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Posts posted by Worira

  1. Well, actually, you're referring to the fictional usage of the term "point blank". The actual term doesn't really apply, since this game doesn't have bullet drop.


    That said, yeah, I've noticed this happening on occasion too. I think it's probably either to do with the aim being offset from the centre of your screen due to third person, or the bullets starting from a position that can clip through enemies.

  2. Disclaimer: Platinum (Pt) is an in-game virtual currency. It cannot be exchanged for real money or any other goods or services, except for Warframe content. In the event that we reset the player base (during or after Closed Beta) we will set your in-game Platinum balance to the total amount previously purchased. Platinum purchases are non-refundable. Please see our Terms of Service for additional information.


    So no, plus they've said they aren't going to have a reset anyway, other than an optional one.

  3. OP suggestion BTW, pretty much sums up the modern gamer's entitled attitude: they want the game to let them make mistakes and get away with that. Currently Warframe is not like that, it is reasonably hard and, most importantly, unforgiving. Which is extremely rare these days, so I really hope it will stay like that and not become a generic modern TPS, full of autoaims, enemy indicators, regenerating everythings and instant recovery from everything bad that happens to the player. No sir, that's not what Warframe should be.

    Yeah! Dang modern gamers and their not wanting to be stunlocked! Back in the good old days of Doom, if one monster hit you, you got stumbled until- oh wait no I must be thinking of something else no attack in Doom took control away from the player

  4. Man, I get the feeling some of the people in this thread thought the "Turtles" bit was the cool part of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. How about instead of complaining about people accomplishing the mission objectives efficiently, you speed up?

  5. The alert system doesn't reward players who spend time playing the game, or players who play well, it rewards players who are available to play briefly for a larger portion of the day. That's an incredibly terrible mechanic in general, let alone tied to one of the most important aspects of character progression.

  6. One ability that makes him completely immune to enemies for 15 seconds. It's not that his other abilities are useless, and I've never heard anyone say they were (other than maybe radial blast), it's that there is very rarely a reason you would want to use an ability to stun a room of enemies for 10 seconds or so when you could instead make everything they do utterly pointless for 30. I also like how you say he gets the tank role "slapped on him", as if it was some kind of design oversight that the character tied for the strongest defense stats in the game, with two defensive polarity slots and an ability that makes him utterly invincible, gets used as a tank.

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