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Posts posted by Yezzik

  1. I sympathize with those who want the Brakk, but seriously- I put in over 100 runs during the Gradvius Dilemma and nearly shot my wrists to hell doing it. I want to at least feel like the Brakk was a worthy prize instead of it suddenly being available to everybody.


    A hundred runs for a guaranteed reward is nothing. You knew going in each run would be worth 1% of that weapon.

    We on the other hand have to deal with RNG piled upon RNG piled upon RNG.

    MAYBE they spawn, and MAYBE they drop a part, and MAYBE it's the right one, and MAYBE we don't have a host migration that causes us to lose everything.

  2. I see a problem where you can buy best weapons and maxed mods just by reaching rank2 (takes maybe 2-2,5 hours in 2 days, since you cant pass mastery test twice in the same day) - and there you have 'end game' gear, skipping 99% of the game .

    And as you said yourself you cant 'play' for Brakk, cant farm it, you just play hoping for a chance and it only angers people when for all their effort they get nothing.


    It's hardly skipping 99% of the game. They'll still have to find out what the best gear is, level and re-level it enough times to MAKE it the best, then acquire and level (currently) every other weapon and frame in the game so that when Focus hits, they'll have enough Mastery to get all the Focus perks or whatever it is we'll get.


    If someone wants to blow money on making that happen, more power to them.

  3. Of course, but either way anyone who is determined not to get it the normal way is going to end up paying a ton.


    Or people like me, who only need one more part and can never get it for the life of us. Don't know how much I'd pay for the barrel I need, but it'd be worth it to never have to see the G3 ever again.

  4. People would be charging a TON of plat for the very reasons why you feel it should be tradeable in the first place. Then there would be threads about 'QQ brakk too expensive'


    That's capitalism for you. People will charge what people will pay. If nobody pays the price, it'll get lowered or the seller won't be able to sell. It fixes itself.

  5. I'm kinda getting the feeling that " Vets " or " veterans " Is pretty much an insult now to anyone who did a previous event and got the weapon


    Considering they had the Brakk handed to them for only doing a hundred missions, if someone wants to complain that I should have to do way more work than them AND prostrate myself before RNGesus to get something that was for them purely a welfare weapon...

  6. It'd certainly help give us another thing we can trade for Plat instead of just discarding for worthless Credits.

    Hell, let's make more stuff tradeable. No doubt there's new players out there who could use all these resources I don't have any use for any more.

  7. Also there really is no way they can legally wiggle their way out of it

    Actually there could be. That sentence of "snag exclusive items" doesn't specify which items are exclusive. It could refer to just the badges and the Solar Landmark.

    I know the page says "exclusive founders' items" later on, but that and the "never available" quote are two separate sentences, so a pedant could argue the toss.

  8. Wait, if mastery is such a big issue, what about the mastery from the removed weapons? Stuff like the snipertron, ether daggers, boar and Machete? I mean, that's 12k mastery right there, too, and it's 'exclusive' to the people that bought them before they were done away with, how come we aren't arguing about those coming back? 


    The devs mentioned a Disney Vault full of stuff that went away. Some of it might come back, but from what I've seen of this forum, the closed beta weapons are as much a danger zone as the Founders' gear.

    And we did literally just mention that stuff. :P

  9. An alternative way to fix the 'issue' is by granting everyone the "Founders Mastery" to bring them onto par. Would that suffice?


    Perfectly so, although the same would have to apply to whatever other removed weapons (and the Gorgon Wraith, if it goes away) DE have in their Disney vault that they aren't going to bring back permanently.


    You misrepresented the original topic, its a strawman.


    It's not a strawman; I'm arguing from another perspective, another opinion.

  10. A classic example of a strawman.

    Not really.

    I'm simply basing my opinions and arguments off past experience with proposed changes in games. Case in point: World of Warcraft, although this issue was a story issue.

    There were complaints over a story issue while Cataclysm was in beta. People felt the Alliance was getting screwed over yet again, because the Horde was winning everywhere and the Alliance content felt half-finished, half-assed and rushed. They were told "wait and see, it's coming" by their fellow players, by fansite operators, and by CMs and developers themselves.

    Cataclysm released. The Alliance's content was the same as it had been during beta--still half-finished, still half-assed, still rushed. The same people made the same arguments, but the counter-arguments from CMs especially changed to "you should have said something during beta; it's too late now."

    The situation is different, but there are parallels. We know of a proposed change to gameplay (Focus), we know it's supposed to play off an existing system that has an imbalance that favours one group (Mastery), and so I'm trying to bring the issue to peoples' attention BEFORE it goes live and the problem--however large or small it is--manifests.

    Oh, sorry, lemme use my magic founders powers to call a DEv into the thread, one second.

    Not what I meant. I just don't know why you're asking me an irrelevant question.

  11. Murphy's Law is that if it can go wrong, it will.

    Sod's Law is that everything will go wrong for you even if it can't, every good deed you ever do will blow up in your face, and everyone you hate will enjoy a perfect and content life despite setting themselves up for failure and actively trying to ruin their own lives.


    Basically, Sod's Law revolves around Karma--how it craps on you for no reason, and how it avoids the deserving.

  12. They're only cosmetic items, even though some are involved in the lore. (Excalibur Prime.)Why should other players care if they can't get them?


    Mastery. It might do sod all now, but if removed items ever become the difference between player power levels, that's an imbalance. And if DE want to push PvP and/or competitive PvE in this game, imbalances must be crushed.


    Because if you think people screaming over not having the Founders' gear now is petty, wait until it becomes the difference between--I don't know--using your Badass Super-Ability when you absolutely need it and not being able to because it's still on cooldown because you didn't spend £250 or however much it was on the Founders' pack.

  13. I understand the plight of most people that did need to earn their Brakk.


    A hundred Invasion runs for a guaranteed weapon is not a plight; it's trivially easy and time-consuming.

    By the time you get your Brakk, even if you farm constantly for it in a full group of four Marked players, you will have done an order of magnitude more missions than someone who got theirs back in the day.

  14. No, it should be hard to farm.

    The people from the gravidus event had to do 100 missions for it so yeah if we farm we should actually do something for it instead of doing 2-3 missions for it.


    Please; as it stands now you end up doing an unknown number of missions for a chance at a spawn that has a chance of dropping a piece that has a chance of being the one you want. Then you have to repeat the whole process at least twice over.


    Gravidus was child's play by comparison. If anyone's Brakk is a welfare weapon, it's that one.

  15. A question to Founders. What do you think if DE give us a option to finish our codex and mastery points of Founder primes, without giving us the primes?, DE can release the primes to void, all can craft them,  get the mastery points and codex entry, but stuff will remain locked and non-founders can´t play with it.

    Interesting, but I'm sure there'll be people who complain "why do Founders have to grind these Mastery points, but nobody else does?"

    I think a simpler approach would be to credit every account with having levelled all those items to 30.

    Not sure how such a script would work, and I think if it were applied to new accounts in the future, I think they might hit Mastery rank 2 immediately.

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