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  1. Because Pablo said, in the devstream that Deep Archimedea was revealed, that you can only do 1 Deep Archimedea and 3 Netracells each week.
  2. Bleed status deals True/Cinematic damage, which bypasses armor and health type damage modifiers. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Damage/Cinematic_Damage
  3. I added the PSA tag because I'm well aware that Wisp is the second most used warframe, so it stands to reason there are a lot of people that would benefit from this knowledge. Title gets the gist of it, but I spent about an hour testing the specifics. Short answer: The higher the strength of the Vitality Mote buff is, the harder it is to proc Archon Intensify's conditional effect. I went into Simulacrum and killed 100 enemies 1 at a time with 3 mod configurations (in this order, all with Combat Discipline and Archon Intensify, of course): 300% strength, 130% strength (base + archon mod), and 130% strength with a Bleeding Dragon Key equipped. Using the first mod config, Archon Intensify procced a grand total of 0 times. With the second, it procced 27 times. And with the third, it was 26 times. That let me at least narrow it down to having no bearing on the % amount of your health bar that the 10 health removed by Combat Discipline is, as that would have caused a large gap between tests 2 and 3. With config 1, it took a minimum of 3 incredibly rapid kills (chain or aoe weapon) to proc, with the chance increasing with the size of the multikill. With config 2, it could happen with as little as 1 kill, similarly being much more common with more kills. With config 1, there was a small chance to fail even with 8 simultaneous kills (i could only get it to happen twice in like 40 tries). With config 2, it never failed with anything higher than 4, although perhaps >5 has a similarly small chance as with 8 kills with config 1. A key thing to note is that it will always proc when you first receive the buff, i.e. your health increases by a large amount all at once. I don't know enough about game design to be able to pick apart exactly why this whole thing is happening. I've asked about 10 other people if they've experienced similar behavior with other frames (especially using Combat Discipline) and I did not receive a Yes from any of them. I'm fairly certain not every healing ability was encapsulated by their experiences, so it's not out of the question to assume that this might not only be a detriment to Wisp. Now, before anyone says it, this is not a bug exclusive to Simulacrum. I wouldn't have even been testing it unless it became a problem in normal missions. As it stands, the incredible inconsistency with Archon Intensify on Wisp makes it overall worse than keeping the same Umbral Intensify we've all had on for years. I was already personally skeptical sacrificing 14% strength to get 16% more only when I get a kill (in most situations) but this put me over the top.
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