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Posts posted by Krjal

  1. I get this awkward feeling every time I see the word "Specter" in the game. Because in UK English it's spelt Spectre it looks like it's misspelt in the game.


    Don't Canadians use UK-based English like we Aussies do?


    Anyway, I'd like an option for UK English spelling at some point so it doesn't look like there are mistakes floating around in the game text the whole time. My favourite colourful language is missing a few letters from its armoury here and there in Warframe ;)

  2. Users' avatars from the original set aren't loading on the forum at the moment. Be nice if they were put back in. I'm quite fond of my old Rhino avatar.


    edit. not sure what changed but it's working now. Thanks I guess? :D

  3. When someone enters an extraction zone the Survival timer switches to an extraction timer but if that person leaves the extraction zone the Survival timer doesn't reinstate.


    This is UI/HUD only by the way. The Survival timer is still working, just not shown.

  4. You did NOT understand my question :P


    I was asking if the update was coming out in the usual time, meaning it would be 12 to 3am for europe, hence why I was asking it it was going to be released earlier so I could play it today, and not tomorrow after 6 hours of school x.x



    Haha, ok. Well it'll probably be the same time or later, sorry mate ;)


    They've got a lot to do so it's pretty likely they'll have to take extra time to put it all together at the end.

  5. This would be especially awesome for new players when they have to pick their first frame.

    Agreed. It'd be a great boon for new players. I know a few who were very confused with their picks which didn't quit turn out how they imagined.

  6. Wondering, is the update coming out late for us Europeans? (That we have to wait for Thursday like every update? :o)

    Updates come out simultaneously worldwide. The date is rather irrelevant :p


    It's Thursday early morning by the time they come out here in Australia normally but it's still at the same time as everywhere else. There's no extra waiting.

  7. All the banking details are handled by other providers though, not DE. You'd have to find out about their systems.


    Unfortunately there's also that middleman 'Ulitmate'Pay which DE continues to use for their payments. They could have all sorts of holes in their system. Hopefully as I've used PayPal and Steam for my purchases I should be ok but you never know...

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