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Posts posted by Temporary

  1. It has more damage potential than excalibur.


    Each hit with the staff makes it grow bigger and stronger. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Doesn't help that when using a max rank primed reach whilst wielding an Orthos Prime you only have a 3m reach on the 1st swing of Primal Fury vs having how much range on Excalibur?

    Yeah I can totally see how it has a higher damage potential than Excalibur. "Go home, you're drunk!" doesn't quite cover it :P

  2. Bold Text is because people are complaining I am not clear enough, so the bold text is used to mark the important things.


    But I have fixed it, I had to reinstall the mods again to my weaponry and warframes.

    Therefore it's strange how my databases got corrupted whilst those inventory items are server sided.

    Good to know you got it sorted out :)

  3. Therefore, it affect all the warframes, even augment mods.


    It feels and it actually is like the power range doesn't detect the mods.

    As there is no difference with or without the power range mods in range.

    The ability range stays on it's default value.



    Thus that means:

    -All Warframes

    -All abilities

    -Power Range not changing values.

    for example my power range is 12


    12*[max power range percentage] = 12?

    Not entirely sure if you're intentionally being rude with the use of bold text or the maths lesson in this reply but condescending to people that are trying to help isn't exactly the best way to conduct yourself in general, especially when you're asking for help.


    After reading the follow-up posts where you actually stated more details and upon my own testing it in game with the same frames/mods it looks like this is an issue with your own client. Aside from the normal cache verification via steam/wf loader or uninstall/reinstall have you tried any other ways of resolving it? If not and if you haven't already done so submit a support ticket with your EE.log and hopefully they'll resolve the issue sooner rather than later.

  4. Before update 17, I was able to use my abilities with a high power range.

    Affecting all enemies in one tileset.


    Now, after this update 17.

    I barely can affect enemies in one tileset, leaving personal defences useless.

    Therefore, it affect all the warframes, even augment mods.


    It feels and it actually is like the power range doesn't detect the mods.

    As there is no difference with or without the power range mods in range.

    The ability range stays on it's default value.

    Telling us which specific frame/abilities you're using as well as the mod builds would help with figuring out your issue.

  5. Snip

    Interesting and cool concept for Atlas but to be fair it's probably better suited to a premium skin, personally I don't think players will be confused but it will fuel the lore addicts which always ends up with some interesting results.


    Not entirely sure why you think Loki will take a back seat to this guy, if anything WuKong will be a forgettable frame because he is already overshadowed by Loki and Ash's abilities; He has some stuff to make him different but obviously we can reserve the speculation until we know exactly what he can do especially since the Chinese translation of his powers sucks.

  6. Am i the only one that thinks he looks cool? lol. I'm kind of disappointed by his abilities though i mean he isn't a brawler frame at all he is 100 percent some kind of earthy rock guy which is fine i guess but... So many awesome things could have been done with his ult and he just summons golems...

    Nah I like the look of him as well, his abilities seem a bit lackluster but I'll save judgement for when he is released.

  7. What has been the most difficult part of making Parkour 2.0?


    With regards to the current Prime Access, it is the same price as its predecessors but comes with one less item; Is there any particular reason for this or was it an oversight?


    Considering the upcoming water tileset, what are the plans for getting the tenno under water and will Parkour 2.0 take a back seat when we "just keep swimming"? :P

  8. Focus: When is it coming or if its still up in the air/Coming Soon™ how goes the progression?


    The augments which either add to the melee combo counter or extend the time on it are lackluster at best, any thoughts on either changing them completely or improving on them?

    The hit box for the Jackal's legs seems to have grown slightly, is this correct or am I imagining things?


    There has been a lot of back and fourth between players regarding what Baro Ki'Teer sells not being varied enough, what are your thoughts on this and what mods can we expect next?

    A lot of people have been complaining about using previous weapons to make new ones (probably because they sold them off already), will you continue to do this or would you meet us in the middle by adding the resource costs together from the new and old in order to make the new one?

  9. The purpose of the relay as I see it was mainly to get players to all come together and interact with eachother, as well as have a cool little hideout for all the Syndicates.

    Now, with the not-so-recent addition of our buddy Baro Ki'Teer and the Conclave.. and Darvo.. and the Sanctuary, people actually need to use the Relays for something, or a few somethings. I'm not saying this is a huge issue, but it should definitely be looked into.

    Thanks for making my point however I wasn't against a solo relay even giving a possible way around it.


    i think their needs to be solo relays. mostly because key game indivduals are in there (synicates,tenshin, simmaris...)

    Realistically DE could skip the relay altogether and just have everything accessible from the Liset but if they wanted this to be the case it would have been done already.

  10. Spectral Scream




     - Range is sub-par at best, both forwards and laterally.


     - Crowd Control aspect is too weak to justify low base damage.


     - Damage is dealt at about 1 tick per second.  Requires user to stand in front of sturdier targets for unreasonable amounts of time just to kill them.

    Definitely agree with the length being below average as maxed stretch only puts it at 14.5m; I think a base of between 12 to 15m would be more appropriate (maxed stretch would give between 17.4 to 21.75m with these values) which brings it up to roughly the same range as an Ignis (without sinister reach on it) width isn't really a problem because its a cone.


    -edit- maximizing range (Stretch + Overextended) puts it at 23.5m but the damage base drops to 80 so not really worth it.


    Depends on which element you're using, lightning/cold are awesome for crowd control but the others are only used for damage.


    I'm thinking the damage is bugged because it should be a lot higher than it is, Fire is a base 100 damage per tick (7 ticks in 6 seconds) & Toxin is a base 100 damage per tick (9 ticks in 8 seconds) granted you still have to take into account the resistances of what you are hitting so it may be correct.


    At the end of the day its DE's 1st attempt with an ability like this so they'll more than likely change it down the track anyway particulary due to the fact that a lot of people are complaining about it.


    Basically. Another underwhelming frame release

    Hardly underwhelming, its a great frame with one slightly lack luster ability.

  11. Sometimes you just have bad luck with running into a big group and they manage to set the alarm off anyway.

    He doesn't appear as soon as you set the alarm off (I purposely set it off every time just to spawn him), you always have plenty of time to go to a console and hack it back to normal unless you're incredibly bad at the game. OP is a founder so he "should" have enough practice but judging on his comments this isn't the case.

  12. Did it solo with Mesa and was perfectly fine, I killed off everything using her ult before doing the scans on Chroma. Go an AoE frame instead of a single target one and you should be able to pass it, maybe build some restores just in case you running low and you always have the option of using a spectre/syndicate mobs for extra backup :)

  13. If you're getting hit by the manic (much like the cloaker in payday 1/2) I'm sorry to say that you're doing it wrong, You have the option of not setting off the level alarm to negate him even showing up if you're that scared or unprepared to take on of that little pansy.

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