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Posts posted by Cyborger1

  1. Oui, il faut lancer le jeu à partir de Steam qui te demandera par la suite de lier ton compte. Mais je pense qu'il est aussi possible de le lier à partir des options de ton compte sur le site de warframe.


    Toutefois, je ne te recommandes pas le pack Lotus, c'est pas une super bonne deal.


    Attend plutôt d'avoir un rabais de 50% ou plus en jeu et achète le plus haut pack de platinum, t'en aura donc 4300 au lieu de 1500 pour pratiquement le même prix (avec minimum 50% de rabais en jeu) et les autres items du pack Lotus sont achetable avec des platinum si tu juges nécessaire.


    Et oui, il est possible d'acheter des platinum à partir de son Steam Wallet, l'option se trouve directement sur la page d'achat sur le site de warframe.

  2. Try Loki, Slow Nova, Trinity (for E.V.) and Vauban.

    Have 4 corrosive projections and have your melee weapons built with Viral and Slash if possible.


    1) At round beginning, disarm and slow everything up to avoid death, also crucial to setting up step 2.


    2) Have Vauban throw bastilles all over the place and Trinity supply him with energy, try to hang around point D.


    3) Once set up, just keep putting down bastilles and charging up energy. Whatever you do, don't kill anything or else you'll be asking for trouble. Only kill if an enemy is threatening to cap one of the points. Any new spawn will need to be disarmed by the Loki.


    4) When you hit 100%, just kill everything. Rinse and repeat.

  3. In the options menu there are different key bindings for Zoom and Alt-fire, although I have heard many times that the Alt-fire binding actually does nothing and the function is hard wired into the Zoom.


    I never actually tried to make this work myself though.

  4. Dont worry, Vandal weps are going to return anyway, people are asking for then pretty often, also DE stated that event weapons will return at some point.


    Other Vandals such as Prova and Imperator, maybe, but the Snipetron Vandal is one of these weapons if you see what I mean.


    It sits in that grey area where we don't know if the normal version will even ever make it back into the game, let alone the Vandal one.

  5. I have another one (but no screenshot so if you could get one Kontrollo it'd be nice)


    There is this tile with a large circle shaped area with an ice stalagmite being doused in a dribble of water. There are three entrances to this tile, with one being an ice ramp that goes up that circle shaped area. You can also find a rover in this room, opposite to the stalagmite.


    If you jump on top of that pillar and use directional melee to go through the ceiling where the water is coming from, you'll find it is not solid and you can escape the map.

  6. I am somewhat positive that tomorrow's path will fix this. The fix was not included in the last hottest of hotfixes.


    Does it also fix areas that can be opened by explosive barrels in Infested Corpus Ship tilesets only being open to the host?


    How many times did I have to use switch teleport to get friends inside these spots when medallion hunting.

  7. Update 15.5 was supposed to change this. If you did not get your reward, you should send in a support ticket, unless you somehow spent over an hour doing that last mission.


    (From U15.5 patch notes)

    • Fixed an issue where players completing the final mission of an Invasion set would not receive battle pay if the Invasion completes while they are in the mission. There is now a one hour grace period for missions in progress.
  8. Has anyone noticed the Grineer Informer in the last picture?


    Edit: Apparently this guy did!


    Is that...... is that a sensor aura I see coming form the Grineer Informer??



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