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  1. Inaros is immortal as is, I never die as him and changing his playstyle to a caster is a bad move. Having sandstorm pull enemies towards you is the opposite of what the ability is, and abandons the idea of a "sandstorm." Why get rid of devour? it is his main support tool, giving allies lifesteal. its basically gloom before it existed. Its sand shadow can scale way higher than nyx' mind control or revenants thralls. His 4 gets the augment built in, what if I don't want my armor to reduce when I get hit? this should be a choice! not every inaros player wants negation swarm on their build. I'm just very worried that inaros won't feel like he does now as he is the only frame that you don't really pick for abilities, and changing his "breathe easy" kit for a more crowd control caster frame style is terrifying to me
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