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Posts posted by Instinction

  1. I've only done the raid twice and there's a couple reasons behind that.
    The raid really isn't that difficult... IF you know what you're doing.

    Trying to find people who know how to actually play takes more time and effort than I am willing to put in.

    Also, as I don't have many friends who play Warframe, I usually have to team up with randoms, and one or two bad randoms can throw the whole thing, and a whole lot of time and effort gets wasted.


    Basically risk=/=reward.

  2. I greatly enjoy that idea honestly. Maybe not for melee, but having a huge sniper strapped on my back, or a bow awkwardly clashing with the quiver just is so anti-aesthetic to me. I would love a kind of "transformer" style animation where the weapon materializes from your wrist and then juts out from itself and expands section by section.

  3. Pretty sure I know what's going on with Radiant Finish and why people are executing enemies (in turn slowing their dps).

    It puts enemies into a finisher state (just like Ash's Teleport does). If you walk up to them WITHOUT SWINGING, and THEN swing when you are close (near touching) to them, you will do an execution.

    If you SWING AS YOU ARE APPROACHING, you will not do an execution as you will hit them before you are in range for an execution and after you hit them the first time it will pull them out of the finisher state.


    Try this out for yourselves and see how it works for you. I am currently having no issues at all with the executions as I am constantly swinging to mow down enemies.

  4. Btw, I know what's going on with Radiant Finish. It puts enemies into a finisher state. If you walk up to them WITHOUT SWINGING, and THEN swing when you are close to them, you will do an execution. If you SWING AS YOU ARE APPROACHING, you will not do an execution as you will hit them before you are in range for an execution.

  5. First off, love the rework. It has made me want to use my lovely Excal Prime as more than just a piece of bling again.


    There are a few things I've noticed so far.


    Radiant Finish is working as intended (don't know why I've been seeing threads saying otherwise) BUT, I did notice Excal's Eternal Blade energy waves do not proc the effect. The enemy hit by the wave only receives normal damage of the ult.

    I believe the wave should do damage based off the effect.


    Next, I assume this is just a plain LoS issue (still a horrible thing, but I digress) but Radial Javelin does not hit every enemy in LoS. Neither does Radial Blind.

    I'll stand five meters away from an enemy, hit Radial Javelin, and nothing happens to it.


    Slash Dash animation often does not work after the first enemy. Excal will just kinda glide standing through the air to the next enemy. The damage will hit, but you can't see it as there is no animation to it.




    Eternal Blade does not work with melee augments (i.e. Bright Purity). No meter builds, and I'm not sure if it is taking damage multiplier into effect.


    Anyways, that's all for now. Hope one of you wonderful devs see this! Keep up the good work.

  6. I will absolutely call horseS#&$e about that graph. That was over a tiny time frame of only a 3 week period and certainly is not an accurate estimate of overall usages.


    Case in point:


    I've been saying what the OP posted for a long time.

    Well written post OP.


    P.S. I will say I have been seeing a slight differentiation in companions in the past couple months I've been playing regularly, but by far Carrier still reigns supreme.

  7. I never noticed this until I got better headphones, and now it happens fairly regularly.


    I'll notice in missions sometimes that I'll walk over some drops (ammo/credits/mods/etc) and the sound won't stop playing.

    It's EXTREMELY disturbing. This little sound, quietly playing in the background  as you go throughout your game.



    This goes on for a few solid minutes at least.

    I know it's Warframe because if I alt-tab out, the sound stops, and then continues as soon as I bring Warframe back up.

  8. Ok ok, so here's my calculations.

    Skana Prime = super shiny and exclusive and I have it and you don't


    Prisma Skana = it's glowy and you have it and everybody has it and it can be traded so more people can have it and it's not exclusive


    End Result: Skana Prime>Prisma Skana


    /sarcasm. forgot I have to add this is cuz most people would probably take this way too seriously and get all sorts of mad. It's a game mates, play with whatever one you want and the enemies are gonna die just the same.

  9. I feel like the feet are way too small. I realize you guys had to tone down the size from the concept, but the feet seem very mismatched from the rest of the body.

    You have this big hulking armored tank looking thing, and the feet just look like they would collapse underneath it.

    Please consider at least making the feet and forelegs overall diameter thicker.


    Other than that, damn great job. Honestly, I was expecting something more nimble looking (tank ala LFD2) but I am really digging the slow moving hulking mass look.

  10. Can we please get a PSA on what is being done about all the lost items and xp that happened during this?

    Or are we just saying deal with it to the players who lost a whole bunch of good stuff and loads of xp?

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