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Posts posted by Ordel

  1. IMO, a frame needs a rework when:

    It's not viable for endgame

    It's under or overpowered

    It lacks a reason to use it

    Or it can't fulfill its' assigned role.


    So, as a result:

    Rhino- He doesn't fulfill his role of a tank. He's more supportive. With a momentary stun and a damage buff, I don't think of him as a tank. Maybe IS should raise his threat level so that he's the only one getting shot? IDK. I don't play him enough to know him.

    Frost- Pretty self-explanatory. He's already being worked on. Think Scott said some stuff about him on the last devstream IIRC.

    Ember- I stray from using her because damage abilities don't scale as well as utility-based abilities do. She's outclassed in both damage and utility, and as a result she's not often used in high levels.

    Limbo..I have mixed feelings about him. He's weird. I'm just gonna skip over him.

    Saryn- First off, her 1st and 3rd have their names switched. Second off, her 3rd isn't useful in the slightest. I'm an ex saryn main (but then Oberon happened), and I barely ever use her 3rd. It's fun to mess around with though.

  2. Well... Gas is kind of tricky, in that for weapons like Torid, the gas is immobile. But the effect stays with you. Guess I'll clarify it.


    Well, the finisher mods can be changed (ie: when used, increase melee combo duration). Just like if DE actually decides to remove Stamina, then anything dealing with Stamina will also be changed.


    I think the gas just centers around the projectile (in the case of the Torid). I've seen a couple friends of mine stick torid shots on me and have it follow me around. Kinda like Vaub's Tesla Coils. However, say, if I shoot someone with a braton prime gas build and proc something, then the gas is centered around the shot target and people in the immediate vicinity should be taking toxin damage (since gas damage doesn't come from the cloud itself, only weapons modded for direct gas damage; iirc the cloud deals toxin damage).


    I could be wrong though. 

  3. Another space logic post.






    If Warframe was real, then sure, what you said may be relevant.

    But this is a game where we stick on reformatted yu-gi-oh cards into weapons made of plastic and metal "polymer bundles" and "morphics". (and technically yeah irl that's how weapons are made but shutup you know what i mean)

    I'm not trying to be a butthole or anything, but that's just the way games are.


    I mean, if you wanted to go more in-depth with your idea, then:

    Corrosive should visually melt off armor. (Or technically sinew(?) or whatever) instead of leaving a little swarm of corrosive fairies swarming around the target. Impact should leave shattered remains of XYZ (whatever the target has on) instead of making the target look like a ghost just suckerpunched him. Viral should maybe fester on a targets' skin? Don't know the type of virus. Or if any virus even has that effect.


    Also, the whole concept of assassin-ninja-whatever doesn't necessarily mean instant kills. It CAN, I guess, but that doesn't really fit in with how Warframe works. The only instant kills should be on targets that are under your level and/or damage threshold. >insert edgy getonmylevel meme here< 


    TBH I would prefer invincibility frames to a guaranteed instant kill. It doesn't make sense and blah blah blah but worry not- spacelogic. Instakills would just make people crowd to instant kill builds (probably some lokinvisibility thing) or whatever, and would probably break the sense of progression in warframe (atleast in the damage area)


    I do like your ideas though, and part of me does want to dig a little hole for them in warframe- don't get me wrong. I just feel they don't really have a proper place in warframe, aside from the couple of AI tweaks and cool visuals. I always get salty when 3 of my teammates go first and my efforts to flank a crowd are wasted. I mean, you saw my teammates Mr. Heavy Grineer. You never saw me. /cry (Not that flanking is even important in this game #DPSiseverything #swegyolo #boltorprimemasterrace #thispostwasn'tseriousintheslightest #ordelout)

  4. How about tie Tornado elements to the energy color of your Frame. Like Chroma does. It works for him - meaning its already an existing mechanic and would likely require minimal effort to implement here. 


    The difference between this and Chroma is that Chroma is bound to base elements (Toxic, fire, cold, and electric). Zephyr can use complex elements with her tornadoes, but if she had energy color-based tornadoes then, for example, how would she differentiate between gas, toxic, or corrosive? All 3 of those elements are green. And NOBODY wants to choose different shades of green just to change between the 3. Aside from that, people with no palettes unlocked wouldn't be able to utilize every shade. I guess they could use random colors like yellow or pink or whatever, but that'd be inconsistent.


    Basically, my point is to let Chroma do Chroma and let Zephyr do Zephyr. Just because it works for Chroma doesn't mean it works for Zeph.


    But I'd definitely like an option to make Zephyr's tornadoes linked to eachother and have one change cause all of them to change. Could be a little bit odd if you aren't a soloist, though.

  5. You should practise to better form your ideas in your head, and be more confident when you put in down in text. The more you do it, the less you'll need to go back for edits.

    If you form it succinctly the first time, you'll not need to edit the post thereafter.


    Granted, sometimes you may miss something and may need to add a bit at the end. But that's fine. It's only the internet.


    As long as you don't do that IRL it's not too bad. If i had to constantly re-edit a 35 page thesis like that (especially the "change ideas" part) i'd go mental ;)


    Proofreading also helps a bunch too.


    If i do edit to add something i will generally add "EDIT" at the bottom with what i added to my original post, i tend not to edit my original post too often unless i see something blatantly erroneous usually brought on by my trust in auto-correct T_T



    Generally, this is how i edit ;)


    Ahh, trust me, I'm set IRL. It's just on forums I do this. I guess it's the whole "Ahh screw it, it's just a lowly forum post anyway- Who's gonna see it?" mentality that has me coming back to a post several times. As you said, it IS only the internet.


    As for forming ideas in my head, eh. I'm that type of person that has two modes: "I care" and "I don't care" when it comes to writing of any type. I don't have an issue with this at times when it really counts ie. english class. I was just kinda curious to see if other people edited as oddly as I do.




    Overally though, I don't really have a problem with my editing habits. If I wanted to, I could just make single posts and be done with them. Iunno, I'm lazy and I don't ever put much effort into a post the first time I post it. It's not like this is a problem I'm trying to get fixed or anything. Just tryna gauge exactly how weird I am.

  6. As a player interested in having challenge and fun and tactical diversity, I love nullifiers.


    As a person who has emotions such as:



    Depression after wasting 150 energy to have Vex+Ward wasted as soon as I get nullfied

    and Happiness after slicing a Nullifier in half inside his own bubble,


    I can say they're annoying. Still a nice addition to the Corpus/Corrupted arsenal though.

    Part of me wishes their bubbles weren't damage capped and actually scaled with damage so I can use my bows again, but that's cool. I like my BratonP anyway.

  7. I actually am the opposite. I try to edit my posts as little as possible as the *Edited by Imaru at [time]* tagline at the bottom of the post I feel negatively impacts my credibility as it shows that I could have changed my argument completely to comply with every one else's opinion. 


    Hmm. That's an interesting thought. I never thought of editing a post THAT much.

    I see where you're coming from though. I would probably be the same way if I cared about credibility on forums anymore. :P

  8. I edit if i notice a typo, but normally i proof read what I've typed before i post it. Seems easier than constant edits.


    Yeah, and you're definitely right. It is. I just think I'm irrationally compulsive about it. Most times it's because I feel like I need to elaborate on an idea; I don't really make that many typing mistakes. I proofread as I go (when I'm not lazy).

  9. I'll admit it. I edit my posts about 12-13 times on average. I add small details, I fix spelling errors, I change ideas, I change sentences for clarity, I cut and paste paragraphs, I make grammatical corrections, etc. Seems to not be an issue on the rare occasion that I'm OP, though. Everytime I make a change I hit the "Submit Changes" or whatever button and then keep going back, doing each change in one segment and then repeating.


    So I was wondering, do other people do this or am I just extremely weird?

    (or both)


    EDIT: See, here I am doing it again. Guess I'm a liar ayy lmao

    But I wanted to add, I do this on EVERY forum I lurk in, not just the WF forums. But this is probably the place I do it most.

  10. Yes, puncture is like any other element, however it does highest damage vs Ferrite, Alloy, Sinew, and Robotic armor types.

    If there isn't any armor to deal damage against, you deal a flat 100% damage (assuming your weapon is fully puncture). With armor, you deal 150% versus ferrite. You also ignore half of their armor.

  11. Depends on your personal wealth.


    Low on creds - Single high-lv void runs


    Lots of cores - Maxing mods (the best ones are from vault runs)


    But if wealth isn't an issue, then go for selling sets of items. Sets are the longest to get but they've got the biggest payout.


    Arcanes from raids are nice too. But finding 7 other competent people in warframe is like finding 7 needles in a haystack.

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