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Posts posted by Monolake

  1. On 2024-05-02 at 7:06 PM, [DE]Sam said:


    Overall, there will be four possible outcomes for new players after completing Vor’s Prize for the first time:

    • Player completes Vor’s Prize, and there is no new Inbox message.
    • Player completes Vor’s Prize and gets an Inbox message with the Burston Blueprint and all the required Resources to build it.
    • Player completes Vor’s Prize and gets an Inbox message with the Burston Blueprint, and all required Resources to build it, except for Ferrite.
    • Player completes Vor’s Prize and gets an Inbox message with the Burston Blueprint and no Resource package.

    We’ll closely monitor whether one of these four versions leads to a better play experience and understanding of the crafting system. This test will run for four weeks before the version that appears to provide the most positive New Player Experience becomes the standard for all new players.

    One of the major issues is that it is not clear WHERE to farm, so make sure to give players clear directions.

    Also most people never know you need to switch planet view to extractor mode and hover over the extractor to see the resources the planet has! by default the Nightwave view shows no such info - that's an obvious UI problem to be fixed. It shouldn't require this many actions to un-hide this information


    You've added locations for materials in the foundry  - which helps -  but many people still don't notice that or forget, and its inconvenient to go back to the foundry to check for locations.
    Meanwhile linking a resource in the chat still doesn't show any location info. Codex has nothing either - its completely useless (but somehow the market does tell you locations). So you need to update those descriptions too.

  2. Gear RNG is not difficulty so there is no argument for 'preserving' any difficulty at all or keeping a level playing field - these things are not there by design in the first place.
    The mode is already cheap lottery and gear-hoarding-(whale)-check instead of a challenge (where player actions and decisions should matter above all, not luck with gear).
    And most people who come in with lower points simply dont hoard mr fodder - thus they have to give up few points to be able to play at all and use what they already own. Locking out matchmaking in already restricted mode makes no sense and wouldn't achieve anything good. I'm playing with 37 points cause I can  - so I would be just sitting there alone, since 90% of people select fewer points. See how bad this idea is for everyone.

    A good design change would be adding more modifiers to chose from so you are required to pick say, 5 gimping modifiers out of 7 available - making player decisions matter and allowing more room for loadout building yet keeping it difficult. 
    And just ban all the OP gear from it - if DE is too scared to upset the easy-mode players to nerf cheese frames and weapons then at least restrict them from the 'hard' mode. Gear rng in a terribly unbalanced game is not a challenge, not 'endgame', I wish DE would understand it. 
    It shouldn't be a matter of good gear roll = autowin, bad gear roll = locked out.

    DE, the plat some people spend on slots or rushing for more mr fodder is not worth this.

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  3. The -75% duration modifier for Archimedea is applied after mods as final multiplier - Im sure its an oversight cause it's making plenty of frames unusable, any skill that relies on duration including the channeling ones suffer. And you can NOT mod around it like you could if it was additive - like all the mods are.

     Meanwhile already cheesy overpowered frames like Revenant/Dante become even more dominating cause you can just cast once and never care about the duration. This game mode being loadout lotto instead of giving player a challenge with ways to overcome doesn't need another condition disqualifying even more frames/skills from being usable at all, especially when 90% of frames are already too weak for it.

    DE, if you want to make a challenge then look at OP stuff that cheeses the game regardless of any conditions/levels and address that, instead of completely crippling already inferior frames and using gear lottery instead of balancing  - playing with OP trivializing loadouts is boring, getting garbage unusable in these conditions is not any fun either. You can't have any 'endgame' when you not only neglect balancing but actively ruin it. Good difficulty is a problem with solutions to be found, rolling a dice to see if you get crap or auto-win OP gear is not it.

    (And personally I have every frame and most weapons maxed so I dont have a choice problem, but consider most players don't keep all the equipment, they can't have time and plat to afford that - so they are already deprived of choice by rng and then a modifier like this completely shafts them)

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  4. Drop ancient specter, bring CC, team up. It's not any difficult. People are simply not even trying.
    This is even easier than normal defense something like lvl40+ (lol) back in the day when objective had low hp so everyone would bring Frost and CC to make sure it doesn't fail and average players had no issues. What the hell happened with the playerbase?

    • Like 3
  5. 21 hours ago, Traumtulpe said:

    Limbo is a great frame around level 25. His abilities oneshot the entire map, and he can tank level 25 enemies all day. He's much better than Mesa at level 25.

    Oh, what is that? Level 25 is irrelevant and Limbo sucks? Why do you get to decide which level we use as a measuring stick?

    But Limbo is fine for level cap



    The point is of course that startchart is super trivial for everything, even lvl100 Zariman isn't hard. Base SP just needs you to have good weapons and you can do it with pretty much anything too. The game is so babyfied that we need to use some niche specific content to benchmark power. And DE got no baseline to balance for, thats DEs problem.

  6. It's like one the only FEW things that cant be 'paid to win' - and it  should absolutely stay this way. You can already buy everything else with plat. At least some things should still require you to play the game to obtain (not that you even need shards for anything, especially if you aren't playing much).

    And as for skipping - its been discussed in details. Quests are not the problem, the starchart slog and some missions are. Plus many quests are already optional and can be already skipped and you can outright buy any frame.

  7. Cavia Bounty had a condition 'activate 3 surges' but everything past the first one didn't register, we've activated every surge (by host and client players) and it still wouldn't count so it was impossible to complete the bounty.

    The map was a newer one with a puzzle room with  3 surges in it (see pic). Surges in the desert tile did not count either.


    I've replayed this bounty few times and only had it bug like this once - the other times it was fine.

  8. 2 hours ago, [DE]Pablo said:

    We botched the LoS change to Dante yesterday, I apologize for shipping it in that state. We will be making changes later today to improve it, details ahead.

    One silver lining that came from this mistake is that we have decided we will revisit older LoS checks to use this improved version in a future update.

    Old LoS check:
    We do a raycast, basically draw a line from you to the enemies center and if nothing interrupts the line along the way they are considered on sight. Raycasts ignore other enemies.
    Additionally we had a bug that prevented it from working on ragdolled enemies, so if they were pulled by vortex or whatever they were totally invisible to the ability.

    The main problem with this approach(aside from the huge ragdoll bug) is that a single raycast can easily trigger as false if for example there is a small railing between you and the enemy. Abilities like Radial Blind, Vast Untime and Rotorswell for example use this same logic right now. 

    New LoS check:
    First if the enemy is within 5 meters we don't do LoS at all, we just assume they are visible. Then checks if the enemy is being rendered, which works for any enemies on screen, so if you see even their pinky toe, they are considered visible. Then for enemies behind you instead of one raycast it does three, one to the top, another to the center and finally to the feet and if any of them are successful, then we determine it is visible, this means false blocks are much less likely.

    Again, this should've never happened, but we will try to make the best of it, and hopefully the overall game will end up better for it.

    Please fix LoS problems on Ember and Qorvex 1  too, also time to remove uncapped energy drain from Ember. And fix Qorvex 2 - it doesn't work at all on any units that matter (overguard, special type ie demos, thraxes) - there was plenty of feedback on Qorvex problems, don't ignore it please!

    • Like 2
  9. The whole faction is weak - the bots just explode when you destroy their arms - which takes very little damage. You can take some of the weakest weapons with basic modding and kill lvl~200 with ease, assuming you can aim a bit.

    The ONLY unit that was a bit of a problem for average players was the Hollow vein cause it was immune to most CC and had like ~4 mln HP at lvl200 SP and very small 'head' weakpoint - but they never spawn more than 2 at a time so it wasn't a big deal either.  Also they don't have any armor so its just raw hp and dealing millions of raw dps is super easy these days.

    Making them even easier while we only get more powerful weapons and frames makes the game too trivial its not any fun. Special units who spawn only few at a time should be a real threat, not just fodder like everything else.  (And also they should not instantly respawn - otherwise killing them is totally pointless waste of ammo - since another one will instantly appear.)

    • Like 3
  10. Ember is completely broken with downright player-punishing mechanics.

    Remove the buggy broken line-of-sight restriction on her skills (which can get blocked by other enemies!)
    She's not doing anything special or OP so this crippling restriction makes no sense at all.

    Remove insane escalating uncapped energy drain from Immolation overheat
    Why is player punished for using the skill?  Ember is already energy hungry for needing to spam-cycle abilities and this absurd energy drain kills her. Cap it at like ~6/sec at max and that would be balanced. You still have to do lots casts and waste energy and attention balancing heat level.

    All her other skills are gimped twice -  because of the stat cap and heat meter dependency, which you cant even keep high or you lose all your energy - and by the LoS restriction. So for example you want to strip armor of everyone in the room?  you have to cast Fireblast maybe 3-4 times to full-strip everyone, and that's a 75-cost skill. (and it doesn't matter how much STR you have modded for, cause its capped and tied to heat meter)

    She doesn't need a special BUFF she needs these energy drain and gimping RESTRICTIONS REMOVED, that's it.

    • Like 5
  11. 22 hours ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

    Wait, so, let me get this straight... People find Jackal in the Circuit... "too difficult"? Enough to literally leave and re-start?


    Are you serious? No joking?

    Some people yeah, and you constantly see 1-2 people dying there and bailing after just 5 rnds, I'd say its not even the majority but yet DE caters more to 'make everything easy!' players.

  12. Yeah it is exactly "you have to take Madurai or you're doing it wrong" since they removed viral procs from thrax ghosts and even unairu is not cutting it past lvl 500 or so now, so simply making the Temporal Shot work will not help zenurik either, being head-shot only.

    All in all proc purge is a hit not only to focus variety but to frame/ability viability since you have to bring armorstrip and it cant be unairu anymore.
    DE obviously cant care about vazarin being unused dead school and zen is still the most popular for general use.


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  13. Murmurs were made easier too - and they were already one of the easiest factions. (I guess its for mobile players who are unable to aim?)
    Jackal is easily countered by operator void mode, how hard is that?
    Not to mention SP is supposed to be a challenge, its not a casual/new player mode, so make only the new-payer part easy, but keep SP part demanding and challenging.

    We are already too OP and the game is becoming unnecessary easier on top. Whats the point? We need more endgame content, not all content to be baby-fied to noob level. All the upgrading and min-maxing is pointless when all content is too easy, it becomes boring quickly.


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    There are already several STACKABLE mods with the same stats - for any value you want at lower ranks, its already oversaturated and redundant. You simply use 2-3 mods of the same stat and its balanced out by slot limitation - so you compromise on equipping other mods, there is no need for these corrupted mods, they would add nothing new.

    For build variety and more interesting build setups the game needs new UNIQUE mods that dont duplicate what we already have - ie new shards with unique effects are great addition (too bad shards are not mods and expensive to just swap -  so you cant play around and experiment with them much)

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