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Posts posted by White_Matter

  1. Just now, Serafim_94 said:

    It's horrible exactly because it's a squad based game mode. I play games to avoid idiots, not team up with them. If I'm forced to team up with them, the task should be idiot-proof. Railjack isn't.

    You must be a favorite among friends I can tell.

  2. Why in the world would anyone want to play Railjack solo.

    I think it is awesome because it is a squad based game mode.  For the first time in years It felt like people on the group had a use, and we felt like an actual crew as we were going through astroids and chatting and fighting enemies.

    I hope they reinforce the squad gameplay even further. 

  3. Yeah that was my initial feel as well. Railjack seems too frail and the guns are weak. But I think that brings an element of a challenge, and forces everyone to play decent and focus on team work.

    Breath of fresh air for WF If I have to be honest.

    Not gonna complain. Also I think Railjack will eventually get stronger with upgrades(I'm still using starter guns). So all is fine if you'd ask me.

  4. 100% winner.

    It is actually the most fun thing I've done in WF in the recent years. It is probably the only thing in WF that actually requires to play as a squad in different roles. Something WF lacked for too long.

    I can't believe this but DE seems to have nailed everything right with Railjack, sure it needs more polish(mostly in the technical side) but the gameplay experience is unique and fun, which I think is very important. And it has a potential to expand. Which is like icing on the cake.

    At first I thought the resource thing would be problematic but you can gather enough resources through out the mission if you play as a team. But again, it comes down to teamwork. Which is pretty unique in this game. 

    What can I say it has been pretty fun so far.

  5. Wf has always been Pay to skip. Which I am not really against when it is moderated. Especially the chore is too unbearable or long and some people just may not have the time or patience. I farm whatever I can, or whatever I feel like is not a huge waste of time but I tend to use affinity or resource boosters or rush foundry items If I need em quick.

    Haven't played Railjack yet btw. So not sure what the op is talking about.

    • Like 4
  6. 1 minute ago, CuChulainnWD said:

    We can continue to be volcal Be more selective in our praise for DE, more reserved. Be more conservative with our time and how we spend it playing certain game modes. The Lich for me are my big gripe, so I play less of it.  Be more conservative with how we spend our money. I am guilty of spending money on DE, buying every PA since Trinity Prime. I really was looking forward to Ivara Prime, and I will admit, I am on the fence,  and may well end up being hypocritical of myself and buy her. In my head I know I should not, in my heart, I wanna bad.

    Same here. I bought like 3 or 4 PA as well as the Founders tier 2, but the last PA I bought was Zephyr Prime and I'm on the fence about Ivara as well. One of my favorite frames, but I guess I'll check the out the accessories but I don't plan on buying it.  At least not yet. I'll wait till DE rekindle my love for the game.

  7. 7 minutes ago, CuChulainnWD said:

    I have noticed as I am sure many other have as well, a shift in DE's attitude and approach. I personally do not think it is for the better.  I would imagine many others think the same.

    Correct. The initial approach was more "player friendly" with more focus on player experience. Warframes came with quests, the grind wasn't as agressive, as well as game play felt more balanced. The journey wasn't trivialized for the sake of destination. Aka, it wasn't all about the "end goal."

    10 minutes ago, CuChulainnWD said:

    The point is DE is not immune to failure due to their own new found arrogance

    Definiltey not. 

    • Like 3
  8. 4 hours ago, MirageKnight said:

    Wrong. We can always take our money and playtime elsewhere if we feel that our feedback isn't being acknowledged, much less acted on. That's aside from the game not feeling enjoyable anymore.

    DE wants us to invest in and play their game, right? That means they need to make sure their product is well polished and be willing to compromise a bit on things to appeal to more people. Now, why should any of us invest in a company that doesn't seem to want to compromise and that's perfectly willing to spit out half-baked content because reasons?

    Honestly I have no idea what DE are thinking, but seeing that their bussiness model has been successful so far, I doubt that they are willing to compromise anything for higher quality gameplay. Why take risks ? They have had a steady run through all these years.

    Now we can do what you said, but unless it is a significant amount of players that leave(and I don't think that'll ever happen as long as DE keep tinkering with the game) they just won't care. Sad but honest truth. 

    But on the flipside, I actually think the two big incoming updates(Railjack and New War) will have to deliver(although I have serious doubts about Raijack), otherwise I feel like there'll be a significant downsizing in the playerbase till the next big thing, and looking at their road map, there is no next big thing up until the New open world, which most likely won't release till next fall.

  9. Like the above poster said. RNG giveth and RNG taketh away.

    I usually kill the Lich and Rush the missions(my experience shows that is alot faster especially for the first 2 clues), and usually slay it before I find out the last clue simply through trial and error. But sometimes the lich just won't spawn.

    Like for instance I farmed all 3 clues, and I knew the exact order, and it took 3 or 4 missions for the Lich to spawn after that. Meaning the time is wasted, as well as the murmur. 

    So the whole Lich thing is just thoughtless RNG layer on top of another. It deliberately wastes your time.

     I think Lich spawn should be a guarantee after getting 2 clues, regardless of whatever that BS meter shows.

  10. 7 minutes ago, ThumpumGood said:

    Quality gets more money than forced longevity.

    True, but I think it might be a bit too late for WF, seeing the direction it has taken in the recent years.

    Also, at some point, we'll all be taking a break from the game, most likely for good. Most games don't have a shelf life of 3 years, let alone 7. WF has had a pretty good run if you'd ask me.

    • Like 8
  11. 2 hours ago, RyanCooper101 said:

    If you initiate a dodge roll and you cast Cloud Walker you'll be stuck in going in the roll direction(for example forwards) for the entire duration of Cloud Walker, upong the ability ending you'll fninish the dodge roll animation.


    I can confirm, the momentum carries along.

    You can fire with any weapon and get out of cloudwalker hence the animation though. 


  12. I'm 100% sure that they won't do any fundemental changes to the Kuva Lich system for the simple fact that it is like a casino. House always wins.

    Meaning yeah, there'll be a few people who'll get lucky and get all the ephemeras and all the weapons without too much of a hassle. But the majority won't. They'll get frustrated, sink hours after hours into something that is overly repetitive and unrewarding. And while doing that, they won't be playing sorties, NW, arbitrations, alerts, and other aspects of the game, so they'll have to sink more hours in to the game otherwise they'll feel like they are  "missing out". They'll also start trading for Liches at some point(like I did for charge ephemera which I regret because it doesn't look good) and some people will buy plat, and keep the plat circulation going.



  13. I can confirm. There is a energy flow like effect on the vengeful charge ephemera(aside from the electricity discharge effect) that sits on top of my frame. Not sure if it is intentional or not, but doesn't seem to have anything to do with electricty.

    Also the electrictry effect looks weird/too much on certain colors(most of em I'd say), and I can't seem to tweak the lightness or darkness of the tone of the ephemera.

    For example If I pick red for the emissive colors, picking a ligther or darker red doesn't seem to make much of a difference.

  14. I actually love the "setting" of fortuna. 

    I like K-drive, enemies and the landscape. I wish it wasn't so 1 dimensional. I wish the open world was more interractive and had some form of a sustainable content. Because after maxing out the rep and getting all the relevant stuff, it becomes pointless go there because by that time you've already ran the same bounty missions a million times and it is boring as hell..

    Fortuna(and POE for that matter) is a beautiful package with nothing inside. Completely hollow, and it feels like such beautiful design is going to waste.

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