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Everything posted by Suspended7th

  1. Its already 25% weaker damage and like 23-24% weaker damage reduction on other frames.
  2. Do not take this as criticism. This is purely a think piece on this concept. There are 2 main trains of thought and a ton of minor trains of thought as to why this is being said. The first is that a simple click and forget damage boost feels bad because skill should be rewarded. The best damage buffs always have the most complex conditions to work. Simple damage buffs are meant to be weak so that you can lazily increase damage, but are not instantly OP. To gain the crazy damage buffs there is always a catch, and the players that care about dealing the most damage learn to deal with the negatives to gain the positives and relish in the challenge. If everything is given to you, nothing is earned. The second is that all of the warframes are beautifully crafted masterpieces of themed abilities that all synergize into a true depiction of art in motion. Why would you want to take something that is so beautiful and sterilize it because it doesn't quite function properly. The game is meant to be enjoyed for what it is. If you don't like the theme of the frame then don't use it. Something without beauty is nothing. These two opinions are not the only opinions, but they are the main 2 I have heard. The crazy thing is that these opinions converge on the same conclusion, but come from completely different ends of the gaming spectrum. Realistically, only the people in the middle of the spectrum want the tap/hold or select and use type systems. And if bell curves have taught us anything, the middle of the spectrum is the largest group. The million dollar question is who does DE want to cater to.
  3. I am going to get burried in this thread, but here is my idea. I would make this a channeled ability like gloom. tap to cast hold to swap between dark and light. constant energy drain. We now have 4 different flavors of "deal more damage" helminth abilities that are all slightly different with slightly different attributes. Eclipse is the only one that is just raw damage increase. If it is changed to a toggle it will become one of the most boring abilities in the game both from a gameplay and buildcrafting standpoint. simply put this on and use it to increase gun damage like a mod would for x%. Lets be honest, nobody uses the defensive part. But, if it were to become a channeled ability, it now interacts with all of the incarnon weapons that require a channeled ability. Suddenly the defensive option is actually an option for frames that want to deal ability damage but struggle to survive. It would add survivability both from the incarnon that adds health per channeled ability and from the damage reduction. And it makes the ability more balanced as it sucks away energy constantly. This could be done similar to other abilities with an energy drain that pause overtime energy regen to make it much more balanced. I think this solves a lot of issues with the ability. It provides a buff in that the ability is now perfectly consistent and always provides maximum buff, but also a nerf because of the energy economy of it. It may still need to be tuned down in terms of raw power, but this change would make the ability so much more interesting to incorporate into builds instead of just "slap this in because big numbers".
  4. There seems to be two sides to this argument. Two major groups at war. Those that want to actually have fun while playing the game, and those that are having fun playing the game. Those that believe the rewards are fair, and those that believe they aren't. Those that are attacking DE, and those that are defending. Those of you on the correct side of the argument need to realize that the highest engagement in this entire forum is like 20-30 likes. Legitimate bugs like what the xbox players are experiencing in phase 4 are likely to be fixed because that's not a contested issue. Everything else is going to be ignored. If you want DE to listen you need thousands of likes, if not tens of thousands. The sad truth is that the people in charge can safely ignore 99% of this thread. I understand your frustrations. These people will never understand our perspective. And they don't have to. Just remember that about half the community agrees with you and until that number goes up you are powerless. All you can do is play the game and show DE with your hours of dedication what you want to happen.
  5. Did you really derail it though? I'd say something else derailed it, or it didn't have very long rails XD.
  6. Ya know. I thought about that too. There is a good possibility you are correct, but even if it wasn't genuine it happened. And that still counts in my book. Its like smiling. When you are happy, you smile. But science has proved the opposite is true; if you smile it makes you happy. Just going through the motions of having to do it is a good step in my book.
  7. Sometimes the best solution to childishness is patience. Ironic that I was being put down for being impatient yet somehow was patient enough to get them to actually say why they disagree. It also helps that I love arguing with people when I am right. Say what you will about this individual, but I think I convinced them that their initial post was mega toxic and got them to talk like an adult. Whether their opinion about the original topic is right or wrong was never the issue. Just that they were being cringe. Who knows. Maybe it will help in the future. I like to think everyone can learn to be mature and state their opinions without personal attacks if they are given enough encouragement to do so. They are clearly very good at being polite and encouraging to anyone who shares their opinions. Just needs to work on the dissenting ones. We all go through this phase at some point, myself included, It just takes us different amounts of time to get out of it.
  8. A statistician would say this this is a minor but non-insignificant issue. And the people that would complain about it are not on my side. It would be silly of me to think that something might happen in regards to this. In that regard you are 100% correct. HOWEVER! Change doesn't require a majority to be enacted. If it did, then you and I would both be in a bit of a pickle. Sometimes it takes a small group to make large changes, and I would never know if people are with me without asking publicly like I have. And who knows, maybe there is an employee at DE who sees this and has a tiny bit of a think about it. The new player experience is pretty important to the life of a game. I can hope and dream, and no amount of telling me to delete my hopes and dreams because they seem trivial will make me do so. To address your concern. I play about 3 games simultaneously. Call it a diversification of my limited time. All I want is to get the cosmetics, something I could skip if its too tedious, in place of getting important things in other games. And when you work a 40 hour work week you don't necessarily have time for the crazy long grind. What I do have is enough time to play all the games that I enjoy for the necessities. I am blessed with an amazing BF who takes care of the food while I take care of the majority of the bills so I have more time than most in my position. So when I am forced to go at half speed for a grind that already takes hours I get a little agitated. I have been playing this game since the open beta in 2013 when the game wasn't even on Steam (was broke in college and couldn't afford a founder pack). A shorter grind isn't going to sway me away from the game. Will it sway others to quit, sure I'll give you that. I only ever have things to do when new content drops or an event is active, but I am still here. If you play this game long enough you will inevitably run out of things to grind for. But if a new player is just starting their grind and are constantly being left behind they probably will not reach that point and will quit earlier. In the grand scheme of things this boils down to the difference between 8 hours of grinding solo if it is made more efficient, 12 hours of grinding with the loss of a few players that stop playing from being left behind, and 16 hours of grinding while waiting for other players. My personal opinion is that it should be changed to avoid this. The only way to avoid this without a change is to convince around 3-5% of the community that waiting is important. A group of gamers that never visit the forums, play solo 90% of the time to not have to deal with it, decide to save their own time instead of sparing others, do whatever it takes to increase speed and efficiency, and are highly devoted to getting everything. I understand your opinion. I don't know what I want done about this; in my initial post I stated as such. I really like the idea proposed by others of being able to put up more than one relic when playing solo, but only being able to select one reward. 4x the cost of entry with 3x the potential reward. In the long run it loses time because you have to farm for the relics, but in the short term when you want to just play solo you don't have to worry about other players. I am also concerned about the balance of the game and don't think it should be equally as efficient. I just believe that it should be better than 1/3 of that of playing in a group. I personally think that 1/2 would be much more appropriate, but that's just my opinion. I also stated that finding groups doesn't really work either. I have tried that and have run into the same problems except you cant leave the group without looking like an ungrateful jerk. Having a good clan or friends really only works if they are grinding the same thing (good luck convincing them to farm with you for 5-6 hours if they don't need the same thing). As I see it, only a change to the system will be a positive change. And if it is too trivial of an issue, then it doesn't matter what I do and I should stop caring about the new players because it is going to happen regardless. If the community disagrees then so be it.
  9. Honey, you called me a very very very sad, borderline pathetic person. I don't think there is a person alive who would call that silly banter. Take another read over the other responses as there were a few that agreed with you, yet they somehow avoided attacking me directly. I don't need anyone else to help me form an opinion of you. But just because my opinion of you isn't the highest doesn't mean we can't talk. Healthy discussion is the only way to overcome differences of opinion and that's why I keep talking. All for the hope of having a real conversation. You don't need to come to terms with it. You don't have to like it. All you need to do is pretend its true. Pretend there are people out there who take the speed of their gaming somewhat seriously. A minority group yes, but not insignificant. People who enjoy the challenge of going fast more than the joy of the game itself. There is the premise of the post. If you cant accept the premise then the post appears trivial and frivolous. But if you can suspend your disbelief for just a moment and put yourself in my shoes, then take my points as they stand. The missions take just over a minute Playing in a group of 4 increases drops approximately 3 fold. Time is spent to make sure that extra yellow enemies are killed if someone isn't at 10 (completely reasonable) Time is spent waiting for extraction (annoying, but understandable) some players need an excessive amount of more time after this wait because either the game screwed them over with spawning late, they skipped pickups on the way, or they were not prepared to move that fast (the issue at hand) Waiting for these specific players makes the mission take 2-2.5 times as long do I wait for them wasting 3 peoples time do I leave and take the rewards and hope they have a better time next game do I ask DE to do something, literally anything, no suggestions or biases, to protect these gamers from being left behind Even if I were to wait 100% of the time, 50% of the time there are at least 2 other players that wont wait If I were completely callous and self centered I would never have made this post and just continued leaving them behind. But instead I seek a solution. Some way to make life better for everyone.
  10. The street goes both ways. Funny how that works huh? I somehow feel like you don't even understand what I am labeling toxic. Its like you have convinced yourself that I am so incredibly impatient and so incredibly self centered that absolutely nothing I say matters. You took my initial post, ignored everything else I said, and continue to call me a bad person. Doesn't that sound really familiar? Almost like you have seen it somewhere before? Almost like its exactly what I have been doing to you? We are really not that different you and I. Care to end the insults and actually talk? Or are you too stuck in your ways, stalwartly defending your position without even attempting to make a compromise?
  11. No worries. Just following the golden rule. Be wholesome to wholesome people and toxic to toxic people. Its quite easy to remain sane if you know you are talking to a toxic person.
  12. You are probably right, they do not deserve this amount of energy. But sometimes I feel like hypocrites deserve to have someone pointing things out to them that they somehow cant see for themselves.
  13. I feel like I am having a conversation with a vegan about eating meat. I can bring up whatever point I want to, but I will always be told I am wrong and a terrible person for thinking that way. I don't know what speedrunners have done to you in the past, but it must have been pretty traumatic. Its honestly fascinating that you can hate an entire group of people because they play video games fast. Seems a bit weird and arbitrary to me. Like calling someone who plays creative mode in Minecraft a very very very sad person because the game is designed to be a survival game. Either way I do not expect a response with any intelligence in it. Keep riding that high horse. Ill just be over here being a horrible person by playing games fast.
  14. Ohhhh. I get it. I wasn't being called pathetic. The amount of impatience was being called borderline pathetic. Well that changes everything. My eyes are now open and I forgive you. Seriously Bro lay off the copium and GIT GUD. Life isn't about how listless we can get through it, so maybe stop being so lazy and buck up a bit, instead of complaining that other people are getting the latest shiny that DE is dangling in front of you faster than you can. If you waste all of your time getting the shiny then you would have no time to do literally anything else, so just let the game do what it is supposed to do, and that is challenge you. This whole thread is showcasing just how little skill and drive you have and that everything revolves around you forcing your laziness on others, which to be blunt, is just really really really sad, borderline pathetic. Take what shred of digni9ty you have and delete your posts before anyone else has to read this mess showcasing the definition of "mediocrity" and "self-centered." The really sad part is that YOU can't recognize that this is a YOU problem because Warframe, or any game with a built in timer for missions and a plethora of items and abilities to go faster, are designed to encourage "speed running" but apparently you cant see that and that is sad. I don't expect anything from any players with regards to how fast they need to be to meet my expectations but I do expect people to strive for improvement. I get it completely, you are a lazy person who has to force others to slow down for you to enjoy a game. There is a fine line between enjoying a game and being lazy and asking other players to stoop to your level to make it easier for you to be lazy isn't the definition of enjoying a game. Stop being like that grandma everyone has that keeps telling you video games and cartoons are for children, that you are too old for them, and demanding that you stop playing them. Just because you cant understand it doesn't mean its wrong. Stop being so extremely self-centered that you believe anyone with a different opinion of fun is so wrong that they should be forced to change how they think with absolutely no evidence. If this is the argument you want to make then you have absolutely zero empathy and may need to rethink how civil you really are.. For the record I never called you pathetic I said it was "really, really, really sad, borderline pathetic" and the context was about how unwilling you are to improve yourself with trying to intrinsically deny wanting something that benefits different gamers who prefer to play differently than you. Gamers who don't want to be forced into a PUBLIC squad because they might make you wait more than your avg speed run time of 70-80 seconds for a fissure. I can admit that I can come across as abrasive and harsh and I apologize for my brutal words but I will always be honest and frank because sometimes being direct is just more effective in getting your point across. I will try and work on my approach in the future. Have a pleasant tomorrow!
  15. It took this long for you to get my point. I stated my case, no matter how selfish or impatience, and your initial response was extremely toxic. We have different goals in this game. We play this game differently. We have different definitions of fun. The equivalent to this statement would be me saying "You are a filthy casual who will never progress with that mindset. You will be stuck as a mediocre loser who will never amount to anything. Your lack of initiative to improve your gameplay is very very very sad, borderline pathetic. Wasting away without every trying to improve yourself. Take what shred of dignity you have and delete this reply before anyone else has to read this." Which sucks. That's wildly toxic. You disagree with me, obviously, but why can't you just do it civilly, like any of the other posts here. You can bring whatever heat you want, but I'm not going to stand for a personal attack to shut down an idea. You want it shut down, simply state why instead of calling me pathetic. If you want to try to convince me calling someone pathetic and whatever else you said in your first post isn't mean you are more than welcome to. You will never convince me calling someone pathetic is a way to convince them they are wrong. All it does is stir the pot and make people mad.
  16. Have you ever worked a job with a chain smoker? Someone who gets really mean and nasty if they don't smoke a cigarette seemingly every 10 minutes. Someone who will just up and leave for 5-10 minutes all the time. Meanwhile everyone else is working hard the whole time with a manager not letting you take a break because you don't smoke. Sure the first time you see it you can chalk it up to accommodating their needs. By the second month you start to think about the sheer amount of time they spend getting paid to smoke. Maybe even time their breaks without them noticing. Across an 8 hour shift they are out smoking for anywhere between 45 minutes and an hour. And somehow miraculously after a year they are still there. Nothing is ever done about the time they spend outside smoking. Now when you go to your boss and complain about this person spending nearly 1/8th of their day smoking instead of working, what do you expect to be done. Do you want your boss to call you petty and sad. They are a smoker, they need the break, what right do you have to tell them they can't smoke. The boss lets it slip to another employee that you are targeting that person and the whole office finds out. You are treated like garbage for not having empathy. People start timing your lunches and report you for coming back just a minute late. Have you ever played a table top game with someone who constantly answers text messages during the game. Every time it is their turn they take about a minute to do anything. Constantly slowing the game down. Its only 60 seconds, why is it a problem. If you bring it up with the group do you expect the group to talk to the person on their phone all the time, or to tell you you are being petty and sad. Have you ever been in a raid group with someone who takes an inordinate amount of time between each encounter and each wipe to change their equipment when everyone else is ready to go. Do you expect the group to call you petty and sad for bringing that up. In every one of these situations, you are in the exact same situation. Do you get to choose your coworkers? Sure, get a new job. Do you get to choose who you play tabletop games with? Sure, find a new group. You can also find a new raid group. But can you honestly say this is how all the situations would go? If a corporation finds out someone is now working for 1/8 of their time they are going to be reprimanded. If a gaming group constantly has to wait for a single player, they are going to be removed from the group. At some point you need to ask yourself if its time to cut your losses. Everyone out here is playing the same game. Sometimes you need to look at the flip side of the argument. Me having to wait 60 seconds for someone in the grand scheme of things is a very minor gripe. Player 2 having to wait 50 seconds for someone to finish is also a minor gripe. Player 3 having to wait 40 seconds is a Minor gripe. How big of a gripe is it for player 4 to have to play a 80 second game and not get rewards? Its ONLY 80 seconds, and they are wasting a cumulative 150 seconds of other's time. Who has the moral high ground? And what if it takes Player 4 more than 60 seconds? What if player 4 takes 5 minutes because the spawns have stopped? Is giving that player a reward at the cumulative cost of 900 seconds of other's time. It is a PUBLIC LOBBY and they are inconveniencing 3 people. Lets get this straight as well. I know I type a lot and people complain about it all the time. My premise is not that I am waiting 15-30 seconds. This happens regardless of how coordinated your squad is. Waiting 15-30 seconds is not an issue. My issue is waiting 60+ seconds. Someone getting to extraction after me isn't the problem. The problem is when I have already waited 55 seconds and someone needs me to leave extraction for them. Without the void stuff, I can finish the map in 30 seconds. With the void stuff I am getting to extraction in 75 seconds on average. Time between runs is about 25 seconds. lets be generous with the run time and say it takes me 90 seconds solo leading to a total of 105 seconds per run. If I wait the 55 seconds and have to leave extraction, then wait another 60 seconds before extracting that's 125 seconds. Thus my argument is that waiting for someone who needs much more than the extraction timeout is taking an entire run worth of time away, spent doing nothing. Typically 2 other players meet me there within 30 seconds. So they are also wasting nearly an entire run doing nothing as well. You are probably not the only person who thinks this is ridiculous. But if you cant accept that I am not the only person who thinks it is ridiculous on the other end you are blind. You know what else I have noticed. Every time without fail, if the person does not get rewards they are extremely toxic in chat. Yet all 3 people that extracted without them are silent. Nobody apologizes. Nobody flames them for being slower. Nothing. and then as soon as the game is over and the squad returns to the orbiter, all 3 players leave the party because they don't want to have to wait for people to select a new relic. This is MUCH bigger than me. This is a systemic problem amongst a large portion of the community. Its obviously not everyone, but its large enough that I see it all the time. Just because I brought it up does not mean that I am the only one that wants it to happen. Simply telling me "you are a sad person" doesn't stop the issue. 50% of the time I see someone asking us to wait, all 3 players don't. simply telling people not to isn't going to help the players that don't want to speedrun. Why can't we just talk about it as a real issue? Why just attack me personally instead of looking at it like a problem to be solved. These players are having their experience ruined because we want to go faster. I used to always wait. I really did. but several years of this has driven me to stop. I got sick of it. I dont want to wait anymore for something I have done thousands of times. And so has a ton of other people. The system is forcing 3 people to either deal with waiting about 2 minutes for one person, or just extract. What's so wrong with asking for the system to be changed to separate the groups. Put the people who cant be asked to wait in their own parties, and let everyone else play together in harmony. Why do I, and 2 of the other 3 players have to make our experiences less fun when we shouldn't have to? Where is the problem in asking?
  17. So you are telling me that I am playing the game wrong and that it is pathetic that I am playing it that way. You are telling me to delete this post because you don't agree with it. You are telling me to stop and smell the roses during a limited time event I had to pay to get entry to. Look, you are entitled to your opinion as much as I am entitled to mine. If you think the game is meant to be played at a leisurely pace, stopping to notice interesting things and playing to have fun you are more than welcome to do so. But to come out swinging and telling me that I am "really really really sad, borderline pathetic" because I enjoy playing fast is just ridiculous. My points in the post aside entirely, infact this game itself aside entirely, saying that a playstyle is so wrong that someone should feel ashamed for using it is so ridiculously close minded that I cannot believe people would take that stance. Pick a game, literally any game from pretty much the entire history of video games, someone is out there right now speedrunning it. They don't speedrun it because they want to suck the fun out of it, they speedrun to have fun in the challenge of going faster. Your take is that anyone out there playing literally any game to go fast instead of enjoying the game is wrong, sad, and pathetic. If you want to refute any of my points you are more than welcome. I am sure you are a nice enough person as I perused a few of your posts and all of the ones I found were very positive. I don't want to sling personal attacks, but calling out hundreds of thousands of gamers for playing games wrong is just asinine. And you as well, have a pleasant tomorrow! I agree with this entirely. As I stated I don't know how I want it fixed, and I don't know if it can be fixed. But I feel like something should be done.
  18. My dearest DE, TL;DR: Cracking a relic solo should have the same chances for uncommon and rare as playing with 4 players to avoid making slow players feel like they are being targeted. Please consider this post a cry for help. I have a problem. Do I play the game to be efficient, or play the game in an ethical way. Let me explain... Just to set the scene, I am MR33 and like to play this game in a way that is efficient. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the game for what it is, but at some point in your time playing a game that focuses on grinding you start to focus on efficiency over fun for mundane tasks. I have been cracking relics like a mad man in an attempt to buy all of the cosmetics I want from the Tennocon relay. I am sure that a lot of players of all MRs have this problem right now. My problem starts from the way that relic rewards work. lets just look at the total chances of getting an uncommon or rare drop. At base intact refinement, there is a 24% chance to receive better than copper., and that raises to 50% at radiant. if you have 4 players those numbers jump to 67% and 94%. For just rare with one player it is 2% and 10%, and it raises to 7% and 34% with 4 players. When ducat farming you are more likely to spam intact relics and save your void traces for relics with parts you have not obtained yet (at least that's what I do). All of this to say my probability of getting at least 45 ducats as opposed to 15 ducats nearly triples when playing with 4 players. All this being said, it makes no sense to play solo. Nearly triple the odds to at least triple the rewards. Cracking relics solo is a joke. But cracking in a matchmade squad has its own problems. I have cracked a LOT of relics, as I am sure many others have. I run Titania with a room clearing helminth ability and Razorwing Blitz. People do sometimes beat me to extraction, but usually by no more than 10 seconds. What usually happens is 2 players reach extraction almost at the same time, one player lags behind by 10-20 seconds, and the 4th player usually doesn't make it and gets extracted by the timer. This means I now have to wait an extra 40-60 seconds after reaching extraction to complete every 70-80 second mission. This means that I can on average finish each relic in 2/3 of the time solo. This is aggravating, but I can deal with it for the drop rates explained above. I would need to complete the mission in 1/3 the time to make solo worth it. Players that are not running a speed build, of which there are many and mine is just an example, may slow me down, but that is not my ethical dilemma. My ethical dilemma is waiting for players that did not get enough void traces to crack their relic. What do you do in this situation? Do you be a good person and wait? Most of the time this takes either an extra 120 seconds because they are just not keeping up, or as awful as an extra 360 seconds if no more enemies are spawning and they joined in progress. Extracting without them saves you nearly an entire mission worth of time, but drops your chances from 67% to 56%. But it has the moral side effect of giving that player nothing just because they joined in progress or are new to the game. A player you will likely never see again, or at best see again once or twice. To those of you who are thinking to yourself, "just use the recruiting chat ya dingus!" That has its own pitfalls as well. Imagine if you will making a group of 4 for ducat farming. One of the players is on really spotty internet and using a very budget machine to play, making their load times slow enough that you constantly have to wait for them. Do you kick them and find someone new just because their load times aren't good? Do you make an extremely elitist post and exclude 90% of the playerbase so you don't have to kick someone? What if someone is adamant about leveling gear while playing and are constantly last to the extraction. All situations I have personally run into. The only solution to this problem as I see it currently is to find a clan of people who will run fast and has enough active players to find a group when you want to grind. Even there you run into problems as most of those clans have 5d inactive kick restrictions. So unless you play at least twice a week consistently you lose this option and have to find a new clan. Honestly, if I could put 4 relics down and play solo I would. Ideally, playing solo would act like there are 4 of the same relic in the pool, but I understand that can have its own problems. I've dealt with this for a long time and am starting to get really tired of it. I have been called many names for extracting with the relic cracking progress at 10, 10, 10, 6. I've had players claim to report me for who knows what for extracting early. I know this makes me sound malicious, but I do my best to help them out. I check those numbers constantly as I move through the map. I make sure to kill the glowing enemies long after I have 10 to make sure there are enough for the others who may have skipped some. I only sprint to the finish when everyone has 10. But if I put in all that effort to help someone out and they get to extraction with only 4-6 progress, I am sorry but I am extracting without you. The spawning algorithm seems to die out for the whole map when you reach extraction. Do I feel bad about it? Yes. Am I going to stop doing it? No. Do people agree with me? Ehh, about half the time 2-3 people are sitting in extraction while the 4th is asking us to wait, the other half the time everyone but me leaves. If they are at like 8 or 9 I will hop out as well, but being only half way done when everyone else is done and extracting is a bit much. All in all I do not know exactly what I want done about this. I would like to be able to play solo with similar efficiency to a group, but I know that is going to cause balance issues. I would like to play with players at a similar mastery rank as me to make this happen much less often, but most of the time there are only so many players on each node and 4 players is better than 1. I would like uncommon and rare parts to have better drop rates or for Baro to cost less for cosmetics, but then where is the grind that keeps players playing. I would like players to equip loadouts that move fast for gamemodes that are normally speed run, but I know I cant force players to have the same goals as me. I would like for players to stop complaining when they don't get rewards, but really that's just too much to ask for as I would be mad in their shoes. I guess what I want is for someone at DE to see this is an issue causing the newer players a lot of angst and think about any kind of solution, and I want to rant about this because it seems like it shouldn't be an issue but it is. If nobody sees this post oh well. I got it off my chest.
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