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Posts posted by Cyborger1

  1. so let me see if i understand you right...you want us to sacrifice permanent reactors to get temporary ones?


    No, the OP's proposing alternate versions of Reactors/Catalysts that are Tenno made which are less powerful and only work temporarily, but have the advantage of being readily available for crafting (The OP proposed them to be clan-tech as an example).


    The current Orokin Catalysts and Reactors would stay the same as they currently are.

  2. In the earlier build of the game, the datamass would actualy have a glowing orb in it, with each datamass pack you would pick up an orb would be added to it.

    It was therefor easy to see which player carried how many datamasses at the moment. This was removed some day.


    The "orb" is still present, just now it is much smaller than it used to be. Take a good look next time you do a spy mission.

  3. if  your entire team uses corrosive projection, viral + fire, else corrosive + fire


    You can also replace fire with cold to give you a little more oomph against the enemies sporting Alloy armour.


    I'd also recommend keeping one of your weapons on Radiation + Viral to get rid of the Corrupted Bombards when there's too many around.


    Example for me:


    Primary -> Corrosive + Fire/Cold


    Secondary -> Radiation + Viral


    Melee -> Either

  4. Bring a Kubrow. One mod for them gives a 90% chance to open a locker when maxed out.


    Except that, as mentioned by jwernecke, they are very bad at finding the dreaded lockers.


    But what I wanted to add to that is the fact that kubrows take AGES to open a single locker, let alone several of them in a row.


    Masterthief only requires you to roll along a row of lockers and they open very quickly.


    (Thanks Yuikami!)



  5. Je pense qu'au minimum, il serait une bonne idée d'avoir une option appropriée dans le menu de réglages pour permettre de changer la langue des caneaux de discution indépendemment de la langue du jeu.


    J'ai un ami francophone qui doit se forcer pour jouer en anglais parce que les caneaux sont, disons, loin d'être aussi gonflés qu'en anglais pour trouver des joueurs.

  6. But then again, the same could be said about maxing any other 10-rank mod in the game. The extra you get from that last rank might look bleak compared to the sheer amount of resources needed to achieve it, but when it comes to maxing builds, you will eventually get to the point where you're going to need this extra bit of % to get that maximum potential.

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