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Posts posted by Innocent_Flower

  1. There are several arguments to this. 


    - Excal needs an unnoticable buff because he's prime. 

    - Excal doesn't need that buff because it will be unnoticable. 


    - Excal needs a big buff because he's prime. 

    - Players who didn't get excal P need an alternative with the same big buff, or else they have a reason to be upset about not having excalibur prime. 



    In the long term, paying players shouldn't have advantages over non-paying ones, even if they're small bonuses. 'We supported the game' and 'we were here before it was cool' Isn't a fair excuse for it. Everyone playing, or on the forums, in some way contributes to the game. If you can't get all the stats through grinding, you can't 'win'. If you're a completionist and can't get something you can't win (Prime excal and Dragon excal could share the same mastery/codex spot to ease completion nuts. True story) 

  2. Don't touch it. Period

    It took A LOT of expensive and valuable resources to being able to build it.

    It doesn't make the game easy at all unless you're talking the solar system or low level towers.

    Please, don't... Just don't.

    They should touch it. Full-stop. (procceded by text, defeating the point of stating punctuations) 


    It's piss easy to get. It takes no resources other than rep or a friend.  


    'solar system or low level towers' constitutes a good 90% of the game outside of the liset. 


    Please, Don't... Just don't... Post dishonest or unvaluable feedback. 

  3. There is never a way to obfuscate what is the best for 'x', and people will always find that 'best' then deem all other options pointless. If there is a damage combination that is 1% better, that will end up the required build for min/max'er. If all builds are able to do the same damage, then there would no-longer be an to Incentive to participate in the system. 

    False, False, False and then t... False. Unless a build is doing a good 50% more dps and utility remains entirely less useful than damage, it really won't matter. 

  4. Under the assumption that for some reason, every single one of us was in the same economic situation (excellent application of international socialism in an unrealistically near-future?) and could afford a prime access or two with only minor short term penalties in life, but not able to go all out and afford every prime access at it's fullest. 


    Provide some maths (or just spout opinions) on what would and wouldn't sell for you. 



    For example

    If I were to give value to items, then add them together and times them by a multiplier depending on what's released, I'd get a number. I would then set perametres for how/If i get the items of a prime access depending on the result. 


    +4 trinity

    +3 valkyr

    +3 nekky

    +2 volt

    -1 ash

    -1 mirage

    -2 hydroid. (not that I hate the guy, I just don't play him)

    +0 every other frame. 


    -1 AK version of already existing weapon (it'd be a lazy addition, and I already have an spares of the vasto/lex for this occasion)

    +1 Strun, Dual machine pistols, Dual ether or skana, 

    +2 Tigris,Cernos,Vectis, or any weapon that otherwise requires skill to use. 

    +3 shade/carrier

    -2 archwing 

    -2 archwing weapon

    -12 prime kubrow (total dealbreaker) 


    +4 Edo prime

    +3 another armour set

    +2/3 any syndanna or sugutra with lots of energy colour involved

    -4 archwing cosmetics

    -12 kubrow cosmetics 


    x 1.25 multiplier if items are suitably difficult to get. 

    X 0.75 multiplier if items are hidden behind BS difficulty  (low chance on rotation C, or low chance on keys difficult to obtain being the high faults) 


    If 14; Buy the most expensive pack. 

    If 9+: buy something

    If 5-8: grind, possibly trade. 

    If 1-4:Consider the possibility that something likable is amidst the ruin, and possibly try to get that, when it's easy to get. 

    If less than 0; Don't even get the items for mastery 




    He's assigning the likelihood of buying prime access to a range of values, and then indexing his actual desire in that range based on what is in the pack.  So the +plus items are things that make move up the scale toward guaranteed buying of prime access, while -minus items move him down the scale toward not bothering with it at at all.


    Not a formula so much as a wishlist/ransom note.


    Well, That explains it, but you're all welcome to do something more complex(or write a bit) instead.

  5. I am with you here. I am glad that someone else is looking to bring Progression into Warframe and that others are interested and commenting, but it does kind of irk me that it took three days for Progression 2.0 (the post I made) to get this amount of comments (I know why now though, the community just has a reading limit for posts that I exceeded). The stuff you got here seems pretty good, but does have some holes. The holes are due to you not writing 13,000 words, and that is good because the Forum goers do not read that much. So... the holes are pretty easily patched, nothing that can destroy these suggestions. 


    Oh, and as for Enemy level and planet Progression,


    The picture that wraps up pretty much my entire topic and can somewhat apply to yours. I somehow managed to incorporate enemy level, weapons, power, difficulty, and story into that picture directly.


    A bump to my post would be okay :)

    Where are the holes here? 



    Also; That picture is pretty rough, and would be both two steps forward and two steps back. On one hand progression would be 'clear'. On the other hand there's too many black-white values there and a great encouragement for grind to get to wanted parts. Your idea is essentially too 'rigid'  to be fun. 

  6. So, The latest devsteam (45) at the start had a big list of things they were working on, with two 'unanounced' items at the bottom of the large projects list 


    Also; Note at 10:40ish the sheldon as he says 'or a new feature that's not announced' (repeated by the Rebecca in zombie voice) Probably means nothing, but we're a forum; It's our duty to over-react. 


    So, What are you hoping for, and what do you think they are/ 


    Hope: damage 3.0 ,

    low grav fighting, balance pass numbers one and two, defence 2.0 as runners up

    Predict: New companions

    Runner up: More npcs in more populated tiles. 

  7. So, which definition were you refering to? The really obscure one that no-one ever uses, or assumes that that's what you meant?


    Also, the void trader can still be the same void trader if he suddenly has a bo prime handle next cycle. It would be neat, surprising move on their behalf, which would leave me dumb, but its best not to make that assumption, because none of us here work for DE. 

    (well, from the recent visitors,a mod seems to have looked at my profile, probably for this thread. Since I'm still here, and the title hasn't been force-changed, i think I'm in the clear on the subject of the word 'dumb'. but, might I add; you can use the term 'deaf' metaphorically.)


    that second part... somewhat straw like. You're taking  things literally when you shouldn't, and,well, when you say 'it's best not to make that assumption' you give the wrong reason. 

  8. So, the comunity essentialy has two camps.


    one camp argue that reducing the amount of damage players can do would remove a lot of the progression; Mods like serration are needed to separate the new from the old, That forma is there to make the weapon stronger, and that being OP might be their right as they have worked towards it. They are right.


    The second camp, but by no means a lesser camp, argue that warframe's progression is bloated; weapon modding is all about adding damage to your weapon to combat enemies who have health and Armour added to them in a pointless cycle of ever increasing numbers which,if uneven, is a bit messy; That if we want true progression, we need to fight more varied enemies with more utility focused mods on harder hitting. They are also right. 


    I'l get onto missions and unlocks in a moment, let me just try to tackle the problem of weapons and scaling first. 


    Weapon Mods and progression


    Now, there will probably be a 'best build' , no matter how you do it. It's not a question, but the answer should be; We shouldn't care. Secondly; A player can be overpowered without additional damage (not to say we're getting rid of damage) and there's a few dastardly examples in pvp to go with that claim (glaxion users; Delete 'system 32') But what we don't want is for a player to be overly-overpowered. Instakilling everything with a single shot from a fully automatic weapon like the soma is a bit much. So, Let's make things overpowered and interesting at the same time.


    for the most part, there's little to complain about warframe moding. It could be better, yes, but I don't wanna get too verbose,scattered, or unclear. 



    Elemental mods.

    Buff them to eight ranks each (I suppose you can do ten if you really have to, but eight is such a nice number; Spiders. )

    Now, that's overpowered, but not currently interesting. We can make it interesting: Remove the damage they add to each hit entirely.

    Instead, rework elements so that with each rank, the status proc evolves (maybe a tiny multiplier for each hit depending on resistances, but we're focusing on the status proc here) Let's take cold for example: 

    This all assumes that the enemy is neutral in terms of weakness and resistance. Also; Effects would scale well for harder hitting weapons. 


    0- causes the part struck to take extra damage from future hits, larger area and bigger multiplier each level. 

    2- Causes slow of that particular part. (we could have a cool limping system, but for now that'd be something like legs=movement slow, upper body=slow reload and poor accuracy. head=long stun)

    4- causes full body slow, and a chance of total freezing in the area shot. 

    6-frozen parts shot explode and hurt nearby enemies. Also, as a sort of red-crit, there's a chance of full freezing

    8- Enemies slow down when near a frozen ally, who radiates cold. 


    as for multishot, make it change the mechanics of the weapon, so that it's no longer a use-with-everything, but rather a powerful bit of customisation. Examples include:

    Making a single shot weapon burst fire. 

    Making the damage cone of a weapon wider, so that it hits more things.

    Dividing the projectile up into several smaller, weaker missiles (you're going to love this one on explosives) 

    an alt fire for bows and shotguns, allowing for the player to be legolas/go double barreled.


    - you could probably put several of these on the same weapon at the same time. 



    Boosting Reload speed and clip size/max ammo mods. But, also, Changing the way they mix with corrupt mods; For example burdened mag (+clip size -reload speed) shouldn't be used alongside ammo stock. You should only need one. Currently they both give you +60% clip size, you'd need to use both for 120%, and only using one would mean ammo stock every time. The solution: Buff the corrupted mod to give the player 120% at max on its own. Both mods become viable. 


    As for physical damage mods; Put them into two sets (will add a little to this in the meta progression). Those that add a small bit of extra damage (the increase based on base damage, not the specific damage) and those that convert damage. (the player would have a cap, so that they can't increase their additional damage by adding all the mods) 


    More special mods, examples:

    Energy leech

    Defense leech. Temporary extra armour/shield recharge rate. 

    Non-elemental/physical status mods, like fear or ability-canceling. 

    Specific damage mods, like more against enemies knocked down, heavy enemies, or headshots.

    (possibly Mutually exclusive) mods for punch-through,ragdoll and explosive rounds





    The solar map and progression.


    Part 1: getting things. 

    The player should get the simple things first. The Complex things later. Before graduating to the midgame, the player should have all the simple improvement mods. For example Continuity, steamline, intensify and stretch. Redirection and vitality. Many single-stat weapon mods. When they get to the midgame; Assume they have all this stuff, and give it to them no longer. Instead; give the dual stat mods, mods with penalties, and mods that change the mechanics of an item. (also increase the quality of fusion cores). Take several corrupted mods out of the vault and add them to the drop tables (in weapons, as discussed, they are alternatives to several non-corrupt mods) (also, even though DE 'fixed' the vault drops, they're pretty bloated, and it wouldn't be too bad to loose a few. to get them all would take way too many runs). By the time players get to the late game, they will have interesting, specialized weapon builds that aren't just the same weapon with more damage (though it will do more damage). (players already kinda do this with frames) At the same time; They don't have 1-hit kill soma, so early game, though now very easy, isn't stupidly so. 


    Part 2: enemies.

    So currently enemies... get more health and more armour and more damage and many don't really like this kind of progression because it's shallow... yet to justify a change from the shallow +damage system enemies are going to need to get more mechanics, Introduce special enemies like nullifiers later. But more importantly; change the way old enemies behave and give them new abilities. For example seekers, as you progress, could drop more seeker mines, and again as you progress, these mines can have one of several unique improvements that make them more nightmarish for players if they're not handled properly. By the time that seekers are very dangerous enemies, the player already knows how to deal with them; and that's the meaning of progression. The changes on enemies could be simple; like minor speed boosts, an increased fire rate/reload speed or a steady increase in the use of an 'ability' like grenades.  Or it could be more complex; Enemies spawning alongside those who work well with eachother. A change in AI like charging in a zigzag to be harder to hit, a new ability they didn't previously have. It could even be something absolutely cunning; Like enemies not stupidly running into vortexes Like enemies who can buff/heal/resurrect allies. 


    Part 3: The story; Is there one? There's two big narratives for individuals that persist at the moment.  Here's them roughly:

    Vor, His team-up with krill, and his new job as Orator of t4 

    The Infested, Salad, zanuka and valkyr, The harvester, Salad's removal from the board, Salad and mutalists. 


    Other than making sense of those two stories, it might be nice for players to revisit some events; whilst keeping others as historic events fought by tenno who woke up before you did. Perhaps, were DE to wish for each individual to experience part of an old 'historic event', they should make new questlines with similar themes, activities and the same rewards. Alternatively; DE could make (always active) quests within the context of a changing solar system to introduce the player to new mechanics (first time you have access to an invasion the lotus should make a bigger deal out of it, give you an additional guidance, and give an additional reward for completion.)



    For getting Weapons and frames. 



    Story wise, the only frame you shouldn't have access to a quest for in the begining is valkyr, being related to alad V's story (mesa comes in later, but she's never a product of alad) (unless we had valkyr pre-torture. That could be a thing) Gameplay-wise; There are several frames most player's would deem 'essential' and then there's a few frames that players would deem peripheral.  It's not to say that some frames are just bad, but rather that players should get frames like Frost and loki before they get frames like hydroid and mirage. It's a largely non-consensus thing that we could probably go to war for (I think everyone should have at least four trinities, but I'm sure many of you will tell me otherwise) Thus, my thoughts are so;


    quests for basic frames should be available from early/from the start

    Players should have got the original before getting the prime. 

    Prime frames should be from high level missions. (mag is way too easy to get!) Because they're more a symbol of progression/support of the game than something you get for superior stats. 



    -Some weapons should be better than others. However; Should two weapons cost the same,by way of resources, They should be equal.

    - Other than prime weapons, and event weapons; many more weapons should be convertable into more powerful versions of themselves. Starting from a certain mastery rank; players should be able to remake weapons. Not changes from the latron to the tiberon or the bo to the tipedo; Changes like the nikana to the dragon nikana, or the gorgon to the prisma gorgon. Perhaps this might even carry any potato added to a weapon forward (though unlikely,it would be much preferred) We don't need ten subsequent versions of each weapon, just maybe a version of a mediocre weapon with nice mechanics buffed for late-game. 



    Anyhow. I hope this thread was more constructive than a builder. The suggested changes should hopefully please everyone. The first parts are more important, but the latter still holds true. 

  9. LORE EXPLANATION: We ourselves don't know how to properly upgrade without breaking it.

    ACTUAL EXPLANATION: The Grineer and Corpus weapons tend to be more suited for specific situations and as a result excel in one area (Amprex technically has highest DPS if you get every last enemy at once) but fall off in other aspects. They cater towards specific playstyles and don't appeal to the majority while tenno weapons tend to do just that.

    1- Judging by the variety, and at times excellence, of tenno weaponry; I'd say we do. 


    2- Really? I'd say it was the other way round. The tenno use mostly exotic weaponry, whilst the majority of grineer and corpus weapons are generic. Every faction has both exotic and not weapons.  

  10. The title. As a thread of constructive feedback you may want to rephrase the "your thing is dumb" part.  


    Also making the assumption that it always will be, whether true or not, is exactly that: an assumption. This is the tone I'm talking about. 

    Here's a few definitions of the word. http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/dumb a few of which are not offensive, and describe well the void trader. 


    as for the 'it will always be so' It will be true without radical change; and were the void trader to undertake radical change, would he be the same void trader? 

  11. Tenno weapons, plus a few others, get prime versions. 



    But if you really like a grineer or corpus weapon... you can't really get an improved version of one. Except for maybe event items, but that doesn't really count. 


    So, rather than having a sad system of having better versions of the weapons only available during a miniscule window of time (wraith,vandal,void trader) How about we get a quality change and build better versions of the weapons ourselves, Sacrificing the original along with better materials to versions superior in material and/or craftsmanship. Like the Dragon Nikana; but with everything. 

  12. The tone of your recent posts are rubbish, you have crossed the border of constructive criticism into straight up insulting. I highly recommend you take a break from this game for a long time, maybe a month or so. When you com back, and it's not to your liking, seriously, stop playing. 


    That being said, yes, the majority of "new" weapons and mods are nothing but slightly buffed re-skins, this includes baro's gear, syndicate stuff, and to a degree, all prime material. Warframe is expanding in playerbase at a constant rate and it's veterans are getting bored (some), so DE needs to create more and more content to keep all these lovely players content. Reskins are a sad byproduct of this situation, and will likely not change for a long time, if not ever. Deals with it! This is way that warframe is heading. Voicing your discontent is fine, just not with the tude dude. 

    You're less constructive here. I am not insulting the developers. I'm not using bad language, and I'm raising valid points. 


    As for what DE needs to do to keep veterans from getting bored; the opposite is true. We don't need quantity, We've got more than enough quantity. we need quality. Hooking enemies and enthralling gamemodes. More improvements to mechanics. Just offering more grinds and waits is cheap. If you're a person who needs to get everything you're likely to just play, grind the new item, then wait for the next new additions. It's not sustainable. DE should work on reducing 'burnout', not more things to burn; a better way to burn.. Year of quality , remember? If you want to make the game better as a whole , then making improvements that improve the whole, rather than the niche, is where you should go. 


    DE could have done the void trader better justice. Not saying that it needed to be the prime-part trading that we all cried for, because it didn't. Selling prime parts to get other items is,by itself, not a bad thing. It's what's added on that causes the disapointment; The mods that shouldn't have been primed. The odd business choice of improving the plat-trading economy (in arguably a low-blow with those huge wait-walls) but weakening the value of the eos set shouldn't be happening. The better-easier detron, and likely something in the future, aren't 'quality' additions. 

  13. Imagine if I, by myself, Had Trinity prime and nobody could get it because I'm special and won some event or bought the frame during a tiny window that you weren't online for or somethin'.



    Would you be upset If only an extreme minority of players, who aren't you, had a version of your favourite frame that had superior stats. With you not being able to get it or an equivalent? 




    Excal prime has the advantage of looking far more ballin' and swaggin than the average excalibro. Every now and then when they play a pub match they get respect just for having it. That should be more than enough. 

  14. Oh, forgot to mention; The pyra syndana is awesome... More awesome than all my paid-for syndanas. Not entirely sure why DE didn't try to sell it for plat. It's the one of the more solid addition to the void trader, with Flow and Continuity being it's only equals



    Fast hands isn't a bad thing to prime, but it doesn't work in the context of warframe's weapon modding; Where it's all about damage. Plus; The original needs a buff. The original should give 55% at five ranks, the primed could give 105%., or something to that effect. 

  15. Inn_flo, I feel like your day job is writing snarky critiques about restaurants and such, but none the less, I do share your general feeling towards Baro ki teer.

    I'm a student. I study literature. I can't afford restaurants. I have too many ideas of what I want to do when I graduate. All of them dangerous. 

  16. No, it would be fair. It's unfair right now that Excalibur Prime isn't on par with the Primes that came out after him. It's fair that he's exclusive as well, because for nearly a year he was available. If you didn't know about Warframe at the time, then whose fault was that? If you didn't have money at the time, then whose fault was that? 

    DE's marketing department would be my first answer. DE in general for not having an attractive game at the time, or someone's parents who didn't give birth to them early enough for them to be old enough play warframe two years ago, or perhaps the various factors (war, economy crash,personal loss, ilness or injury) during that period and you don't always have time or the resources to play online-video games during a period of poverty. Do I need more reasons why this quote is foolish? 

  17. Thousand percent agreement with the OP. 


    It isn't unrealistic to wear the sigil of a faction you hate. 


    In history, sometimes a country would attack another under the uniform of a third country, so that they draw the ire instead. Or maybe that's just a thing in fiction (someone draw a real world example, please) but it does work in fiction


    Or, For simple terms; one could murder lots of people in a police officer uniform. The police don't like you for that. 

  18. I feel like every week the void trader is disapointing. But I've realised it isn't the rotation that's disappointing; But the entire concept as a whole. 


    What we originally asked for was a place where we could sell prime parts for other prime parts. What we were told we'd get was a place where we could sell prime parts for other rare/valuable items (not a terrible deviation). What we got was a mess. 


    We've got reskins, and we've got random five rank mods, chosen arbitrarily, to be ten rank mods of legendary status, with little to no thought put into it.  as extra poison icing for this already sickening cake; The rotations are stretched out needlesly, with offerings in each rotation so sparse that items like shoulders and spurs are sold separately to make it look like more is being sold. The two week rotations serve no purpose, other than to create cheap method of artificial rarity so that these items need to be traded for some players, boosting the plat trading economy a little. 


    The mods? They fall under the following categories;

    Well balanced, but sufficiently powerful for lategame players (continuity and flow) 

    - The Original should have been buffed, Priming these mods is just creating a powergap that's ultimately harmful for balance; Don't buff shotguns and only the very wealthy get good shotguns, Do  buff shotguns and everybody gets good shotguns, except a few with game-breakingly OP shotguns. 

    - Mods that were originally fine and powerful, yet specific. Heavy trauma for instance didn't need a buff and is only useful on a minority of weapons, and if you're going to buff Just fire-damage then you might as well buff every element for every weapon; We don't need this many credit sinks: There is currently nothing in game that will give you the cores you need for so many niche mods, nor is there high level content ready for  a player with several legendary mods on one weapon. (and don't bring up endless missions to refute that; Dealing damage is not the issue there; taking damage is) 


    The cosmetics/reskins? Bah. The mara detron? invalidates the efforts one goes through to get the regular detron. The eos set? Devalues the original (and mostly forces you to use a dark energy colour, ruining energy syndanas) The prisma gorgon? Seems like something the player should have made. 


    update: Reach? Ok. Ammo mutation? AHAHAHAAHAHA. No. 


    Conclusion: the whole thing needs a rethink and a rework. 

  19. So we've got this issue; We got tons and tons of content that needs improving and fixing and adding and removing and debuging and balancing and so on and so forth and etc and etc.  





    Yet we get Wyrmius. Damage 3.0? Nope. Game balance? Nope. Improved enemies? Nope. Parkour improvements? Nope. The slightest of changes to put more corrupted in the void, or even the miniscule amount of effort it would take to buff some useless mods, or fix more broken drop tables? Even something like more weapons, or another fridge fodder kubrow would seem more progressive. Perhaps something appropriate for sentinels like more weapons, a new sentinel,perhaps that update on vacuum you talked about? Doesn't seem like we got any of that. . 



    Of all the many possible things that could have been improved/fixed/added to the game, why would you choose a reskin of an 80's arcade game? Something that players will play once or twice, then not play at all. A lot of effort was put into making that minigame.;Yet DE won't fix something as simple as 2.5% status chance mods because "You must also take into consideration the countless other tasks being worked on during any given day." Why does a large and ultimately pointless undertaking come before easy fixes and needed tweaks?

  20. To the non-founders saying it would be pay-2-win:


    You're saying that an exclusive prime intentionally shouldn't be in-line with other primes just because you can't get it?


    Do you not see how silly that is?


    He's a prime, he deserves to be like other primes.

    By being shiney and coming with an extra polarity. What more does he need? 

  21. The Founders items are Primes, thus, they should be on par with other Prime items.

    Pyra syndana is just as good as pyra syndana prime. True story. There is no consistency to how much better a prime item is than the original, so I don't see why excalibro would need a buff by any stretch of logic. 

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