line about this.

  11. @(XB1)Kebiru25 I like the fact that we we went for similiar fantasy with the abilities (engaging tools, something for stealth gameplay and something to buff the pack) but they are completely different abilities :D. Your ideas are something i would really enjoy to try in game! Really cool artwork man <3. Your suggestion to switch rallying howl and tireless is actually a good sugestion i will need to think about more. I really wanted this "I decide when and where i summon my pack" feeling, which beeing a passive ability would actually take a little from, but gameplay wise its actually a nice idea.

    @(PS4)Okamibanshu22 I was thinkinh about it aswell, but since we have Khora and her kavat i change my mind and went with beeing the leader of pack of Tenno themselves, hence the speed buff to summon them. The longer i think about it the more i think that we actually lack a true summoner frame in the game (Nekros can only summon 7 enemies, Khora has only 1 kavat ect.) but thats propably due to lag issues :(.

  12. @keikogi Thanks for the reply, you pointed out important stuff which i sadly cannot disagree with.

    12 minutes ago, keikogi said:

    The mechanics are interesting but the skill itself is weak. A global range skill increasing mobility to help the squad to regroup is interesting, but not worth a skill slot in itself (it doesn’t help you to kill, it doesn’t help you survive , nor it helps you to loot)

    This however is an exception, this is skill im lacking so much i would use literally any frame just for it. Halls of Ascension runs, Bounties, Capture missions, even Orokin vault runs, it would make it all way faster and thus help getting loot. I am also usually waiting for my bro at extraction a lot so yeah, maybe im biased a little bit here.

    You are right on the Wolf frame concepts tho, i just posted what i came with based what is in game but now i have to check out a lot of stuff here, in fan zone. Cheers!

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