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Posts posted by Kyronz

  1. Actually I am talking about the complete instability of the grouping system, if this the wrong place move it.



    It is truly a pita, surely if we are required to keep tabs of people we invite to group....some will show up, instead of requiring a reinvite before some nebulous timer hits bottom.



    It is not connect, lord I on a T1, sure it slow, but hardly unstable.  It is every match these days.

  2. Boys*

    And the correct way to say it is: GET OVER HERE!



    And this just seems like you are starting to dislike the game, and are getting mad that you don't like it anymore, because you bought things with real money.

    I getting mad becuase i have to mad click to do what i used to do, and information is just gone...sure if i mad click i can get same info...tell me how brilliant the ui is in this respect.


    Yeah, warframe is totally dying. All the PC players are abandoning it. /sarcasm



    never said it was, just saying it dying for me.   and What brought me from closed beta to this point is near smothered.


    Face it, I have more skin and money in the game then you do, and even i am finding the money and time poorly spent because purely of DE decisions.


    *such as such wisdom as allowing people to group, just call me a purist, but i vote yes, DE votes no*


    Dear DE however it works out, the dog is mine!

  4. this probably proper place for it, TY for the sidestep.


    Basically, after pugging it is no longer possible to invite or group, and it persists pass a simple exit and restart of the client.   Makes trying to host a challenge.

  5. damned if i know why DE not realize this....


    how about fixing the bug that prevents invite people and grouping...because ya'll know already it has been around since U14, and a bug that cannot be fixed by restarting the client....should be a bit interesting to a few


    U14 was truly the update. of the damned, the hotfix is just rubbing it in at this point, "in session" indeed, if quitting client not work, ya'll heading the wrong way.

  6. So basically another waste of download bandwidth for PC players.


    The problems with the UI have base pointed at by more articulate folks then me, the fact that you have slithered out again too pushing minor fixes says a lot, I am all for job security but you guys are milking the hell out of it at this point.


    PS grouping still broken as it ever was.after u14. not that like anyone who gets a paycheck reads the forums.

  7. ...

    New UI comes out, people don't like it (and I'm not counting the people who don't like it for bugs and such) because it's not "functional." It's perfectly functional, and you don't like change. 


    The new UI is less informative and more inefficient then the old one.   Most people are satisfied with a car needing only one key to start, surely it would be more secure if it required 5 keys to start (increased security sure, still functonal,  but more annoying to use much like the horrid new UI).


    As a bonus, sure the information that was previously displayed is still available, but know like most inefficient designs, you need to take more steps to access it....which many people do not find much "fun".

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