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Posts posted by Worira

  1. There is rarley a "right" side and a "wrong" side in any argument.

    Both sides have their valid points just as much as both sides might have their invalid points.

    Put yourself in the other persons shoes, see it from there eyes, then find some kind of base in the middle.

    De will read the topics anyway...staying contstructive and unbiased will help improve the game more then trying to win some argument online because of someones ego or stubborness.


    Golden mean fallacy. If one person wants to kick all the puppies, and the other wants to kick none of the puppies, the answer isn't "kick half the puppies".

  2. A sentiment I anticipated. Our Designer's words. Provided constructive feedback follows, I can present a new case for the Gorgon.


    You've got a subforum full of it. The arguments against the current state of the Gorgon are not exactly hidden.

  3. So... you're advising using a literally worthless mod for crit chance in the hypothetical event that the devs make it merely bad at some point in the future?

  4. Have you noticed how Lotus is all "Hey go grab the artifact guys" then "OK cool go leave now"? That's because those are your OBJECTIVES. The enemies are obstacles, not targets, unless you're playing extermination or defense.

  5. They didn't take the weekend off, they were legally required to not-work during the weekend because Canada has rules about workdays.


    This is incorrect. The provincially mandated weekly rest time is 24 consecutive hours, or 48 consecutive hours in a two-week period, and there's no restriction as to what day it is. I imagine their contracts entitle them to full weekends off with possible exceptions, and I don't think many here begrudge them that, but it has very little to do with provincial labour law, let alone federal, beyond the point of "yes, contracts are a thing".

  6. This is a bad idea and you should feel bad!


    But more seriously, I don't think any realistic weapons should ever be a part of Warframe. Pseudorealistic weapons like (for example) the Strun or the Lato, however... These are weapons that REALLY COULD exist. I'm sure there's a handgun like the Lato out there, somewhere. I'm sure there's an SMG that looks something remotely similar to the Furis. But they also FIT THE GAME, because they have that sci-fi sleekness.


    I can see the stranger weapons from Dark Sector showing up. They have a possible history in the game world, and they're more fitting. But REAL weapons should never be part of Warframe, because of aesthetic clashes and general NO NO NO.


    Aside from the the Glaive, Nemesis's blade, and the minigun/rocket launcher combo the heavy troopers carry, all the weapons in Dark Sector are pretty closely modelled on real-life weapons. And I guess you could count the flechette bursts the Stingers and Chroma use, which I actually would kind of like to see in warframe as the shotgun-style equivalent to the Bolto and Boltor, whether as a set of arm/hand-mounted launchers or as a standalone weapon.

  7. Actually, a weapon with a 10 round clip and 10% crit chance has 0.00000001% chance to crit on every single bullet. The chance that 2 bullets will crit is 1%. The chance that 3 bullets will crit is 0.1%. The chance that the weapon will score no crits from a clip is 90%.



    Your figures need work. 90% is the chance of any individual bullet not scoring a crit, not of the entire clip failing to score any.


    Mietz, critical chance is very much a direct DPS mod. It's just a crappy one.


    Miles, your math is terrible.

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