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Posts posted by Worira

  1. Currently, to get the maximum fire rate on semiautomatic weapons without a macro, you need to hit the button at exactly the time the fire rate refreshes. This has the effect of forcing you to click much faster than the actual fire rate of the gun.  This is especially noticeable when compared to the super-aggressive buffering on melee attacks.

  2. I use cheatengine to fix a super FPS error in Saint's Row 2 so it's actually playing slow enough to be playable.  o.o





  3. all this talk about those heavy weapons should only be used for chargins really annoys me.


    i am using a scindo and i am mainly using it with normal attacks. why? because it's a goddamn heavy weapon. i cannot get knocked away by the explosions of those infested suicide guys (runners) and i cannot be knocked away by the hounds. only things that can knock me over while i am swinging around are ancients, bosses, heavy gunners (and those alike) and chargers with their charge.


    i really enjoy swinging my scindo through multiple enemies while standing in their middle. no chance for charge attacking there. if you really need charge attacks then do it and charge. it's all a matter of preference.


    one thing should be noted about the heavy weapons (well two things).

    they are slow and THEY SHAKE THE SCREEN LIKE NO TOMORROW. your teammates will hate you if you are swinging your scindo right next to them and they are using something like the paris or the snipetron, basically anything you have to aim.


    The heavy weapons all have uninterruptible  charge attacks. It's one of their major benefits.

  4. Due to the sprint speed being used as part of balance, this might be a very difficult problem to solve without much implications.


    They could however try to extend the timing for getting to the point of extraction.


    The thing is, sprint speed is really bad thing to use for balance in this game. It makes sense in PvP games, where it can make you more difficult to hit, allow you to control where, when, and with whom fights happen,  and put yourself in a better position during firefights. Here it just... makes you able to actually get to where the game requires you to be.

  5. So let's look at this from all angles.


    Instead of shooting the guy who MIGHT at a point in his lifespawn, lob a grenade at you, you're sitting there in open waiting for him to throw the nade, while his 20 buddies fill you with bullets. Ummm... okay?


    Hell yeah I am. I'm a ninja, not Jim Faceshootington.

  6. the new system is made to prevent rush, loot & quit, ppl heading to bosses, killing them, leaving, sometimes if they were host, and they left, the rest of the ppl couldnt loot, or if he was too far too, and alot more things


    At which it fails miserably. There's no incentive for a rusher not to quit after killing the boss, except the three times they actually drop a relevant blueprint.

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