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Posts posted by Worira

  1. Empathy for sure... We honestly thought people would be overjoyed. So you can imagine we're disappointed with how some are reacting. A global goal, new enemy type, coded messages, event exclusive gear...


    I'd say, overall, the event has been well-received. The coded messages were pretty universally regarded with intense interest, Fusion Moas are very well liked, and the idea of a global event system was generally applauded as a step towards greater gameplay diversity/endgame content. The concerns people have seem to be mainly in the specifics of the implementation, rather than the idea as a whole.


    People's main problems seem to be not having a sense of their individual efforts in Moa-hunting contributing to the overall goal, the repetitive nature of what's needed to increase the overall percentage, and needing to wait beyond the point of the end of the event to actually work on getting whatever the prize is. Overall, I do think most of us are looking forward to the next event like this.

  2. Well I don't agree with nerfing characters. It's not cool. Some people are really attached and again this is a game vs AI. They shouldn't nerf any characters. I solo 98% of the time and if anything all the ones I have played (mosty female) need buffs. 



    Well, no, Moult definitely needed a nerf, it was a little crazy. The problem is that a) it was overnerfed, to well below the point of Decoy, and b) Saryn doesn't really have a particularly strong skillset otherwise to pick up the slack, and the nerf to Moult didn't come with any buffs to her other skills.

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