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Posts posted by RoboticApplesWithLasers

  1. I was helping a newer player do the 2nd to last mission in The Second Dream.  (The one where you first fight Stalker and the conculyst)

    In the stalker fight, I  noticed the cooldown timer from Focus 1.0 was active, I figured that maybe focus was disabled to prevent spoiling new players.  Later on, in the conculyst fight, I asked the player to not look for a few seconds so I could swap to the operator and reset the resistances.  To my surprise, My operator comes out screaming shooting a massive laser from her chest like she would in earlier versions of the game.  I believe there is a bug in this mission that causes Focus to revert to its old state.

  2. I think Nidus is currently the best example of this, with his whole stacks tying into the ability to use his ult, which makes him incredibly strong.  The important thing to garner from this thread is that people want frames that feel different as the missions go on, they like the feeling of getting more powerful and going on super ultra binges of being at incredible strength. Snowballing frames are always good, and they feel even better when that power up is accompanied by a visual change.  Imagine if we had Chroma get more powerful with his ultimate instead of less.

  3. *cough* http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Mirage *Cough*


    Abilities don't seem particularly innovative or useful, We have Slash dash, Iron Skin, Pull, and Spectral scream with a range bonus.  I don't see any of these abilities being more unique or having any real interesting interactions with the enemies.  With all of these bonus effects being relegated to percent chances, it makes them unreliable which is nice for like a little bonus, but it wouldn't give us anything meaty to mod around.  You have 4 filler abilities and nothing truly juicy.

  4. 13 hours ago, WanWhiteWolf said:

    That's pretty much reroll material. 

    The "Standard" mods used for Lenz build: CC + CD + DMG + MS + 2 x Element + Heavy Cal + Vile Acceleration. There are of course a few variations but from what I've seen most people go with this. 

    Riven has to replace one of the mods. That's usually something that you have on the riven. In your case Heavy Caliber is - my wild guess without checking warframe-builder - the best to remove. Heavy Cal gives you 165 % , thus you lose 50-ish Damage in Favor of 56 Multishot. Sure it's ...a small upgrade I don't think many people would pay for that. 

    Reload bonus that you get I would imagine it's not noticeable for most users. Lenz has reload but the value is quite low and the benefit would be unoticeable - or to less to matter. 

    Unrolled Lenz still sells for 200 - 300p so I guess there is that. 


    Thanks for the info, I guess I'll get into the Kuva grind and try to pump these numbers up before I sell it.

  5. 1 hour ago, Xion said:

    Poster boy of Warframe. DE literally sets him up to get all the attention in the world.

    Mag was loved by a big portion of the playerbase until DE dropped a giant turd on her and called it a rework.

    That's true, but really mag was a bit too much, they wiped her after her rework though.  She's super over-complicated now.  Volt has always had a small cult of players who love him,  but once upon a time, he was the most powerful frame in the game and it took years before he really got back to being used. Even now he's the least popular starter and sees below average uses.  Difference Between Volt and Mag that I see is that Volt is much more fun to play and his abilities are more applicable to more situations.  Mag's bullet attractor/ Magnetize has always been cumbersome to use given how weak it is in a defensive measure.  Her polarize is certainly nice now, but overall her abilities aren't very interesting.  Volt can just decide to go faster and use a shield.  He probably has two of the most interesting and versatile abilities in the game at the core of his set.  Overload/Discharge is even good with the augment on it and shock is always a nice trick to have when it costs so little to cast out of your MASSIVE energy pool of 800

  6. Excalibur is the poster boy.  Currently he has only one version, Prime is a founder exclusive, Umbra Prime is China Founder exclusive, Umbra won't be released for months.

    Volt and mag each have an available prime.

    Volt's movement speed change has been requested for nearly 3 years now, it really isn't likely to be changed now considering how little the movement speed stat is used compared to how it used to be modded for.


    Excalibur will not be the only frame to get an Umbra.  It is likely that at least the other starters will too, Ideally when umbra launches all 8 vanilla frames will get Umbras.

  7. a tip that could help you is early on, don't focus so much on gear as much as on mods, that's gonna be the fastest way you can get more power. While you're working on building up your mod levels and collections you'll be passively gaining resources you can then use to build warframes and weapons.  The best tips I can give you are to play more efficiently, which in a lot of cases can lead to having a better overall experience.

  8. That depends on a lot of things, the first player on Xbox, will be different from the original PC release, the steam release, and the PS4 release.  it also begs the question "what is warframe"  the current version of the game is in many ways entirely different from how it was when I started playing, so you could consider it a different game altogether.
    if you want an absolute first person to have played the game, it'd probably be some dev at DE, steve or scott maybe.

  9. 1. please avoid black text, we don't all use the bright forum theme.  
    2. This content will have to be optimized well enough to play on PS4 and XBone, so, if you play Warframe with a steady framerate now, I think it will be safe to say Digital Extremes will maintain their standard of quality for Plains of Eidolon.  We have no confirmation until a DE chimes in definitively.

  10. I liked this event's management system.  it allows people to support their clan in any  way they liked, I didn't need to do some special endless mission  with my clan mates to contyribute. I just needed to do defenses when I had time.  I'm in a ghost clan where we are all semi-active.  we each play regularly for varying amounts of time.  so this event worked well for us.

  11. 5 hours ago, DatDarkOne said:

    I wasn't projecting. I just didn't add the word seem after the word you. Either way you kinda proved the point I was making.

    I do have to ask this one question. If you feel that no mission can't be completed solo, then why PuG at all?


              Compare, see new builds, level up new weapons, get more spawns, hoping you get people who will use text chat and you can converse with.  Having people you can't control in the mission spices up the game. Those are all valid reasons you can queue with pugs, but a player should never rely on them.

              If you are doing a mission outside of regular play, I.E. something you haven't personally done before or something you know will be difficult to handle, it's best to play with people you know.  Even in these situations, many missions can still be completed with all 4 members playing relatively freely, avoiding specific rolls.  The only times you need special rolls are for the ridiculous missions, 200 wave defense, 3-hour survival, The things that usually require using extreme CC and very specific ability combinations.  Again in these missions, you play with friends and you aren't competing with each other, the mission has reached the suitable difficulty where you can only play to support a team.  I personally can't stand this play style for the same reasons I can't stand Draco or Viver.  The strategies used are painfully boring a predictable.

    playing in a PuG is like going to the gym.  I just want to be around other people doing the same thing as me and maybe I want to outdo them, maybe I'll mind my own business.  In real world situations, we know how we're doing if we're trying to compete with somebody, a  friend, coworker, family member.   If we're both jogging, I'll want to be in the lead, In school, you might want to be the first one done with the test.  In Warframe, the stat screen encourages this type of competition, since we can't see how effective everyone is being in the mission itself. No stat from that screen should be removed because any one of them shows you something to improve on.  It feels good to hit one of those orange numbers in a pug, "this is a good build, I'm playing above average"

    The problem with the system is that it isn't useful for gauging builds that focus on personal or team sustain.  If we added a simple "Healing done" % it would be great, but it should be very broad, just like "damage done" and "damage taken"  It should account for all healing, even that done to yourself with tools like the magistar, Lifestrike, or Nidus' regen.  Removing a metric measure yourself among others is not conducive to self-improvement adding more useful metrics is.

  12. On 4/8/2017 at 10:03 PM, DatDarkOne said:

    This is the exact reason more support stats should be shown on the screen.  If for no other reason than players that believe as you stated above can't say someone was AFK, Leeching, or not doing their part for the team. 

    Players with that attitude that you have is also why PuGs can get toxic.  You would be the one who would chase all the enemies trying to get kills and let your defense point get taken or the mission fail. 


    No I usually end up doing it myself with dead teammates, no mission in regular play is difficult enough to not be completed solo, please don't project your bad experiences onto me.

  13. No, keep it on there, support isn't necessary for this game, each member should be able to solo the mission,  If you have an agreement about a comp you're all trying then the results screen is going to be predictable.  If you want ash to kill everything then ash will have killed everything.  In Warframe, a melee volt can go into an endless mission and do fine with or without support, so there is no reason why a trinity can't do fine by themselves, considering that almost all supports are crazy tanky. (SOS nekros, Duration trin, limbo's roll)  

    So no, you don't get special treatment for playing a support, you should still be able to do damage with your teammates.


    Also, warframe is not about cooperation, it's about grouping with pubbies and outdoing them it's a passive-aggressive PVP game about being the best in squad.

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