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Everything posted by Bravoryus

  1. Hello tennos, my name is Bravoryus. The first time I played Warframe was in 2013 when it was released in March of that year. I'm a player from Brazil, so my English is not perfect. Everyone who is really dedicated to playing Warframe knows how the mechanics of this game work, it is exactly focused on farming, or gathering items to advance in your game. Warframe changed its engine, graphics, and platforms a lot and significantly. This is a notable point within the game, seeking to expand it to new players. What captivates me about this game is its story, whether you like it or not, Warframe is a story RPG. The evolution of your main character until the end of the game is a great journey if you pay attention to your game, but when this journey ends, what do you do? You already become significant in the games, having items that make you stronger, and a new challenge presents the so-called steel route. Then begins the decline of everything you did in the game, the game has a big problem with becoming stagnant, forcing the player to simply stay, farming, or gathering items, the main item of this game being ENDO. Yes, whether you understand it or not, ENDO is the main feature of this game, There's no point in having the best weapon, best warframe, best mods, if you don't have ENDO to level up your mods, and the ENDO mechanism is ridiculous, you spend around 40 thousand ENDOS to level up 1 mod, and you pass almost 1 hour in arbitration to farm between 5 or 6 thousand endo, that is, for you to simply upload a MOD in this game you spend almost 10 hours of gameplay just farming, that is if you are playing in cooperative mode, with a good team. that every day it is becoming very rare to have a closed team. Furthermore, it is almost impossible to play the steel course alone, or try to farm alone. The game is cooperative, the developer's intention was to make a game to play with friends or other players, but in Warframe this is what happens least often. Another question is credits, what are they really for? It practically serves as nothing significant, it doesn't buy space in your slots, it doesn't buy significant items. I believe that platinum is making the game P2W, anything to make you stronger either spend 10 hours playing, or buy platinum and become strong in 10 minutes. Therefore, this game is not free, it is platinum. This is my third account in this game, I always played and gave up at a certain point, at this point April 2024 I started playing again, I was in doubt between Warframe and the released Dragon Dogmas 2, I believe that both games suffer from the same problem, but Warframe can survive in 2024 with an evolution in its farming and coins mechanism. Attracting new players and mainly making the player stay in the game.
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