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Posts posted by Innocent_Flower

  1. The game should reward players having awesome platforming skills

    But not punish players with platforming tiles. 

    Cool shortcuts, hidden areas, excellent vantage points; That's what players should get when they 'ninja' around.   "move through this tile in exactly the right way or fall into jupiter and appear back up here" is not fun, especially when you're doing this on repeat in a game that demands fast movement. 

  2. What's going on with them? 


    Crewmen use energy struns, Lancers use deras... What is this?  Aren't these placeholders? Why have they been in the game for this long?  

    The Corrupted aren't using any of the immense verticality of the Orokin tower tileset. They have the potential to be the most varied enemy type ever and you could pull in all the fun enemies from other factions but... here we are. 


    • Like 1
  3. The lancers are lightly armoured and using Deras, The crewmen use energy struns... 

    In fissures, the local forces that have turned "corrupted" don't have the golden masks/head inserts that presumably control "corrupted". 

    What update where the Corrupted introduced? How many years has it been?  It's an incredibly simple thing to spice up; It wouldn't take DE an afternoon. 

    Corrupted crewmen should use Detrons; They can be kept mechanically the same.  Give corrupted lancers a white "lancer" model. Maybe they should keep the Dera for gameplay consistency; For extra credits An Orokin weapon that can replace the Dera that the lancers use. Ideally this should be something the orokin made cheap for logistical reasons, not an illustrious top-tier prime weapon. But that would actually mean proper work. 


    Suggested additions. 
    Seekers- There are plenty of things in the void to make you jump; few to make you roll. 
    Helions- All that verticality in the ridiculously oversized architectural monstrosity of the tasteless Golden lords and not an enemy to use it. Perhaps use the Corpus jetpacks dudes instead, if only because I can't think of many corpus units that'd work well without being somewhat redundant
    Oxium Osprey- Alright, I'll admit it; I just want more sources of Oxium. Just don't throw Mutalists at us. 
    More Moa types (anything but Tar) I get that you can't really colour code things because everything corrupted needs to be white, black or gold, but there are plenty of model variations that should allow a good deal of different moas. 


    If feeling extra frisky and want to put in some work:
    Dax Spectres. 
    Corrupted scavengers: That is to say, people not aligned with the Grineer or corpus. Solarans, Red Veil Operatives...  Expect the Unexpectable. Change up the enemy a bit when you get to different teirs of play. Say, for T3, replace Corrupted Butcher with Corrupted Flameblades or powerfists. Give the bombards mortars or turn them into napalms. 


    It doesn't matter if DE makes surface level updates or goes gonzo and does a complete overhall: The Corrupted need to make more sense. They just can't be using energy struns. Please, if notthing else, just take away the energy struns, or give us energy struns so we can make sense of things. 

    • Like 3

    Being able to enable/disable excalibur umbra's prime details  (The scarf and a few ornaments) is wonderful.  Yet, despite most prime frames simply offering additional parts over the base frame, this is only possible with excalibur umbra. I think this is a big problem. Sure, you can choose to use the OG frame appearance on a prime frame; but you cannot use many skins that way. Let's say I'm playing Rhino prime. I have the Immortal skin. I do not like football-star Rhino's huge prime shoulder addons because they cover half the screen. My choices are: Big shoulder default skin, Big shoulder Immortal skin, OG Rhino.  I cannot choose to have small shoulder Immortal Rhino, Nor Rubedo Rhino, nor  any other Rhino retexture I have.  If I want to see the enemy past my shoulders, I can only choose the Plain OG Rhino.   

    This isn't a very difficult issue. The code is there with excal, and it's obvious that most prime frames are just a number of additional parts added onto the OG frame.  Sure, some frames will be left behind; (Mesa prime looks like a total remodel. It would be great if Mesa prime could use the look of her non-prime redeemers?)  but for most frames, it shouldn't be to difficult. It would be nice if in some cases prime parts were seperated so you could have, say, Saryn's prime's skirt and the non-prime collar? 



  5. Now if only the mod/scalling system allowed for us to take a break from serration and power affecting mods and put these mods on. 



    It's not happening, DE.  New branches won't work on a bad tree if the roots are the problem. 

  6. For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens playerbase: as long as you obey the law minmax your builds , we will leave you alone. It's often meant we have stood neutral between (extremely) different (numerical) values . And that's helped foster a narrative of extremism and grievance. 



    No really. Warframe  continues to ignore it's core problem. It's not balanced itself, and  as a result it conflicts with itself:



    It isnt' accessible. After a great tutorial, it all goes to hell. In each game you're either too strong or too weak, and player skill can't surmount the obstacles because you're often either one-shotting or million-shotting.


    you have all these mod slots for your weapons available, but they all need to go to increasing your damage in some way or another, having minimal effects on the mechanics of the weapon (exceptions exist, but they're the extreme minority)


    All of my real life friends who tried warframe hated it. It wasn't that they disliked it. They downright hated it. DE you're hemorrhaging players as you continue to keep this up. 



    We're 17 major updates in and this hasn't been touched on since damage 2.0 well over a year ago. 

  7. A shooter game is a bad one when either of the following happens. 

    A- You can't actualy kill anything. The game is too hard

    B- You don't really need to pay attention, the game plays itself. 


    Now warframe hit's the sweet spot of bad by simultaneously hitting both points. I've been playing this game for a while, and it's still a beta, and this still hasn't been addressed. I keep playing because I think it will be addressed some day, and I'm recurringly disappointed that it isn't. 


    In a game where you're constantly changing to missions of very different difficulty to the last, this needs to stop. It takes time to equip yourself and mod items, so it's inconvenient to do that with every mission (and as a co-op game, you're teammates are unlikely to do the same.) The game's moding system's fundementals are to damage boost your weapons to broken levels to fight enemies who may or may not be broken in the amount of health and armour they have.


    This isn't a call to have everything totaly even across the board, but when I see a better system, say, PAYDAY 2 for instance ,which isn't that hard to implement; Health still scales and weapons get more powerful. But at the same time a player with poor weaponry can still kill a man in the ultimate 'death wish' difficulty, they just won't kill enough.


    it gets a little painful.  To have this absurd scaling system for so long, makes me feel like I've misplaced my trust in DE. 

  8. We're getting a parkour update. That's nearly done. We're getting a mellee update, that's only a few people. There's a few more features others want, but none are more important than this; Damage 3.0 



    The game is a broken balance mess right now. You're not all supposed to be the same power level in a pve game that spans the solar system and then some. Yet at the same time we're ending up in situations where we've modded our weapons so badly that we're overpowered to the point of fun-sucking, or underpowered to the point of helplessness. Damage in this game is completely broken. We mod to increase damage, so DE have increased the enemy health. We've increased our health, so DE increased the enemy damage (and this system is even more broke, because warframe health doesn't scale by the extremes of damage, leading to enemies who all one-shot the players)


    It's a terrible system. Especially if you play an infinte gamemode such as survival, where you're going to be overpowered for a period of time that's just too long, then able to enjoy a skill based game for about five minutes where you need to use your skills to keep on top, and then dead or helpless against instant kills or unbeatable sponges. 



    Tone down the amount of damage one can multiply with mods. Then adjust the enemies accordingly. 


    Ideally, newb and 6formaPrimed should be able to fairly fight the same enemy. The difference being that the 6formaPrimed kills the guy somewhat quicker, did collateral to another, added detrimental effects to the enemy so that it was less of a threat, and is ready for the next. Whilst the newb is able to kill every enemy in a game regardless of their level, they're going to find it harder. Their enemies are still capable of shooting whilst being shot, they only hurt one target per shot, their allies don't get bonuses, reloading is an issue, the procs they cause won't continuously damage an enemy long enough for it to die.  Rather than using all mods for killing the same enemy faster, most weapon mods should be there for killing groups faster. 

  9. That scythe is hideous. 



    But, does it have a place in the game? It looks like a slashing weapon, and we already have enough slashing scythes. 




    (that sounds silly, but you could've realy gone for some kind of scythe shaped hammer or pick-axe)

  10. Even pressing esc is inconvenient. You might be spawned in a situation where you can't. and having two downed people in two different rooms, and wondering who's it's best to revive? you need to make an instant decision and you can't rely on memory or ESC for that. 



    Very. Nah seriously, Buying avatars is... Sad.  


    It's often much easier to pick a person on your friends list through unique picture rather than having to actually read. 




    Remember: reading is the enemy. 

  11. Ideally, an avatar for a player should either:


    A- Be beneficial to gameplay. 

    For example, a graphic that shows others what warframe you're playing and possibly the colours you're using. This'd be good for public games in which you want to know what you're playing with or 'who's more important to revive if you can only pick one' and they're both out of visual range. It's a small thing, but a very helpful one. 



    B- Distinguishes a player from another. 


    It currently does not do that well. There are many players with the same avatar. Really, you're just seeing players as 'starter avatar, boughtPlatforAvatar, and 'primeAccessAvatar'. You might as well let players import images or give them emblems they build ingame.  

  12. So corrupted enemies are supposed to be guys from other factions who came to the tower, got beaten, got captured, had a big gold thing implanted into their brain and then fought for the tower. 



    Awesome concept. Bad execution. The variety of corrupted enemies is extremely low, and many of them aren't 'correct' ( crewmen with struns, lancers being butchers with the dera) 


    Thing is, all you'd have to do is copy current enemies into the corrupted spawnlist, change their allegiance, apply the appropriate colours and then say 'yes' to the gold implant. From my limited insight in how to do these things from my experience modding other games: You could easily convert several enemies each day without detracting from other projects. The most difficult thing is deciding the ratio of enemies in game when you've got them all done. 


    Fixing crewman helmets being shot off and yet still there would be nice too. 





    Now, apart from that, there's the minor issue that too many things in the void might look the same given the orokin colour pallet. (make everything white and gold fit's the scheme, but it doesn't help the gameplay) So I would suggest the following: 

    Corrupted infested toxic/gas effects become a blue that matches the blue energy colour often seen in Tower architecture. 

    Mine osprey mines as they are now (a orange-yellow) would be fairly difficult to see on the often-white floor. A rich door-light Red or blue would work here. 

    There are too many yellow energy beams/bolts and to make it easier to tell them apart; Flux rifles could use blue/green energy. Supras could use orange. Anti moa (god forbid) shots would be best to keep blue. 

    Bombards rockets should keep the white smoke. 

    Like the infested ancient, you only really need one mutalist moa. 



    Add maybe a couple of unique enemies at some point though. Maybe a drone that deploys spectres. A corrupted tenno or preserved lower guardian as a miniboss. The occasional all-orokin weapons platform. As the place where endgame players farm countless hours, the attention and variety the void gets is extremely poor. 

  13. The difference between a lancer,elite lancer and trooper is negligible, and the crewmen with different weapons all bear the same name for a reason: they're all the same. 


    Now, this makes them less interesting to fight. Do you think we could have some kind of AI change or additional ability for these common things? Maybe Troopers might charge forward whilst shooting and be immune to headshots. Maybe regular lancers might  be more adept at finding cover, whilst elite lancers might duck and weave a bit more in their movements to make them harder to shoot. Perhaps detron crewmen might throw special grenades (or the detron gets a secondary fire that's bazooka themed?), and dera crewmen might be able to repair moas. Drones (the ospreys with the guns) are markedly inferior to oxium osprey in terms of gameplay mechanics. Perhaps they might strafe the players rather than shoot standing. 


    Perhaps a kind of elite gorgon soldier who's gorgon fires non-hitscan exploding rounds that cause some screen shake. Seekers (let's face it. They're shooty-shoot enemies. Those mines are useless) might get a variety of mines that are useful to the grineer and carry a wide variety of special effects.  



    ah, G'damit, Wrong section. 


    Anyhow. more changes to current enemies would improve the game faster than the adding of additional enemies.   

  14. A big gripe with warframe is that no single enemy is hard to kill or dangerous (unless you're under equiped, which isn't fun either) So, whilst you main get some satisfaction from completing objectives, escaping death, talking to the clan or pulling off the correct sequence of powers, there's no real happyness to be gained from killing a common enemy. Ya just shoot them, no risky manouvre or strain of skill required. A horde of enemies is dangerous, but a horde of enemies is also easy to beat. 



    (we're still waiting on that infested juggernaut and shield moa; but I don't think they're going to be enough.) #


    Something like; 


    The occasional flying terror. Think an Ogma. A dreg or two. Maybe a Raptor. An infested flying spaghetti beast. Perhaps, like vey hek, If you damage the tougher ones enough they might retreat further into the level to fight you once again.  


    The Tenno mashing mellee monster. A big grineer with a hammer, A corpus robot that will kill you real close, an infested ancient that knows tentacle kung fu. A nutcase with a jetpack and a sword.  


    A weapons platform. Think Jackals for both grineer and corpus (though modified differently to suit each faction's taste), the infested juggernaut which is coming soon(never), maybe even an infested Jackal. Just think something slow moving, with powerful but avoidable attacks, that probably needs two players to take out. 


    The support wizard. 

    So think of an enemy who doesn't attack the players. Instead, his abilities have two functions. To keep himself alive (teleport, nulifier shield, huge jump. actively avoiding player crosshairs. whatever.) and to make the enemy more dangerous (increased rate of fire, movement speed, increased agression, martyrdom, group invisibility, the dead come back) 

  15. So we've had this sound change for a while. The one that changes the sound of enemies based on what kind of room they're in. Thing is, the grineer sound... less present. Distant even. Like they're not even there. Could we please have an update that beefs them up?

  16. This statement implies:

    1. Innocent_flower knows what DE is thinking

    2. Warframe was balanced before prime mods



    1: only sometimes. It scares me. 

    2: It wasn't, but making it worse is a bad sign. 


    (unless of course you're making it worse just to highlight how bad it is, so that the entire system will be redone) 

  17. ya wait two weeks for a limeted choice of items, most of which you already have. The items are only up for a short amount of time, so if you've got real life stuff and end up missing something, it's going to literaly be months before you can get it again. 


    as salt for the wounds, the primed mods aren't considered, they're just sperted out and chosen at random. They could be balance breaking, or they could be entirely useless. They could be a five ranked rare turned into a ten rank legendary, or they could be a three rank common turned into a ten rank legendary. 



    No, please don't do that. Instead:


    Have him sell at least three times as much per time he's active. 

    Have him available at least for two days a week

    Actually think about how a primed mod would affect the game. It shouldn't be a must have, but it shouldn't be useless either. It doesn't need to be ten ranks, and it doesn't need to be legendary. Especially if it was originally a 3 rank common. 



    I also don't see the point in putting him on a single relay. 



    Or, alternatively, have him always active. Give him a list of things he's always selling, and then a list of things that cycle. That'd work too. 

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