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Posts posted by jmforeman02

  1. I Really like this idea. That being said I support the first power as a quick way to get around, and think as a momentum thing it would make more sense as a very quick step, not a jump but a huge push off of the ground, and the more you do it the faster you get, it would be interesting if he had a momentum bar and the higher it got the more these abilities would knock enemies down and send them flying.


    What if you switched his 3 and his 2a so that his 2a would cause a chain reaction. As an enemy falls its impact releases a subsequent tremor, then so on and so fourth. Of course depending on the enemy size one tremor might now be enough to knock another enemy down, but if the original enemy is big enough, or there are enough of them, this could cause a plague of tremors.  


    Good ideas. I haven't had time to edit the OP in a few days, but y'all have given me a lot of ideas to consider. Thank you!

  2. Well their is mechanic for slowing down bullet that can be implemented.

    As of now you mention Hit scan weapons right so basically...this is the mechanic de can implement without having to change the default weapon setup for all enemy weapon type.

    Just like frost bubble that absorb damage the ability will absorb the damage and the point of contact it had with the bubble would create a new projectile that has travel speed similar to the corpus but instead if being lazer it would be a bullet.


    Example would be

    Grineer fires bullet

    Bullet hit the bubble

    Bullet is absorb by the bubble

    Bubble creates a new projectile that continues the same path as original bullet

    New bullet has travel speed that is affected by how powerful the field is

    The new bullet can bee seen traveling slow and coming in contact with the bullet would be reduce damage since it has been slowed

    and actual look or appearance wise it would look like a bullet was fired by the enemy it hit the bubble and it became slower.

    I like it! That does seem like it'd work.

  3. Pretty cool concept, though his first ability is pretty similar to Rhino Charge, and his second is more or less Sonic Boom.

    Other than that, nice work.


    Yeah, there are a lot of similar first abilities. Rhino Charge, Slash Dash, Blink, Tailwind, etc, but I don't really see a way around it. He's going to need something like that in order to get to enemies fast enough to keep his CCM up. I am open to new ideas though if you have any. As for his fourth ability, I can see the resemblence now that you point it out but its a 360 degree ultimate, not a 180 degree first ability and the animation I had in mind would be very different. Think of it as Vector charging up and then exploding in what looks like a small nuclear bomb went off and people flying in every direction, even up, When the blast clears you see that vector is still at the center.


    I'm always open to suggestions though. If you can think of a more interesting take on his abilities, I'd love to hear them. Anything to make this better would be great. The abilities are his weakest link right now. Some of them are a little plain.

  4.  Instead of increasing in size ,  just add some animated details...Like Prime Nova's "flaps"....So he starts smooth and then gets all spikey. That can make him look bigger btw.  



    "Channel surge" should also affect guns.  Increased bullet momentum = more punch through and projectile speed.  Spool up time and reset (max firerate reset timer) also can be affected.



    Btw does "Momentum sink" reduce incoming damage?   Is it mobile? 


    Interesting ideas. I may add some of that to the OP. Yes, Momentum Sink is a mobile bubble around your frame. For non-hitscan weapons, it would reduce projectile speed which would lead to a lot more misses. For hitscan weapons the projectile speed couldn't be changed so I think it would have to reduce damage instead to be useful. Either that or hitscan projectiles could be delayed by maybe 1 second at the bubbles edge to cause more misses and produce the same effect as the other weapons. I'm not sure if that would be practical for them to program that though. It would also reduce enemy movement and melee speed. it might also be reasonable to reduce fire rate for enemies inside the bubble. It could be tweaked several ways but it would need to be balanced to reduce damage received without becoming too overpowered.

  5. kEgQ3oI.jpg

    Made by MrPigman



    Note: In this post the Combo Counter Multiplier will be abbreviated "CCM"

    This frame was previously called Impetus which means momentum, but that sounded a bit too much like "Impotent" for my tastes. Now I am trying out the name Vector. Technically it means that something has both magnitude and direction. Momentum is a vector. If anyone has anymore name suggestions, I'm completely open to them.



    Vector is a momentum based, melee ninja with an advanced playstyle. Both his damage and armor will be based on his momentum in the form of his Combo Counter Multipler. *for those that don't know, the Combo Counter Multipler is already a feature in this game. Hits are recorded on a hit/combo counter and increase the Combo Counter Multiplier when certain hit counts are achieved. If you go more than 4 seconds without a hit, the combo/hit counter and the multiplier (CCM) reset.


    Momentum is not just a theme for Vector; it forms his gameplay.  As long as Vector is attacking he gets stronger. If he avoids the fray too long, his armor and his abilities weaken. All of his abilities either contribute to or draw power from his CCM and he has the maneuverability to keep his CCM up with his speed and abilities. This frame makes you want to dive into the mix to increase your power. Vector would be constantly dashing, dodging, blocking bullets, and cutting down enemies.  I think this is the kind of ninja many of us had in mind when we first heard about or started playing Warframe. I know it’s what I was thinking.


    He's also designed so that his melee damage and armor can increase over the course of a mission. This allows him to stay relevant even at very high levels without being overpowered on the not so high levels.


    Level 0 Stats: 
    Health: 90                   (270 at rank 30)           
    Power: 120                 (180 at rank 30)          
    Armor: 200       (multiplied by current CCM)           
    Shield: 75                    (225 at rank 30)         
    Sprint Speed: 1.15                                          



    Vector would physically change as he gained momentum (CCM) to reflect his increasing armor and strength. He'd start off the about the size of Nekros, grow through the size of Excalibur, and eventually max out at about the size of Rhino as his CCM got progressively higher. When the momentum is expended or lost, he would shrink again. This might be hard to program and make operate smoothly so it may be something we need to sacrifice for this frame to become a reality. That being said, I think it could be done more easily if a cloud of smoke or a flash of light appeared briefly to obscure him as he made a transformation so that they wouldn't have to be smooth or look nice. It would take work however to keep it from looking cheesy if they went this route. Others have suggested that he have an aura of some sort that grows more larger or more intense as he gains momentum. This would be another option instead of his frame growing in size.


    Vector is able to use his hands and feet as sparring weapons if he doesn't have a melee equipped. This means that he will always be able to melee regardless of his equipment and gives him a unique warframe weapon like Ash, Valkyr, and Mesa  (thanks Blastertrion).  It also makes him feel like a true ninja. Other options just to add more flavor to him might be: a bonus to certain weapon types, a bonus if only a melee weapon is equipped, or more efficient channeling.


    Increasing the CCM reset time or making his melee counter not reset while blocking damage might be necessary to make this frame more viable. Testing would be required. One thing that I think would be important is for him to have a timer that counts down how long he has before his CCM resets. This could be placed as if it's an ability timer for his ultimate since his ult doesn't need one. 




    1. Shadow Lunge: Vector lunges towards his target at remarkable speed bypassing all enemies in his path and releasing a small shockwave to the front when he comes to a stop.

    Shadow%2BLunge%2Bedit.jpgMade by MrPigman

    *Design- this ability is a cross between Itzal’s Blink and Slash Dash. It would come to a stop at either it’s max range or the spot aimed at when activated (if aimed at the floor), whichever comes first. The shockwave would progress forward in a 180° arc for ~3 meters and activate a ~2 second stun. The lunge could be pointed upward somewhat to clear small obstacles but would not go more than about 15° above level. It’s a lunge not flight. Enemies passed through or stunned contribute to the melee hit counter though they are not damaged. I see it as him shooting forward very rapidly in dark clouded streak. He comes to a stop and the cloud disperses revealing him with his arms forward as if he pushed the air to generate the shockwave. Since it does no damage and is purely for manueverability it should cost less than the usual 25 energy.
    *Reasoning- this would be essential for getting him from one group of enemies to the next before his CCM could reset. It would also stun enemies just long enough to give him the edge in melee and could be a panic button for escape.


    2a. The Bigger They Are/ Tremor- Vector shoots a portion of his built up momentum into the ground knocking down all nearby large enemies but only staggering the smaller ones.

    Channel%2BSurge%2BSmall.jpgMade by MrPigman

    *Design- The damage done would be ~150 x CCM. Using this ability would reduce your hit counter by 30 which might reduce your CCM as well (depending on if that would reduce it under a CCM threshold). The animation I have in mind would show energy in some form shooting from his palms toward his target. All enemies large enemies (heavy gunner, napalm, etc.) near the impact point will be knocked down. All the smaller ones are staggered.
    *Reasoning- This and his ultimate are the only abilities that do damage. This combined with Shadow Lunge would be useful for setting up finishers or quickly disabling that pesky Bombard or Heavy gunner that's destroying you. The hit counter cost fits the theme of using momentum and also discourages spamming it to stunlock enemies as this would quickly deplete your momentum regardless of energy efficiency mods.


    2b. Concentrated BlastVector channels a small portion of his built up momentum towards his reticle, knocking down all enemies near the impact zone and doing damage.

    Concentrated%2BBlast%2BSmall.jpgMade by MrPigman

    *Design- The damage done would be ~150 x CCM. Using this ability would reduce your hit counter by 30 which might reduce your CCM as well (depending on if that would reduce it under a CCM threshold). The animation I have in mind would show energy in some form shooting from his palm toward his target. All enemies near the impact point will be knocked down. If the impact point is an enemy, that enemy is ragdolled and thrown. 
    *Reasoning- This and his ultimate are the only abilities that do damage. This combined with Shadow Lunge would be useful for setting up finishers or quickly disabling that pesky Bombard or Heavy gunner that's destroying you from a distance while you are busy with other matters. The hit counter cost fits the theme of using momentum and also discourages spamming it to stunlock enemies as this would quickly deplete your momentum regardless of energy efficiency mods.


    2c. Channel Surge: Vector super-charges his frame with energy to prepare for melee combat, putting his melee weapon in channeling mode, and eliminating all channeling costs.

    Channel%2BSurge%2BSmall.jpgMade by MrPigman

    *Design- Optionally this ability could also double the rate the hit counter increases, doubling the speed he acquires momentum if the ability isn't useful enough as is. I think Impetus might look shrouded in shadow when this ability was active. You would still be able to see channeling energy though and it should get brighter as your CCM increases.
    *Reasoning-  With a properly modded weapon, this could increase melee damage and increase survivability enormously with Life Strike.  It would also give us an excuse to use some of those channeling mods we never use like Quickening.


    3. Momentum Sink: Vector forms a mobile bubble around the frame that funnels the momentum of enemies and enemy projectiles inside into himself, increasing his own momentum while slowing them. If there are no enemies in range, Vector cannibalizes his own speed to feed the counter and keep his CCM up. Any knockdown done by an enemy in this bubble will not have the necessary force and will only cause Vector to roll/dodge/handspring in the direction of the hit.

    Mommentum%2BSink%2BSmall.jpgMade by MrPigman

    *Design- all enemies and enemy projectiles inside will be slowed by ~10% x CCM and his melee hit counter will increase by 1 for each enemy, each second. This would  give Vector a useful CC ability, help him with melee combat, and give him a way of keeping his CCM from resetting (for a price) when he hits a dry spell. Hitscan weapons would lose damage since their projectiles couldn't be slowed.
    *Reasoning- This idea was to provided from feedback (thank you (PS4)Mr_TJ_A_B34ST and eXpendableOne). Knockdown resist of some type is essential for melee with heavies and eximuses (eximi? eczema?) Using directional dodging to avoid knockdowns will make it look like he's compensating for the knockdown with agility rather than face-tanking them like Rhino with Iron Skin or Valkyr with Hysteria.


    4. Unbalanced Force: Vector releases all of the momentum he’s built up in one huge explosion that deals damage, ragdolls, and launches enemies at high speed whlle priming himself to build momentum again.

         "An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force. An object in motion continues in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force." - Newton's first law of motion.

    Unbalanced%2BForce%2BSmall.jpgMade by MrPigman

    *Design- when activated this would do ~700 x CCM damage to everyone around. The CCM would be reset by the use of this ability. Afterwards, It would double the rate his hit counter increased until he reaches his previous CCM. In a long mission type this could be used repeatedly, so that he could build momentum progressively faster each time, but only to the CCM he previously had. For the ragdoll and throw effect I'm thinking Jat Kittag x 1,000. I want enemies in closed rooms to bounce around like pinballs.
    *Reasoning- The base damage is quite low for an ultimate reducing the tendency to spam 4. But when Vector is played to build momentum it would become powerful.  By priming him to build momentum again, you make this power have more strategic use as well as lessening the punishment for using it. It allows Vector to rollover about half of his momentum in case he hits a place or period where enemies are sparse. This would be very useful between waves on Interception for example. It could also make Vector more viable in endless mission types where melee typically doesn't scale well. 


    Possible Augments:

    Arching Surge: Channel Surge's effects are shared by all nearby Tenno.

    Implosive Force: Unbalanced Force now knocks down all all affected enemies and pulls them to Vector's feet setting them up for finishers and AoE attacks.
    Momentum Redistribution: Momentum Sink now gives movement speed and attack speed to all Tenno inside the bubble.



    The artwork that people have been generous enough to make for this idea so far.


    Made by MrPigman



    Made by MrPigman




    Made by Darkseal


    Notes and Thanks:

     Notes: All numbers provided are only to provide a general idea of the stats or ability strengths. They could obviously be changed to avoid any balancing issues and shouldn't be considered as concrete.


    I thought about using the name Momentous Discharge for one of his abilities, but ewww... that paints the wrong picture.


    This frame was formerly known as Impetus. The name is still subject to change.


    I hereby give Digital Extremes permission to use any and all ideas in this post for their products. That way there are no legal reasons to not build this. Please make my frame!


    Thanks: Thanks to Blastertrion(PS4)Mr_TJ_A_B34ST, and eXpendableOne for their ability ideas. And a whole lot of thanks toDarkseal and MrPigman for creating some amazing artwork for Vecor.


    Thanks for reading. Much of his design has been based on suggestions so please feel free to offer any advice or tweaks. I look forward to your feedback. If anyone wants to attempt some concept art sketches, I'd love to see what you come up with and may add them to the post with credit. If this looks at all familiar it's because it's an old post of mine that was archived. I'm hoping that it will get more attention this go round. I've been out of warframe for quite a while now, and am just coming back so if there are any factual errors from updates in recent months please let me know so that I can fix this post.

  6. I've posted several threads making requests for changes in the game over the past couple years, and honestly I haven't always felt like DE was paying attention to what I and many others were saying. But, the upcoming update 17 seems like it's going to be great. In fact there isn't a single announced change that I don't support on this one.


    The utility slot on the frames addresses an issue that I and many others have commented on many times. If utility slots make it to weapons at a later date that would be great too. Parkour 2.0 has been long requested and one of the biggest and longest running threads was about that issue. What's more, from the devstream videos it looks like you have surpassed all expectations for the new system. The Supra revisit needed to happen and I had personally written a thread about that, though I'm sure I wasn't the first. I know it's not part of update 17, but the Excalibur revisit was also much needed and requested. 


    In short, it seems like DE is doing a better job listening to the Warframe Community and is putting a lot of effort into addressing their concerns. I know that Parkour 2.0 alone must have taken an incredible amount of work and man hours. I just wanted to say Thank You!

  7. yea you said aim sensitivity. im not having any issues with that.  but i havent touched by controls since really early builds maybe they changed it.


    Or maybe you've just gotten used to it the way it is, but I can't. The fact that the vertical and horizontal sensitivity are different and can't be adjusted separately throws me completely off. There's no reason for it.

  8. it's called adjusting your settings. i always use a controller mine is completely fine.

    i could show you my settings but it will vary controller to controller

    I was talking about the settings you can't adjust. If you read the post you'd know that.

  9. I play Warframe on PC but prefer to use a controller. Unfortunately the current non-customizable settings make that very difficult. Right now, vertical aim sensitivity is inexplicably set lower than horizontal aim sensitivity for controllers. This makes aiming at flying enemies and doing acrobatics very difficult.There is only one "Aim Sensitivity" adjustment in the options so there is no way to fix this on our end. If you increase the aim sensitivity to allow you to change your vertical aim quickly, your horizontal aim becomes unreasonably fast. On the other hand adjusting it for your horizontal will make your vertical far too slow to aim quickly. The vertical and the horizontal should have the same base sensitivity or we should get to adjust each one separately. Either way it will fix the problem.


    Another aim issue is that the aim sensitivity when aiming down sites (ADS) is unreasonably low and isn't independently adjustable creating another problem. Do you adjust your sensitivity for shooting from the hip or for aiming down sights because one is guaranteed to be too slow or too fast regardless of your "Aim Sensitivity" setting. The combination of these two flaws makes aiming quickly and accurately with a controller practically impossible. 


    I don't understand why these issues exist for controllers only. If I use software to make my controller emulate a keyboard and mouse the issue disappears altogether. My right joystick (pretending to be a mouse) allows me to aim perfectly. All aiming troubles are solved. Unfortunately it is a pain to use some of that clunky software so I'd prefer it if the controller settings in game weren't creating this problem to begin with. Additionally, this should be an easy fix: just set the base controller sensitivities that we can't control to be the same relative to one another as the mouse sensitivities and we can adjust it from there with the overall sensitivity slider. Or you could just give us separate sliders for horizontal, vertical, and ADS.


  10. I think the dojo decorating system needs some work. First, there's no way to do textures. Right now I have 8 trees in my clan Grandest Hall and they all look like they are growing out of the floor. There's no way to make it look like that area has soil or is covered in grass. I would love to make it look like each was in a small rock lined garden with grass or soil. I thought about using a lot of really small "Pruned Bushes" in order to sort of look like tall grass, but the cost in plastids would be enormous. Speaking of, 1,000 plastids for any kind of bush? Plastid demands are too high in the dojo. Too many things require them and/or in too great a quantity. It takes 1,000 pastids to build a cosmic specter which is useful and probably sophisticated technology, and the same amount for for a bush. 2,000 plastids for a small island of sand. It makes no sense. Plastids have one of the highest demand to harvest time ratios in the game and they are being used in the 1000s for a plant or to paint rooms.


    Why do some rooms have very limited decoration capacity? I understand that the obstacle course shouldn't be decorated but some other rooms have a pathetic capacity. The Leto Garden is huge and open doesn't seem to allow me to place any decorations at all.


    And why is the collision detection so sensitive? You often can't get two decorations next to each other if they have irregular shapes. Does it really matter if a bush is touching a tree? Doesn't that happen in reality? Maybe there is a technical reason for this one and it will glitch out the game, but if that's not the case then please deactivate that. If people are overlapping things in a way that looks bad, then they'll just be making their dojo look bad. On the other hand it would give many of us the ability to make things look better. In real life the branches of one tree often go between the branches of another. 


    Since we now have the paint function, it would be great if we could paint decorations too. Floor plates, bridges,and arches for example.


    Also I think we should be able to rotate rooms that have different orientations after they are built since they often orient themselves in a way you didn't expect. For example the Temple of Honors statue faces backwards unless you rotate it twice before building. I'd like to fix that without tearing up half the rooms in my dojo. 


    Last but not least, I would love to have a completely different UI when decorating or building rooms. I don't want to be bound to a character that moves in the normal way. Just the fact we always look over one shoulder instead of looking through the middle of the view makes it hard to line things up, and as far as I can tell the snap function doesn't do anything. I want to have a free moving view like the editor in halo. I want to be able to place or fund more than one of the same decoration without having to hit escape and go through the selection menu over and over. I want to be able to look at the dojo as a whole and move or shift rooms as I please rather than having to deal with child and parent rooms, capacities, energy levels and so on. Just make it so that all requirements must be satisfied before all the changes are saved instead of making every individual step satisfy the requirements. That way we can build and edit much more efficiently. 


    I'm sure the people in this forum have a lot more suggestions to add and I look forward to seeing them in the comments.

  11. We are missing a gun that fires horizontally in normal game like the Fluctus does in archwing. Personally I was thinking a Miter type weapon that fired two blades instead of one, attached by a cable. Each blade would spin and the blades would orbit eachother around the cable. It could be a charge weapon where the length of the charge determines the length of the cable.


    We are missing a stream-type Flame Thrower as opposed to a spray-type like Ignis. 


    We are missing an actual flack cannon. The two weapons described as flak cannons are actually shotguns. If you don't know the difference: Shotguns fire many projectiles, Flack Cannons fire one projectile which explodes into many after a certain distance. There is a difference. An actual Flack Cannon would be great in archwing for example. The Corvas is a shotgun and it sucks.


    We are missing a mass stun weapon. Think flash-bang grenade launcher. 


    We are missing a type of sentry weapon. I think a launcher with very little ammo that deployed a few autonomous sentries would be cool. Or it could deploy sentries with secondary fire that were slaves to your primary fire (they would aim where you aimed and fire with you for extra damage). That would be original.


    We are missing a Rapier, Nunchaku, and Kyoketsu-shoge.

  12. There are now 4 Quanta Variants: Quanta, Mutalist Quanta, Paracyst, and Quanta Vandal. There are also 4 Latron Variants: Latron, Latron Prime, Latron Wraith, and Tiberon (a burst Latron that requires the Latron to build). And there are 3 Gorgon Variants: Gorgon, Gorgon Wraith, and Prisma Gorgon. 


    In short it seems like you're making a lot of variants for a very few weapons and meanwhile there are many other weapons people would love to see Wraith/Vandal/Prime/Prisma/Mara variants of. I know the Supra and Sybaris are fan favorites. Buzlok, Glaxion, and Torid have always been interesting, and I think many people would like a more viable form of them. A sniper rifle like Vectis or shotgun like Tigris could be cool too. Personally I'd like to see a Karak with some punch even if the weapon is  a little plain. Melee weapons could use more variants, but I'm okay with them being more the domain of the syndicates like the secondaries if that's the plan for the future.


    The point is that I would prefer the variants be a bit more spread out than they are now, and I don't think that I'm alone in this. There are a number of interesting weapons that could use some attention. Many of them are fun, but hard to justify using next to some of the heavy-hitters. The Quanta original recipe was already a good weapon that held it's own well when you consider the secondary fire. I'm sure that was obvious and that's the reason why the only stats that were increased were the status chance and magazine size rather than damage or crit. It seems like you missed an opportunity to create more viable alternatives that aren't nearly identical. Please start using the variants to give attention to the many underpowered or overlooked weapons rather than making 11 versions of the same 3 weapons. 

  13. I have an idea that I have posted before but maybe it would belong here better. I think it compliments the ideas you already have so please consider adding it to the OP r0ckwolf:

    Make more use of the Combo Multiplier. His augments already help to feed the hit counter and multiplier, so make it more central to Excalibur. His armor could be a base number multiplied by the Combo Multiplier. This would give him bonus defense for meleeing. Also his damaging powers like Slash Dash and Radial Javelin could work the same way. The base damage of each would be lowered, but it would then be multiplied by his Combo Multiplier. Not only would this reward him for meleeing, but it would also make it so that Radial Javelin had to be charged by melee to make it powerful. This would keep people from spamming it while still keeping it useful. I think his speed should also be affected by the multiplier for added effect. This plus the mobility of Slash Dash would allow him to get to enemies fast enough to keep his multiplier up and therefore his attack and defense bonuses. He would start off relatively normal but then would build up momentum by meleeing making him increasingly effective at it.

    I'd also like to point out that if Excalibur is going to be a melee frame, he's going to need a way to resist knockdowns. Otherwise Heavies and Eximi will rip him a new one when he comes at them.

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