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  1. I've noticed Fibonacci saying "Vashtav, Mara Lohk" At the end of Assassination missions. How much you wanna bet Vashtov means Thank/Thank You, or something of that like?
  2. Betcha money necramechs will be on a timer system, like on Conjunction Survival!
  3. Also known as 10000 Platinum worth of ducats and 571 unboosted Profit takers! Get cracking and killing folks!
  4. How much you want to bet that Mara Lohk (Void Child?) is Wally saying kiddo? Like, there was that zariman tablet that asked what is "The Wall?", with the answer being Ku Noma Elu Ra Kah, Mara Lohk. Considering that wally likes to end things he says to us with kiddo, i have a decent feeling that could be what mara lohk represents
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