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Posts posted by RoboticApplesWithLasers

  1. I hope the OP can tell me if this is right, but I'll try to fix the grammar to make more sense.


    "Well, I think that the game should give you a warning when you forma a Warframe that you already have an affinity lens on. I polarized the warframe like normal, so it's rank reset but I see that the focus lens is gone and I was not even notified that it would be removed. " 

    The last bit at the end I can't work out he says "I then put the image of my warframe" and I have absolutely no idea what this means.

  2. I don't think these are underlying issues with the game- all of these problems are surface level trifles.  What about the pickup range makes it so important? Does the Hema's research cost significantly impact your ability to enjoy the game?  If not then they don't seem like major issues, sure we could say their inconveniences and got people mad but people get mad about silly things all the time- often they get angrier about these little things than larger issues.  

    Digital Extremes playing their game as regular users more doesn't mean they'll agree with things like your stance on vacuum and Hema.  The outcry from these things comes more from the player base all agreeing with each other that things are bad and collectively agreeing on a half thought out the solution.  DE are game designers and many of them do regularly play. Megan and Drew each have the console live streams. Rebecca and Megan run primetime, Scott has been known to start alternate accounts and Steve runs a stream every Sunday to talk about game design.


    We get into a tizzy over the little things, for example, player's most requested feature is the ability to have a black version of Excalibur with buffed stats.  The game is going to change and that's a good thing- it's the philosophy Warframe is based on, if that means more clan engagement then they might need to be a little rough if that means cracking down on macro farms that's okay too. 

    There is going to be controversy but I think the player base is allowed to be upset of the developers can gain the freedom to experiment from upsetting us.  I've been with this game for 3 years and I have faith in them to improve this game continually- like they've always done.

  3. 1 minute ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    maybe it would, but someone at DE thought otherwise, and here we are. we all have differing opinions, and while I'm sure it's annoying for a name you dislike to be picked, you can always just call it whatever you want, it'll be your frame after all: fashion, mod and call it whatever and however you want!



    Bu that's letting them be inconsistent. and I have a hard  time believingthat dDE just looked at all design council and reviewed each suggestion, it was probably a vote of popular options like Ivara was.

  4. 10 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    you don't seriously believe that EVERYONE on the DC agreed with it do you? you don't think that MAYBE someone on there wanted Arpeggio or whatever? and they didn't touch jack squat


    "appregio" would have been a great name. 

  5. Just now, Neptlude said:

    Mesa sounds Feminine for me `-` same goes for Saryn...


    We already have frames that uses real humans name tho like Ember, Atlas, Loki, and Ash


    Loki is named after a norse god, Atllas after a greek Titan, Wukong and Nezha after legends, Vauban after a french engineer and none of these names exist in the vernacular.  Ember is definately not a common name, and ash is a coincidence the word "ash" has a definite meaning with or without peoople naming theiir sons after it. "octavia" is only a name derived from "octave." in it's own meaning "octavia" is not a word in it's own right.

  6. 1 minute ago, Neptlude said:

    sounds masculine tho... If we still gonna use Octave whats wrong with Octavia? 

    Mesa sounds masculine, so does Mag. The same reason we don't call Saryn Serena.  Not every female name needs to add an "a" at the end like it's been conjugated. I don't want a Warframe to be given a person's name.

  7. 33 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    design council just gives their opinion and DE has the final say, it's not really much different from any random Tenno walking into the office and plopping a list of names on their desk for consideration. besides, other frames have fairly predictable/boring names too:

    - Ember: the scalding remains of something that was once on fire.

    - Volt: a measure of Electricity.

    - Frost: an extremely thin layer of snow or ice.

    you know straight away what their elements are. Saryn is an exception because not everyone's heard of Sarin, the poisonous gas. it's not just the elemental frames either:

    - Mirage: kind of obvious for a frame based around light and illusions.

    - Rhino; he's big and he can charge you, can you think of a better name?

    Octavia is not the first frame to get an obvious name, and likely won't be the last. people need to calm down over this.



    yeah but those aren't actual human names, you wouldn't name your daughter "frost." Frames shouldn't have human names and to be honest they  could have named it after some old composer if they wanted  it to be a real name (Like with Vauban)  But they took a common first name and used it for a warframe, this iis why Design council shouldn't be allowed to touch anything.

  8. I did what I could to get my idea down, It's a Grineer themed Blade whip- I'm no Redskittlez so it's hard to really make out, but I hope you get the idea.

    Faction: Grineer

    Desc:  A vice and a table saw in one hand! What could go wrong? This was developed to increase the speed at wich Grineer could grind open crates- excessive grind time had left workers vulnerable in the past.  Eventually when it was adopted as a weapon I was  discovered that the blade itself could do nothing without 1st capturing an enemy  so the Grineer tacked an atarax to the handle- sadly no Grineer could figure out how to use such a weapon and it was left rotting in the hull of an old cargo ship until it was discovered by Darvo.


  9. 1 hour ago, (PS4)Tactless_Ninja said:

    It specifically applies to his abilities though just like every other frame. And it's much more damaging on other frames like Equinox or Rhino that need their buffs in high end content. And again there's already a unit that does that, energy leeches. It'd be overkill.


    I think your beginning to see my point. Nullifiers don't act in a way that indicates they would "drain" anything. If stacks are an ability, they should be cleared when entering a nully, if they aren't an ability, they should not be affected at all, if nullifiers now have a gradual drain on the effectiveness of an ability, then this should show throughout the entire game, not just on one example.  Warframe has far too many "edge case" decisions made for balance, and the game would be better off if the rules of the world were more stable and the frames themselves were less balanced.

    There are other ways to nerf Nidus- a few I think would make him more fun- for example, his 1 could give an enemy an effect that would remove armor/max shield to a percentage based off of his stack counter- Now His stacks count for more than just damage, getting them as high as possible isn't passive scaling, but an active goal the player needs to pursue.  Of course, I want the scaling damage to be removed, it does feel overpowered to 1 shot dozens of enemies.

    I also think his 2 should "pop" after you cast his 1 underneath it, it isn't very fun to recast 1 several times in the same area.

    If more than 1 Nidus are in a mission they should be able to Link to the same target, possibly triple buffing a single ally.

    There are ways to nerf nidus and make him better, but the nullifier punches him in the gut and makes it a worse experience.



  10. 48 minutes ago, (PS4)Tactless_Ninja said:

    Draining energy would cripple him and there's already units in the game that do this. The only other alternative is immediately dispelling his Ravenous placement which is a big hell no from me. Nullies are getting a rework soon so there's no need to worry about them.

    Yeah pretty sure I seen 15 stacks go down when he dies. And it clearly says to use virulence to detonate maggots.


    No, I mean from Every frame.  If a nullifier has a drain function on one frame, why not all of them?

  11. 44 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Dyalar said:

    You would have to leave something as an incentive for group play, otherwise better geared players would never step foot in public matchmaking.  I know personally I'd love to get the same amount of credits/resources/affinity while playing solo, as it's the only thing that keeps me from permanently setting my missions to Invite Only.


    I play solo anyway because in public there are only twice as many enemies or so to be shared by 4 times the players I still don't get to do everything myself, I have to deal with other players who have strong weapons and decent builds.  there are not enough enemies for all of us to have an enjoyable time in many cases, so I might as well play solo where I can move around as I want and I don't need to stick in 1 large room.

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