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Posts posted by RoboticApplesWithLasers

  1. Nidus can enter the infested door.

    Once you sit in the chair the room's infestation stabs you in the neck and you start hearing voices. 

    You can use Nidus' body to prop the door open and enter with the operator. the room's infestation will call you the "void demon"

    this is so exciting! what do you all think of this?


  2. why do we have a meter telling us tat sending her back to her people is the wrong choice.  this is a very tough situation and I think it's silly that sending her back to live with the people who love her, preserving a way of life for people who have been able to survive on their own who may hold a cure to the infestation. why on earth is that the evil choice but lotus' naive choice is morally good?

    people deserve the right tto live as they please, so why is it that the decision to prserve this right is on the same par as considering your own family a  bunch of monsters.

  3. mag has a reputation for being able to stomp the corpus. Saryn is another good choice.

    Volt prime is my personal choice, but a valkyr can also work for popping nullifiers.(just make sure you don't use hysteria the corpus can kill you so fast if you use hysteria.)

    the  thing about corpus is the nullifiers so you want to either try and melee nullifiers to one  shot them or bring a high rate of fire weapon (akstilleto prime) to pop them.

    bringing a low range frost  can be useful since if any nullifier  touches his globe the entire thing pops.

  4. Sargas Ruk rules over Saturn

    Shoot his weak points with your gun

    Never crushed a skull to get it's milk

    but sargas says it's  fun

    (He always had the greediest milk}



    Get the greedy milk

    All the hellions now

    Milk from the crewmen and litttle osprey

    milk for you and me


    and If I owned a  juicer for skulls

    I tell you what I'd do

    I'd throw in the Moas and  the Combras too

    so I could serve it fresh to you.


    and salad has his pet  dog

    uses it for his fun

    I'd throw it in the blender  till there is no metal then i'd drink it under the sun.

    Said i'd drink it under the sun



    The good "Joy to the World" by Three Dog Night

  5. On 12/14/2016 at 0:32 AM, AdunSaveMe said:

    The system should not stay because it has absolutely no purpose. And the timer is more like 2 minutes.

    If people want to stand still, they should be allowed to. That doesn't mean they're AFK. That doesn't mean they're not helping, especially if they're solo, or on a defense map. The system has no reason to exist because it doesn't combat AFK players. It has literally no purpose, and it certainly does not "mostly work".

    No you should not be standing still,, that only exists in awful cheese strats that like viver draco, and Greedy pull. That is what this system prevents and  that is why it works.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Dealarr said:

    Yes, similiar mechanics but different bosses for different race. Since survival now is all about separating ourselves to get enough kills instead of sticking together, that's reality.

    I have the opposite problem, people stick too closely together in survival and you need to to get exp, the game needs to be made more open and require less dependence on others.  I hate how the meta of all missions is forcing players together, survival is the best mission type to just leave the rest behind and do it myself and I'd rather more missions emphasized this, rather than removing this strength from the mission that best demonstrates it.

  7. I think the solution to making survival modes feel more intense is to separate the group.  you are strongest together, so it makes sense that if the players were locked away from each other for a set amount of time (every 5th minute).  then it would make the missions more difficult.

  8. Hey, I was just playing around with the original  frost while leveling him and i happened  to see a snow globe eximus. me being stupid i thought it was my snow globe and expected it to pop.  Of course it didn't, but I feel it should have.  Imagine if, while playing against eximi, Zanuka,, Alad, ruk, or any other enemy that uses recreated warframe abilities you could just shut them out by playing the right frame.   Just a little feature that would be a nice touch and would really capture the feeling of "controlling the  battlefield."  It's like a slap on the wrist  to the enemies who thought they could imitate YOU, the mighty warrior.

  9. Test it, go into your simulacrum and, using the same build, spawn identical enemies at adentical levels for both frames and record the impact on your health.  Enemy accuracy is a factor, so ensure you remain still in the same spot both times.


    So there's a thread for edgy color pallets, lets make one with neon schemes and see which one gets the most love.

    Let the great fashion war of 2016 commence.

    (encase you see this thread first, you can find the edge thread here)






  11. This is a thread about farming techniques, nullifiers, and our current damage-centric focus on Warframe abilities. Please be polite.

    About 2 years ago when U15 came out, the player base was welling in controversy about Archwing and Limbo.  in the same Update, the 6 syndicates were released with their "standing" system.  The drastically low rates of gaining standing popularized a new style of farming, Viver.  Many older players may argue that Xini farming actually came first,, while that was centric around abusing powers to aide in farming, It was based around Loki's decoy and didn't require anything else.  Viver took 4 players all spamming in sync effectively to pull off.  

    With update 15 we also got a new mod "Transient Fortitude"  the combination of damaging abilites being used to great  effect in Viver, along with the buff they recieved shifted warframe away from the CC-obsessed game it had been prior, before that point, Ash, Saryn, and other damaging frames were useless and Loki Master Race was entirely accurate; a Disarm Loki and a Slowva were always present in difficult missions.  

    With this change in Meta, something interesting happened, experience farming became somewhat detached from the rest of the game.  Now people used Draco for what they needed and didn't take weaker frames into more difficult missions as often.  But the style of farming spread, when the Greedy Mag epidemic broke out it became possible to automate any type of farming.  and players did, now the style of pressing 1 key in time to the group. After greedy pull was nerfed the community seemed more split than ever, but only about the draco farm, nobody reallky talked about the end of the CC meta.

    Many a man has said the Nullfiers were introduced to combat Standing farming the physically weak corpus. Who were still the target of choice after Viver had been replaced.  Nullfiers of course don't only act as shields from damaging abilities, but area denial for cast on self and crowd control abilities as well. This was one of the last strikes in the old meta.

    I want to ask the community: players old enough to remember before the meta shift, and newer guys just getting situated into the forums.  Which meta do you think makes for a better game -

    The old CC nerf fest, or the newer focus on farming a separate entity from playing?

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