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Posts posted by Fraggoth

  1. I think it might be a shout out to one of those classic engineering/architectural design failures where it's clear that someone, somewhere along the line said "Hell with it, it'll be fine." I don't have links on me right this second, but there's some classics out there, like the one with a Security Camera facing the back of a TV Screen, or the one with a hanging projector placed between the blades of a ceiling fan.

  2. That's RNG for ya...


    Also considering that when Nova first appeared I ran 80 missions JUST for her systems....and 3/4 of those I got nothing...this isn't so bad.

    (that's 60 runs with nothing,and 19 with duplicates)

    Yeah, that sounds about right. Pretty much identical to my experience.


    Grinding to put 'frames together back in the day was... trying.


    And RNGeezis forbid you didn't pick Excal to start (I had picked Volt, and this was before he got switched out then switched back in again)- grinding Pluto Boss was a pain (not the Boss itself, rather the mission, since you rarely got help and had to solo it about 50+ times to get all the parts, and that might be lowballing it.).


    It took me several months of on-and-off grinding to get all the Ash components. Easily 120 runs total. Conversely, apart from Primes, it now rarely takes more than 4-7 runs to get all of a Warframe's components.


    With regards to AW farming, the Elytron grind can take a flying leap into the abyss. That took forever and a day.

  3. There is no denying that Blizzard make the best cinematic's in the industry. 

    And there's also no denying that they've had some pretty reprehensible business practices, have had some of the silliest and most over blown plots, and have generally lost touch with their community for most of their games.


    They have had a baffling tendency of late to try to make their games for just about all the games they've made post WoW take themselves SO. FRIKKEN. SERIOUSLY. that it makes the occasional moments of attempted levity seem all the more forced and out of place. It's like they hired someone barely into their teens who made really bad fanfiction to do their major storyline writing. If you've played Starcraft 2 or Diablo 3 you'll know what I mean. The worst part is, all the signs are there in their earlier games too, but you didn't really notice it was there until the newer games pointed it out to you by beating it into you with merciless abandon. Kinda like what Gundam SEED Destiny did for vanilla Gundam SEED.


    ...Wow, that was borderline flame-bait. Huh. And me without my Flame Repellant mod.


    Gah, went so Off Topic. BACK TO THE TASK AT HAND!

  4. +1 OP


    we need the gate crash and breeding grounds iterative difficulty mechanics introduced into the game as part of a holistic challenge system


    it would encourage ppl to either play a variety of different mission types and/or create the necessary challenge for those ppl doing the same thing over and over again

    While I agree with this in principle, implementation would have to be done rather carefully. An example of how a similar system can become onerous is the "Bonus Experience" system in Payday 2.


    It was originally introduced to combat people's tendency to run the heist/mission Rats (and Rats Pro) over and over to grind experience, which was occurring because A) it took forever to get relevant amounts of Exp from most of the other missions, and B) Rats could be done very quickly with a comparatively low skill cap (mostly due to the speed at which it could be completed).


    Where the downside of that system becomes apparent is in that while it would give you a potentially sizable bonus to experience gained from a given heist if you mixed things up and played a greater variety of heists, if you tried playing the same one over and over again you would diminish your experience gains to literally zero. This would also affect heists that were particularly similar - say if you ran Bank Heist: Gold over and over again, the other Bank Heist variants would suffer a decreased Exp payout as well.


    Mind you, the Payday 2 example didn't directly affect difficulty beyond making you have to occasionally do heists you otherwise wouldn't just to make a heist you DID want to run start paying out again.


    That said, forcing people to play at a pace or in a way they simply don't want to can be pretty detrimental. It's tough to implement a system like that in such a way that people aren't alienated.


    THAT said, I really enjoyed those events and wouldn't mind having more of that kind of Scalar Difficulty in Warframe, at least if done in such a way that it doesn't force people to play in a way they don't want to.

  5. I think the Edo Armor may have been converted to the Physical Based Rendering (PBR) method that they've been working on. Other examples of this include Limbo, the Opticor, and most if not all of the ArchWings and ArchWing Weapons. It might just need a little more tweaking - I know Limbo did, but that's been fixed up nicely.

  6. Indeed, it's worth noting that while Rhino has a relatively low-cost ability that gives him temporary immunity to damage, at least until something level 30 or higher breathes on him, Valkyr has a somewhat more expensive ability that makes her completely invulnerable for the duration, which can be quite long indeed. Yes, this comes at the cost of not being able to fire ranged weapons, but it's still worthwhile.


    Valkyr is still my "Save the whole team after they get downed on T4D/S/I"-frame of choice. Rhino simply cannot do that. Frost and Vauban can do it as well to an extent, but Valkyr does it effortlessly.

  7. He gives water to the dead.


    Ever seen Dune?


    The slow blade penetrates the shield.


    Also, it's a game, so the answer is "because". In Borderlands melee attacks instantly destroy shields. Shields are just what the DEVs of a game decide shields are.


    Nice to see that some of us sleepers have awakened!

  8. I think a significant contributing factor to the Archwing Mission Drop issues is that the enemies have a pretty big chance to drop an Affinity Orb, unlike most enemies. Remove that Affinity Orb from the Space Enemies' drop tables, and that'll help at least a little.


    Somewhat related: I've noticed that I'm getting a substantially increased number of Fusion Cores (of the Common and Uncommon variety) from Archwing missions. So that's a possible upshot of the current state of the Space Enemy Drop Table. Frankly, though... I'd rather be getting the Archwing Mods.


    That said, I've been relatively lucky with the Archwing Mod drops - Armor, Shield, and a Power Range mod for the 'Wing itself, Crit Chance and Fire Damage for the 'Wing's Gun, and Range, Damage, and Crit Damage for the 'Wing's Melee Weapon. And that's from running Archwing Missions pretty much non-stop all day yesterday (about 8+ hours worth of Archwing missions, give or take).


    As far as the Shaking and Glare issues go, I've done what others did and made the energy color Black. Helps a lot for Glare. The shaking is still pretty ridiculous, but at least I can more-or-less see where I'm going.


    I think giving Archwings an automatic Carrier-Style Vacuum effect for loot would also help a lot, especially since loot tends to drift off pretty quickly.

  9.  o Man this really really hurts new players alot!!!! no longer can they pick to aug. one ability up , they just have to make due with r-1 powers which are weak and limply 


    to the new players good luck ; your going to need it 


    ...Except for the fact that now you don't have to use your precious points on an Ability Mod, instead having all of them installed by default. So you can now augment ANY AND ALL of a 'Frames abilities up, but do it even better early-on, without having to pay for the Ability Equip Cost.


    The only thing this is gonna affect is later-game builds that Tenno Neophytes won't be able to get at for a while. And most of the "late-game" builds won't be too badly affected anyway in most cases. I mean, sure, I won't have my ultra-optimised 4-5 forma Desecrate Nekros who never runs out of energy and is speedy, but I can just unequip Rush and the build is intact.


    Overall, I feel that this is going to be a positive change, particularly for 'Frames with more than 2 "Go-To" abilities, like Zephyr, Ash to a lesser extent, Volt, Trinity to an extent, Mag... and the 'Frames that have "only 1" go-to ability will still come out mostly unscathed, where you'll only have to discard one mod from it's current loadout - and again, that's really only for die-hard min-max builds.

  10. I've got a 44.13 second time as a Loki from WAAAAAY back when the ObsCor was introduced. It's "Legit" - that is to say, not flashy, doesn't do massive sequence breaks and follows the course. I've gotten faster times (by a second or two) in this fashion, but this is the only one I have a recording of.



    Bonus points to anyone who recognizes the soundtrack playing in the background.


    Also, would LOVE to see one of these 33-35 second runs in a video.

  11. Here's a list of Voids that drop Forma Blueprints:


    T1Capture, T1Defense, T1Exterminate, T1MobileDefense, T2Cap, T2Ext, T3Cap, T3Def, T3Ext(Full, Prebuilt Forma), T3MDef, T3Survival(can get both the BP and a Prebuilt Forma), T4Cap, T4Def, T4Ext, T4Interception, T4MDef, T4Surv.


    You can also get Forma BPs from Orokin Derelict Defense and Orokin Derelict Survival.


    All taken from here:



  12. Yeah, first thing I did when they added HUD tweaking was to bring the margins in towards the center. Most people tell me it looks awkward, but I can see all the relevant information by barely darting my eyes. It's not perfect, but it works for me. It acts as a decent stopgap until such time as they add full HUD customization.

  13. It is the stances, you're using Gnashing Paraya as you noted it's the rare stance and, as a general rule of thumb, the rare stances are the slow ones.  Switch to Sinking Talon for an immediate speed increase on Fang Prime.


    Stances do control the actual base attack speed of all weapons.  I can say this with absolute and utmost certainty at having utilized literally every stance on every weapon type aside from Shield & Sword and Claws, due to those only having just been released on this side of the fence.


    Now, that being said, I still think DE made pretty much every stance too slow.  In a lot of ways Melee 2.0 feels like an issue of one step forward and two steps back to me.  Though it's honestly more like three steps forward and two steps back realistically as it is overall in a better place, but the slow/sloppiness and inability to cancel anything hampers melee's solid usability.


    All good feedback, and Canceling would be a dramatic improvement.


    However, I do "get" why DE made the stances slow- it's because they're more technical, requiring pauses and breaks and holds in a large number of the combos, which would be much harder to do at higher speeds. I mean, hell, try doing the majority of Tranquil Cleave's combos with a maxed Fury installed. Or really any mod with a Hold or Pause. The timing gets totally thrown off. I tend to find myself not completing a full combo string, generally because either A) the enemy was dead after no more than 2 hits, or B) finishing the combo is gonna get me killed.


    What this means is that melee combat in general needs another pass. Yes, you have all these really REALLY cool combo's, but the "payoff" parts of those combos are at the very end of a long string of attacks. If there were some way to cancel attacks but still be going down the string, so instead of waiting 6 attacks for the ranged-grinding-sawblade glaive move you're only waiting 2 or 3.


    Failing that, there may need to be an overhaul to Melee's overall flow. If you've ever played any of the more recent Gundam Versus titles (from Next+ up through Extreme Vs. Full Boost or the currently arcade-only Maxiboost), I envision combo chains more or less like that. Directional inputs are done early, so you have a Side-input attack string, a Back-input attack string, a Forward-input attack string, and a Boost-dashing (sprinting in this case) string, all of which can be canceled into and around eachother (for Extreme Vs it's done via "Rainbow Stepping," with Next+ it was through a more manual/arguably-more-clunky method called Boost-Dash-Cancelling) and tend to be very short- only a couple of attacks for the full string. Getting a longer string by chaining multiple different (or restarting the same) strings allowed you to vary your damage output for the situation at hand, so you could peel away if need be or keep beating them till they were knocked down. The same principles SHOULD be applicable even here, where there can be just a few or quite a large number of enemies at any given time, and I feel it would still be in the spirit of what DE is trying to accomplish.


    Granted, those games have a lock-on system that ensures you're targeting an enemy at all times, so it's not as easily applicable here, but I believe it can be done. This keeps the overall simplicity of a melee-focused system without going off into a Bayonetta or Devil May Cry type system where yer comboing into ranged attacks and such, going for maximum juggle.


    So, to sum up my point: Make the combo chains shorter and simpler, but able to be chained together and canceled out of at will, by adding some sort of cancelling mechanic.

  14. 1 use per BP, same resource cost as an Orokin Reactor, aka a Gold/Yellow Potato.


    To acquire Forma BPs, the Void is where it's at. In the higher-end Void Survivals I believe there is still a chance to get a full Forma - that is, one that's already built. This may have changed, as I haven't checked the drop tables lately.


    EDIT: Just checked the Void Drop tables- T3 Survival and T3 Exterminate apparently still drop pre-built Formas. Bear in mind that the drop rate on those is very low- you're probably better off just getting the BPs and farming up the resources.

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