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Posts posted by Monolake

  1. Its true this gun is better suited vs Grineer than Infested.  The reload is painfully slow even with tactical pump mod. And I love shotguns, but this one is just not effective. Levelled it to 30 and never touched again.

  2. Its kinda true about every WF skill, you have to look into wiki to really find out detail and the stats. 


    And yes, we should have both - nice vague description and exact facts and numbers. Why should I have to alt-tab from game (actually alt-tab freezes the game so I have to be in windowed mode duh) to wiki to find out what the ability does and how much damage or duration it has? Codex doesnt have any info either, its just not right. 

  3. Happens to me all the time too. Mod loadouts get reverted to the previous. Even had more mods than frame ponits allowed, because it reset to previous config after I have fused some mods.  And of course the most 'fun' is when you go on a mission and turns out it reverted to your recent minimal conclave config with no abilities. 

  4. All MMOs are repetitve grindfests, all you do is slay respawning mobs. 

    DE actually made Warframe a fun action game unlike anything else, its repetitive, but the process is fun, much better than casual lock-on skill cycling  of wow-clones. And comparing pvp games (tf2, tanks and stuff) to pve focused game is apples to oranges.

    I still hope they make more new maps, missions and enemy types tho. 

  5. I want to know how is spin(also known as slide) attack damage is calculated and what mods affect it. 

    Apart from general melee dmg mods (Pressure Point and Spoiled Strike), what other mods increase it. Do elemental dmg mods stack at all? Does crit proc on this attack and is crit chance same as for normal attack? 

    What type of damage is it (impact/punctiure/slash)

    Sadly, the game doesn't  show all the numbers for spin attack (and neither for charge ) for weapons. 


    I really like this type of attack and want to maximise its damage and effectiveness. 

  6. All I can say for certain is: developers, PLEASE, tone down the visual fx noise on her ulti -  you can hardly see what's going on from all the glare and red mist and stuff. And the feedback from the strikes is just wrong, so floaty . Ulty is uncomfortable and not fun to use, instead of feeling bad &#! you feel annoyance using it. And this WF is supposed to be in ulty form most of the time when fighting hordes of strong enemies? 

    Haven't played her long enough to say much about the balance overall, but I already try to avoid going into Hysteria unless Im cornered or need to save a downed team mate.

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