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Posts posted by Krjal

  1. At the very least you should collect the blueprints whenever an alert comes up. They're very valuable now in the PC trading channel.


    Personally I use a few of them as the benefits can be much greater than the cost.


    Trinity's Aura helmet, Frost's Aurora, Vauban's Esprit maybe, Ember's Phoenix among others are all usefull for customising a build.


    edit. Almost forgot! Vanguard for Rhino! Get it!

  2. I think it's too subjective. I have a bone colour scheme on mine and think it looks fine.


    If there's a skin that changes it I'd be fine with that, Immortal or something else. If it's added to an colour channel on the base skin though how would I get that grey part back without screwing up other areas?

  3. 3. Tenno are Tenno - alien race.

    No, they're not. Tenno were members of warrior clans of the Orokin Empire, a system-spanning human hegemony thousands of years ago. It's not explicitly stated but I think the term seems to have been transferred to only those who were twisted by the Void and able to wield the Warframes.

    edit. You may or may not call them human any more but they started off as human.

  4. Yep, still broken. Or at least re-broken. I've reported this a few times since it started happening again.


    Just keep reporting, I'm sure they'll get around to fixing it eventually... again.


    In the mean time, make sure you take your favourite brand of vacuum (mine's a Dyson) and jump into all those reset volumes. For extra tall mod-eating drops make sure you're wearing a Zephyr to Tailwind down at them. You're more likely to pick them up like that.


    Works well on the famous Xini defense map type where stuff's dropping off all the time.

  5. Seems like a bug to me. Hasn't been documented it patch notes and I haven't had it happen before.



    If that's true then that makes me really happy. We were do for some kind of negative effect of sprinting as fast as you can through a level.


    Not sure why it would affect speedrunners more than normal players or explorers. I never speedrun and if this was put in as a 'feature' with no warning or mention in patch notes (with explanation) I'd be pretty pissed off.

  6. While they've said that anything's game except for the Founders' pack exclusives it's pretty unlikely.


    edit. I would've bought it if they'd had an accessories pack like with the new Prime access. I guess if they want to do some kind of limited re-release like that they can have my money... more of it.

  7. One of my favourite things about the Corpus identity is their use of 'proxies'. It's never explained whether Moas, Hyenas, Jackal etc. are remote controlled or inhabited in some way by a sapient member of Corpus or just 'dumb AI' with simple commands and I'd love to see that area fleshed out more.


    (I never saw it but maybe something like Surrogates? I think it was a Bruce Willis movie?)


    How does the indoctrination into Corpus ideology and/or methods affect those who undergo it? This Merchant cult seem to have a lot of ritual and dogma built up over the intervening time of Tenno wakening.


    edit. I know Zanuka is controlled or guided to some extent by Alad V but it also seems at least partially autonomous. Still no conclusion either way.

  8. Hah, very cool.


    Did you have to play 'first person' for long?


    And the thing from Oberon is either a loincloth or part of a tabard. You're right though, looks pretty good. Loincloth cosmetics incoming, DE?



    Not exactly first person view though, more like chest (or on Nyx's case, boobs) view. It usually happened when your view-cam position got blocked from behind, like when you got backed up to a wall.


    FPS views are actually from chest height in a lot of cases. It lets you see the arms and weapon and also control the character from a point closer to centre of mass.


    You're right it's not really set up like that for Warframe but it's interesting that a bug would repro it so closely.

  9. The problem with that being, Renewal gets shorter the more you improve it. Adding mitigation to it means an upgrade will make the effect more situational.


    Personally, I think they should scrap Renewal and give Hallowed Ground a healing effect for allies standing in it; Hallowed Ground has higher output, scales linearly, and STACKS, so you can boost your burst healing to high levels (ie the ~1400 health cap your Ash, Zephyr and Saryn buddies have, rather than the 200 health of a half-leveled Excalibur) as needed... provided you have the energy, timing, positioning (to maximize your mobility while healing), and range.

    Granting that a paladin should be a close-range combatant anyway.

    Bonus points, since putting the healing in the environment would eliminate wasting the effect via early dispersion while remaining somewhat druidic, just to keep the line blurred.


    THEN there would be space for an impressive standalone party-mitigation skill.


    Again, just one opinion.


    I love the idea of Hallowed Ground having a purpose. I haven't been able to get it to do anything so far.

  10. Gotta agree with Spilock on this. Use your plat for things you can't get ingame. Slots, colour pallets and other cosmetic bits.


    If you'd like help getting a 'frame ask in Recruiting chat or PM me ingame. :)


    edit. Forgot to say. You'd probably like Saryn better as a 'tank'. Valkyr is great at melee damage but her active ult is the only thing making her tanky.

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