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Posts posted by Instinction

  1. 3 minutes ago, hazerddex said:

    wait its a 90 day booster?! you know how meny weapons i could forma with that with no pain?

    Any amount of weapons you could possibly plan on forma'ing, could be done in the week's time worth affinity booster.

    You can't possibly plan on 6 forma'ing every weapon in the game. And again, it takes like an hour AT MOST to max a weapon (seriously if it takes you an hour, consider 20 rounds of Akkad, Eris). Less time now that you get mod space at level 0 based on your Mastery rank.

  2. To be fair, I agree with OP in that a lot of people don't want the boosters. Let's be real here, how much mileage are you going to get out of a 90 DAY BOOSTER, when it only takes like an hour at most to max a weapon or frame.

    I wish they would just separate out the prime accessories entirely. You just buy them completely individually OR you can buy the pack for a bulk discount cost.

    I would pay $5 per skin or syandana or whatever, but I sure as hell am never spending $50 dollars on a pack with 2 boosters in it (that make up like half the cost of the pack if you think about it) that I definitely don't want.


    It's lost capital for DE really. Give me choice, get more gain. Give less choice, maybe you're making people spend more money, but you're getting much less people spending that money. I doubt it equals out to how much they would make vs lose if they separated everything.

  3. So I was thinking after noticing quite a few people (rightfully so) upset about Valkyr prime having her Corpus "bonds".

    How could this be? This is the prime, the OG Valkyr, there was no experiment.

    Cut to the chase: You know how when Valkyr rages, she whips out those dank energy claws?

    What if those "bonds" on the side of her forearms, are not actually bonds? What if instead, they are like power gauntlets batteries, that house the energy for those op energy claws?

    Now I know what your saying next, "But Instinction! The dangly bits!" Now yes, I agree the tubes on the BASE version (non-prime) of Valkyr are indeed a form of Corpus bonds (like they plugged her into something as part of the experiment).

    However, you will notice Valkyr prime ALSO has dangly bits, which are most definitely not Corpus bond/experiment tubing.

    SO, maaaaaybe, the Corpus just ripped out the base version Valkyr's dangly bits, and used the "slots" and/or "outlets" to implant their own tubing for the experimentation?


    And there I rest my case. Please feel free to debate/conjecture, but let's keep it civil. This is not a bashing thread, this is to debate the explanation of Valkyr/Valkyr prime's lore.

  4. On 8/21/2016 at 1:12 PM, Instinction said:

    The timings seem to be off on the combos. It's very weird and they don't come out right. I think the issue is the very first shot fired from the combo has a significant pause that cannot be bypassed so it's very hard to get of anything other than the E [pause] E, E, E combo. I can't even get the base E,E,E,E combo to come out most of the time.


    On 8/21/2016 at 1:20 PM, Sasquatch180 said:

    Another thing to note is that I believe a couple of shots during the E V+E EEE... Combo are not actually firing any shots despite doing the animation, along with the combo also sometimes defaulting back to the Mambo combo after the V+E part of the combo.

    On 8/22/2016 at 3:19 AM, amose007 said:

    if you want to execute any combo except the pause one, you need to spam e at the speed of light.

    this is a post from reddit i found

    Yo, peeps, about 99% of your problems are caused by the weapon's ridiculously fast attack speed. It's also bugged, though. You need to mash your attack button faster, or use a mod to decrease its attack speed (Spoiled Strike).

    Attempting the 1st combo (mashing melee)

    • Is your character jumping around like a maniac shooting the gun? That's the first combo (mash melee really fast).
    • Does your character shoot once then start swinging the weapon around? That's the 3rd combo (the one with the pause in it).

    Attempting the 2nd combo (mashing melee with block)

    • Does your character shoot over and over and over? You're not pressing attack fast enough.
    • Does your character shoot, swing the blade once, then shoot again? You're not pressing attack fast enough.
    • Does your character shoot, swing the blade, then make 2 overhead slashes before doing a forward roll, jumping, and shooting again? Good, you're pressing attack fast enough.

    I haven't tried it yet, but I think if you hold block and melee attack with Volt's speed buff active, you should be able to turn into an infinite ammo machinegun turret.

    Attempting the 4th combo (mashing melee while pressing down)

    • Does your character shoot then start swinging the blade around? You're not pressing attack fast enough.
    • Does your character shoot, fire a dud that makes a weird noise, switch hands, shoot again, switch hands, and shoot again? Good, that's the 4th combo.

    In case I'm not making myself clear here: You have to attack really fast.

    Spoiled Strike helps, but not a lot. The 4th combo is especially irritating, thanks to the order of operations (see below):

    • The block combo (3rd) overrides the other combos. If you're too slow, you'll just restart the combo.
    • The pause combo (2nd) overrides all combos other than the block combo.
    • The reverse combo (4th) only overrides the mash combo (1st). If you're too slow, you'll do the pause combo.
    • The mash combo doesn't override anything. If you're too slow, you'll do the pause combo. If you're holding reverse or block, you probably didn't want to do this combo, anyway.


  5. Two issues I've noticed with the Galatine Prime as opposed to the Galantine.

    A. The blade of the Galatine Prime is noticeably more narrow than that of the Galatine. It seems to me like the bigger, better version of something should have a bigger, better blade. I guess you could chalk this off to personal preference, but it just doesn't look right to me.

    B. This is really the greater issue here. The blade of the Galatine Prime does not hold color in the same way the Galatine does. In fact, it looks pretty bad by comparison.

    I believe this has something to do with the PBR treatment on the original Galatine and it was somehow missed on the Galatine Prime.

    The blade of the original Galatine looks much more metallic, like real metal. The Galatine Prime looks flat and dull like it's plastic or something. Not good.

  6. I love it for having more gun-like attributes that the Redeemer.

    If you want something more melee with a bit of gun added on, use the Redeemer or High Noon stance. Also, have you even tried the new Bullet Dance stance on it? Plenty of slicing and dicing melee attacks in there, I assure you.

    The Sarpa is exactly as it should be.

  7. 15 hours ago, amose007 said:

    if you want to execute any combo except the pause one, you need to spam e at the speed of light.

    this is a post from reddit i found



    The whole not attacking fast enough is not necessarily true. I have tried literally letting go of my mouse and mashing the E key as fast as I can, and it'll still do the pause combo.

    It has some to do with the timings in the initial firing animation, though I can't quite pinpoint what it is.

  8. 4 hours ago, Sasquatch180 said:

    Another thing to note is that I believe a couple of shots during the E V+E EEE... Combo are not actually firing any shots despite doing the animation, along with the combo also sometimes defaulting back to the Mambo combo after the V+E part of the combo.

    Now that you mention it, I noticed that as well.

  9. I posted this in weapons, but I thought it might also fall under "Animations".

    The timings seem to be off on the combos. It's very weird and they don't come out right.

    I think the issue is the very first shot fired from the combo has a significant pause that cannot be bypassed so it's very hard to get of anything other than the E [pause] E, E, E combo.

    I can't even get the base E,E,E,E combo to come out most of the time.

  10. The timings seem to be off on the combos. It's very weird and they don't come out right. I think the issue is the very first shot fired from the combo has a significant pause that cannot be bypassed so it's very hard to get of anything other than the E [pause] E, E, E combo. I can't even get the base E,E,E,E combo to come out most of the time.

  11. >The number of Shadows spawned has been reduced to 7 and is no longer affected by Mods.

    Sweet, my only build I enjoyed with Nekros killed.

    >This is a necessary change for performance on all platforms.

    Didn't effect the performance of my game one single bit when I spawned in 10+ shadows.

    >To compensate for this, Nekros now spawns stronger Shadows prioritized by heavy unites killed with Shield multiplier and draw aggro more heavily.

    This isn't a good compensation. Greater numbers>stronger individual units.


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