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Posts posted by Ordel

  1. RIP consoles.

    These things sound more like gear than anything else. The type of gear I would actually use.

    (Yes, I'd like to confess. I haven't touched a health restore, energy restore, shield restore, or any gear other than fomorian disruptors in ages)

    (draco players pls dont hurt me)

  2. I am not complaining that he is selling this mod it just that players have been paying so much platinum for so long for these mods which are honestly some of the rarest in the game at this point but they don't need to be that rare they just need a home on the star chart already. DE need to revamp the drop table and look at some of the under/never used mods and make them more useful hell or maybe delete them and put them in the affinity(or whatever the past level 30 skill system is called) system that they have never put in so that way players can use them in let say a skill tree and not use mod points on them so the mods could be more useful and not hinder a Warframe/Weapons maximum potential.


    People knew damn well that the mods were going to be reintroduced. Their platinum was theirs to spend how they wish, however wasteful it could be. WF is still beta afterall, and nothing is permanent.


    But yeah, I can agree that the tethra(?) mods would've been nice to have reintroduced into the starchart earlier. And that the drop tables could stand a revamp. But that platinum argument is irrational.

  3. I've seen alot of timeframes to the point that usually I just skip over the thread, but this one is nice.


    Maybe Eon could give a damage buff to both hitscan/projectile weapons, because it feels unfair to give those weapons only a velocity boost while inherently hitscan weapons (coughsomaprimecough) gain a damage boost even though many hitscans already hit pretty hard.



  4. "waah the bo is fine cry cry"

    -ignorant people who don't read the forum's location




    But yeah, P2.0 should fix that. I'm just hoping it's actually worth it to parkour around rather than copter.

  5. His ability is based of shield damage, not the absence thereof. If you want shields, don't go into nightmare mode. There's not going to be some unnecessary buff to his shields/armor just because one of his abilities is effectively halved. If you really need to, being some HP restores. Or fire ward. Or a Trinity. It would be unbalanced for the other frames, especially those with lower armor values, if he just got a free boost in armor. :/



    "Isn't that basically the purpose of Vex A-"

    VA is meant to increase Chroma's survivability by increasing his armor and his damage output gradually as he takes more damage.

    Iron Skin, Warcry and Hysteria don't care about their shields because that's how the ability works. For Iron Skin, you get damage absorption because you use energy. Warcry- Buff for energy. Hysteria- Buff for energy. Vex Armor- Buff for energy AND if you lose X% shields, X% health.


    Aside from that, Steel Fiber is a thing if you're really hellbent on getting an armor increase.


    Edit- made the post a bit less hostile. :l

  6. To be honest, I don't. =/

    If one frame get's too many possibilities on how to build him, you wouldn't need any other frames in the game.

    While I do agree there has to be some variability to how you can build him, I do not enjoy the thought of making it possible for him to do about anything.

    And a "jack of all traits, master of none" kinda thing just doesn't work out in a group, because people will usually need you to fullfill a specific roll.

    I've been lurking on this thread, but this response..eugh. Out of all the other responses (most of which made sense), this one was painful to read. You even contradicted yourself.


    "If one frame get's too many possibilities on how to build him, you wouldn't need any other frames in the game."

    Arguably not. In Ronyn's concept, Exca has no healing power. Very little (if any) support. He damages, tanks, or scouts, and that's basically all. Exca can fulfill different roles, but he's not the best and usually being 'good' at something won't be as useful as being "the best" in high levels. Especially T4D/S/I. That's why he gets to be "the best" at being "versatile". So he CAN be useful in T4.


    "And a 'jack of all traits, master of none' kinda thing just doesn't work out in a group, because people will usually need you to fulfill a specific role."

    Did you not just say that he would be the "end-all frame"? Now you're saying he would be useless in high-level content, since he's not specialized. Which is untrue because of Exceed, and the fact he's given utility and better overall survivability. Besides that, as Ronyn pointed out, he's no healer and he's barely supportive in his rework. But he's still good for whatever he's modded for.


    tldr; exca can't do anything and contradiction is bad in forums

    edit- cleaned up post because i was sloppy af

  7. No one here has gotten the point. none of these frames or weapons really scream magic. None of there backgrounds fit it and even there abilities don't to an extent. Maybe there will be someone who isn't so one sided that will coment one day. Until then guess the game will stay the exact same. Gets boring after a while ya know : )


    You don't really seem to get the point either.

    The reason behind the frames not "Screaming" magic is because they're not meant to because WF is a sci-fi game. It has nothing to do with magic and the devs don't WANT anything to do with magic (afaik). They can relate everything they do to pseudoscience. Their backgrounds and abilities pertain to their lore and their position during the Old War and during The Collapse.


    Honestly, all you really need to do is link it to science and you can have whatever wizard101 spell you want.


    Oh, yeah, and Nekros doesn't raise the dead. He makes copies of them through nanites iirc.

    Ember and Frost are corrupted by the void, and Limbo manipulates void energy to rip between dimensions.

    Other frames are pretty self-explanatory.

  8. I know that. Thats why i put this thread up is because there is no magic. And it may be a scifi game but i'm sure they could implement it someway. I mean we already have a necromancer why not a witch or wizard?


    The whole point of his post was to say that sci-fi games don't have magic in them. Warframe doesn't really need magic. Not the Wizard101 type of magic that you're talking about, anyway.

  9. Sci-fi game.


    Elemental gloves = Frost and Ember

    Staff = Eh, the Ampris(?) shoots out lightning on its' slam attack. The amprex/synapse are basically this though.


    Basically, just stick with magic games if you're craving magic powers.

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