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Posts posted by Worira

  1. No, actually, allusions are supposed to be subtle. References are supposed to be direct.


    Anyway, other references include the Technocyte virus, the Jackal, the prototype armour and Excalibur, the symbol of the lotus, and probably a few others I can't think of offhand.

  2. I don't think they intended for this, since the Hek has a spread, the cone is just tighter than the Strun and the Boar. I don't mind the nerf, it doesn't affect me since I don't enjoy sniping with it, I am usually in short-medium ranges of enemies and it's still a OSK unless I shoot off centered or it's a heavy. And regarding bullet holes, slash at a wall with a blade or the hammer an it will leave a hole as well, it's just animations, it doesn't mean the Hek fires slugs. And unless you were using it to snipe across the map, then I can see why you'd be hating on the nerf.



    Because he was using it to 'snipe' across medium-sized rooms, perhaps? Or, given how the falloff mechanics work, shoot at literally any range at all?

  3. I'd like this, yes. Right now I feel like the game penalizes actually trying to use the defensive options available to you, both because of this and because they really don't actually prevent you from taking damage.


    Interesting, I'm watching a Let's Play of Dark Sector, and the LPer specifically draws attention to Hayden Tenno's ability to reload while rolling, and how it makes the dodge roll a valuable tactic against the infected.

  4. Gorgon's still good for mass infested at really long ranges.  Least you don't have damage fall off past 5m.


    Also, damn people don't know shotgun physics. Shotgun ranges are limited by spread and the aim of the user rather than some arbitrary damage fall off  (apparently air resistance is greater in space).



    Also, Bronco's reload got even buggier this patch. -_- Can't wait for 7.10 or 7.9.1 for some un-nerfs and fixing my damn bronco.


    Apparently, every mission takes place in Jupiter's atmosphere.

  5. It has nothing to do with easy access, though. In fact, the problem is, arguably, exactly that - you could get the Glaive by being lucky because you happened to be online when it spawned on a Terminus alert. The alert system has nothing to do with effort and everything to do with luck; if you're there, you're there, and if you're not... too bad, even if you've played every day and the other guy that got it played the game for one hour.

    The alert system is not a system that should be used to introduce a new class of weapon, I feel.



    Man, I'd be really annoyed if the Glaive was in a Terminus alert, since Terminus alerts are invariably broken.

  6. I'm pretty sure the difference is that some attacks like the rifle butt or shield smash (I can confirm that regular Grineer, as well as Corpus crewmen, stumble themselves when doing their basic melee attack on you, by the way. It looks hilarious.) just inflict a stumble/knockdown status on you, while the various shockwaves inflict knockdown while also applying a physics force to your character, and Trinity's link only gives you immunity to the knockdown/stumble effects themselves. You can see this by running into a shield Grineer versus a Moa shockwave; the Grineer will knock you down in exactly the same position, while the Moa will send you flying into the air and backwards as you fall.

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