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Posts posted by LordPreda

  1. 22 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ultimategamerjr said:

    Where do you get two of the same cosmetic? As far as I can tell there is no overlap of cosmetics, unless you didn't buy a bundle or something

    some people have the cape  that came with the GA twitch stream from last year, while others got multiple copies of it.

    I agree we need a way to get rid of extras

  2. My IGN is LordPreda on PC and here's my top 10 wishlist:

    - Proto- Volt Deluxe Collection

    - Ivara Noggle

    - Tennogen Weapon Skin Bundle

    - Kuva Cord Sugatra

    - Marelok Nightwatch Skin

    - 3 Forma bundle (actually I need a lot more than 3 but w/e)

    - a bunch of orokin Catalysts

    - Tipedo Ormolu Skin

    - Artisan Pack

    - Whatever else u feel like sending me. Glyphs, orbiter decorations, especially Glyph holograms or Displays, would be great!

    Happy Christmas and Merry Holidays!


  3. The recordings from the Silver Grove quest, associated to each of the three Apothics, are not available to most players, and it has been a long time for this bug to go unaddressed. For instance I can only listen to the third one, and can't find the first two anywhere. I really wish this would be fixed, as that is a significant piece of lore that is going to waste.

  4. I got a RDC Booster from the Sortie reward tonight and the went to the plains, thinking I would be able to get lots of Nyth and Sentirum with it. But all of my usual mining spots (like the southwestern Grineer base with the zappy machine and the big cave) are inexplicably devoid of all mining nodes. These were areas where I could always find 10-20 nodes in one small area on each instance of the Plains. very good for mining. Now they have zero nodes.

    Either the newest update broke something in the mining node spawn rate or it's the fault of the Resource Drop Chance Booster. I've reproduced this bug several times. I can find no mining nodes on the entirety of the plains.

  5. Basically when you triggered a meltdown in Reactor Sabotage, in addition to stationary fire hazards throughout the ship you also got a fire effect spreading outwards from the reactor. Rooms would turn red and constantly proc fire on all present. When this covered the whole map, a countdown to meltdown and mission failure would be triggered.

    Was this whole mechanic removed or is it bugged? I thought it was a very good mechanic because while Meltdown was the safest and most reliable of the methods of sabotage, it was also the most dangerous. Now it carries absolutely no risk.

    Additional bugs related to Reactor Sabotage that I have noticed:

    - The red Destroy Coolant Cell waypoint lingers after you have destroyed both coolant cells (assuming you triggered the security) and even after the sabotage is complete. (FIXED I think)

    - When you walk into the reactor room (both Corpus and Grineer) the main reactor pillar will flicker between its normal and frost-covered frozen textures, despite you not having done anything to it at that point. (FIXED)

    - When you follow the Magnetic sabotage path, Lotus tells you to guard the command console for the reactor but there is never any actual enemy attacking it. This has been the case ever since this mission type was introduced.

  6. I can't find the Recon Commander in the codex enemies list even though I scanned a couple of them before the update. Another enemy that is missing from the lists is the Dargyn Pilot.

    The following are older bugs that remain in the current build:

    1. I have noticed an animation problem with the Burston Prime when it is equipped with the Burston Solstice skin, ever since the skin (which I really love and was excited for, as I love the Burston Prime) was released. I have made the following series of screenshots to illustrate it. Simply put, the weapon uses the Burston Prime animation for reloading (through-the-stock), but the regular Burston is reloaded differently (under-the-barrel). The two different animations and weapon geometries clash, creating a messy visual bug. Pictures & detailed breakdown follow.

    - Before the first reload, there is a regular Burston clip under the barrel. Notice also the hand clipping through the weapon geometry, because Burston and Burston Prime are held in different ways (and basically the warframe is using the B.Prime holding position even though the model is of regular B.) due to their different model geometries.


    - Reloading makes the underbarrel (regular Burston) clip vanish, and the frame inserts a new one into the stock of the weapon (as is done with B. Prime). I would say this makes no visual sense, and it also causes a visual bug after the reload.


    - Also note that the B.Prime clip that goes into the stock has attached to it a regular Burston clip.


    - Once the first reloading animation finishes, and for the rest of the mission as far as I can tell, the gun looks like this. The underbarrel clip is missing and instead, it's attached to the stock of the gun. Also, the hand continues to clip through the geometry of the weapon.


    2. Scorch helmet textures are broken and misaligned for a few months now, and they (and other Scorch units) hold the Ignis like a pistol instead of like a rifle. Fire stream effects from their weapon are also different but IDK if that was intentional or not


    3. Loki Prime's geometry clips through some Syandannas like in the image below ever since the Prime Parts toggle was implemented. In this case, the Syandanna attachment point is from Loki while the geometry is from Loki Prime (because I am using the Immortal Skin) so the geometry clips through the cape:


    The Prime Loki has a "hump" on his back that regular Loki does not. When using the Prime Skin, this is where Syandannas attach, but if we use Immortal Skin on a Loki Prime the prime parts (including the hump) are preserved, but the attachment point for the Syandanna moves up (to where it is on regular Loki), making the hump clip through.

    4. Drudge Workers (and Condor ships, I think) are missing from Syndicate missions. Pls give us more drudges. We love them.

    5. Invisibility effects from all sources (Warframe powers, companions, etc) sometimes "stick" to weapons sometimes and makes them look like this




    6. When using the Silva & Aegis Prime with the Day of the Dead Silva & Aegis skin, the attachment point for Sugatras is far from the actual handle of the weapon. This is probably because the S&A Prime mace is longer than the regular S&A Sword.


  7. 6 hours ago, Fylas said:

    I don't understand the obsession some people have with lobbying for the option to force others into pvp for the express purpose of camping low level players.... 

    You don't? I do. Some people are just born assbags who want to ruin other people's fun to show how *leet* they are and make the game more toxic and unwelcoming.

    PVP in Warframe is fine as it is. Needs some fine tuning and new modes, or variety, and some nicer rewards, but not a vast expansion.

  8. Long list of visual bugs below. I will update it as I find more.

    New Bugs I have noticed:

    1. Something I have just noticed: Shouldn't the Synoid Syandanna glow brighter when we kill an enemy with the Heliocor or Synoid Heliocor hammers? Since it counts as a "scan" as well as a kill? This may be intentional, but I don't know for sure. Please let me know if I am wrong about this.

    2. Ordis looks like this now (his "speech" effect is located behind his "cube" from what I was able to see)


    3. The in-world extraction marker in Eris Extermination was replaced by a red "destroy" marker even after destroying the required number of enemies, and on the minimap the extraction marker was greyed out (instead of green) and dimmed. Picture below.



    Older bugs that are still in place:

    1. Fluctus, when equipped on the Archwings Elytron and Amesha, does not holster properly to the right wing.




    2. I have noticed an animation problem with the Burston Prime when it is equipped with the Burston Solstice skin, ever since the skin (which I really love and was excited for, as I love the Burston Prime) was released. I have made the following series of screenshots to illustrate it. Simply put, the weapon uses the Burston Prime animation for reloading (through-the-stock), but the regular Burston is reloaded differently (under-the-barrel). The two different animations and weapon geometries clash, creating a messy visual bug. Pictures & detailed breakdown follow.

    - Before the first reload, there is a regular Burston clip under the barrel. Notice also the hand clipping through the weapon geometry, because Burston and Burston Prime are held in different ways (and basically the warframe is using the B.Prime holding position even though the model is of regular B.) due to their different model geometries.


    - Reloading makes the underbarrel (regular Burston) clip vanish, and the frame inserts a new one into the stock of the weapon (as is done with B. Prime). I would say this makes no visual sense, and it also causes a visual bug after the reload.


    - Also note that the B.Prime clip that goes into the stock has attached to it a regular Burston clip.


    - Once the first reloading animation finishes, and for the rest of the mission as far as I can tell, the gun looks like this. The underbarrel clip is missing and instead, it's attached to the stock of the gun. Also, the hand continues to clip through the geometry of the weapon.


    3. Cephalon Suda is missing some of her cubes since the 21 Update


    4. Cephalon Suda has a pixelated texture both in her Relay enclave and in the Octavia Quest:


    5. Scorch helmet textures are broken and misaligned for a few months now, and they (and other Scorch units) hold the Ignis like a pistol instead of like a rifle. Fire stream effects from their weapon are also different but IDK if that was intentional or not


    6. Loki Prime's geometry clips through some Syandannas like in the image below ever since the Prime Parts toggle was implemented. In this case, the Syandanna attachment point is from Loki while the geometry is from Loki Prime (because I am using the Immortal Skin) so the geometry clips through the cape:


    The Prime Loki has a "hump" on his back that regular Loki does not. When using the Prime Skin, this is where Syandannas attach, but if we use Immortal Skin on a Loki Prime the prime parts (including the hump) are preserved, but the attachment point for the Syandanna moves up (to where it is on regular Loki), making the hump clip through.

    7. Drudge Workers (and Condor ships, I think) are missing from Syndicate missions. Pls give us more drudges. We love them.

    8. Invisibility effects from Ghost/Huras companions sometimes "stick" to weapons sometimes and makes them look like this




    9. When using Titania’s 4th ability, cloth syandannas and the cloth parts on her legs don’t shrink down, and they lose their cloth properties.


    They regain their cloth physics when the 4th is disabled, but only for the host. Any client players will be stuck with a slightly deformed, stiff, non-cloth syandanna for the rest of the mission



    11. During the last part of Law of Retribution, the Fomorian in the sky is replaced by a sphere. Either that or the Grineer have made some big modifications.


    12. When wall-running with a wall on your right side the animation looks the same as if you were running along a wall on your left side (i.e. the wrong hand is positioned as if to “glide” along the wall)



    I’m running along the right-side wall in these pictures yet you can see the left arm being extended as if in a left-hand-side wall run.

    14. When using the Silva & Aegis Prime with the Day of the Dead Silva & Aegis skin, the attachment point for Sugatras is far from the actual handle of the weapon. This is probably because the S&A Prime mace is longer than the regular S&A Sword.


    • Like 1
  9. I have to say I am also a bit disappointed in the Corpus Tech nerf. They were always challenging enemies and the sound of their guns winding up definitely put the fear of God into us. I wish you would undo this change or at least mitigate it. Perhaps Techs could scale a bit more than other units?

  10. Long list of visual bugs below. I will update it as I find more.

    1. Fluctus, when equipped on the Archwings Elytron and Amesha, does not holster properly to the right wing.



    2. I have noticed an animation problem with the Burston Prime when it is equipped with the Burston Solstice skin, ever since the skin (which I really love and was excited for, as I love the Burston Prime) was released. I have made the following series of screenshots to illustrate it. Simply put, the weapon uses the Burston Prime animation for reloading (through-the-stock), but the regular Burston is reloaded differently (under-the-barrel). The two different animations and weapon geometries clash, creating a messy visual bug. Pictures & detailed breakdown follow.

    - Before the first reload, there is a regular Burston clip under the barrel. Notice also the hand clipping through the weapon geometry, because Burston and Burston Prime are held in different ways (and basically the warframe is using the B.Prime holding position even though the model is of regular B.) due to their different model geometries.


    - Reloading makes the underbarrel (regular Burston) clip vanish, and the frame inserts a new one into the stock of the weapon (as is done with B. Prime). I would say this makes no visual sense, and it also causes a visual bug after the reload.


    - Also note that the B.Prime clip that goes into the stock has attached to it a regular Burston clip.


    - Once the first reloading animation finishes, and for the rest of the mission as far as I can tell, the gun looks like this. The underbarrel clip is missing and instead, it's attached to the stock of the gun. Also, the hand continues to clip through the geometry of the weapon.


    3. Cephalon Suda is missing some of her cubes since the 21 Update


    4. Cephalon Suda has a pixelated texture both in her Relay enclave and in the Octavia Quest:


    5. Scorch helmet textures are broken and misaligned for a few months now, and they (and other Scorch units) hold the Ignis like a pistol instead of like a rifle. Fire stream effects from their weapon are also different but IDK if that was intentional or not


    6. Loki Prime's geometry clips through some Syandannas like in the image below ever since the Prime Parts toggle was implemented. In this case, the Syandanna attachment point is from Loki while the geometry is from Loki Prime (because I am using the Immortal Skin) so the geometry clips through the cape:


    The Prime Loki has a "hump" on his back that regular Loki does not. When using the Prime Skin, this is where Syandannas attach, but if we use Immortal Skin on a Loki Prime the prime parts (including the hump) are preserved, but the attachment point for the Syandanna moves up (to where it is on regular Loki), making the hump clip through.

    7. Drudge Workers (and Condor ships, I think) are missing from Syndicate missions. Pls give us more drudges. We love them.

    8. Invisibility effects from Ghost/Huras companions sometimes "stick" to weapons sometimes and makes them look like this



    9. When using Titania’s 4th ability, cloth syandannas and the cloth parts on her legs don’t shrink down, and they lose their cloth properties.


    They regain their cloth physics when the 4th is disabled, but only for the host. Any client players will be stuck with a slightly deformed, stiff, non-cloth syandanna for the rest of the mission



    10. There are Mutalist Alad V Boss transmissions during Extermination missions on Eris.



    11. During the last part of Law of Retribution, the Fomorian in the sky is replaced by a sphere. Either that or the Grineer have made some big modifications.


    12. When wall-running with a wall on your right side the animation looks the same as if you were running along a wall on your left side (i.e. the wrong hand is positioned as if to “glide” along the wall)



    I’m running along the right-side wall in these pictures yet you can see the left arm being extended as if in a left-hand-side wall run.

    13. After Update 21.2.1 the Ki'teer Solstice Syandanna has a misaligned texture



    14. When using the Silva & Aegis Prime with the Day of the Dead Silva & Aegis skin, the attachment point for Sugatras is far from the actual handle of the weapon. This is probably because the S&A Prime mace is longer than the regular S&A Sword.





  11. On 7/26/2017 at 0:36 AM, AtoKitsune said:

    The most likely reason is because it would be a lot of work to come up with lore for each and every cosmetic. Not even all the normal skins in Warframe have lore.

    I don't think it'd be that hard to make 2 sentences of description for each. Like, it needn't even be something relating to background or history, just something to make them more integrated into the game.

  12. As a great fan of all things Tennogen, I have to wonder why they aren't allowed some small Lore-y blurbs of text like the DE-made items have in their own descriptions. Is there a legal reason for this? I'm not saying the creator credits should be removed, far from it. But with so many items we have a large number of missed opportunities for creative descriptions; not necessarily the ones that the item creators originally came up with, but something else.

    For instance, off the top of my head I thought that maybe those wonderful Tennogen helmets could be described as copies of the helmets of great Tenno heroes of old, who sacrificed themselves or otherwise became memorialized in history.

    That's just one idea.

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