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Posts posted by StarCommanderVong

  1. 3 hours ago, FoxFX said:


    Thanks for sharing your experience with Ember. It is a surprise to see you rarely use her 4th.


    I also feel before changing around Ember, her passive needs to be severely reviewed by both [DE] and the Warframe community. I feel the topic of Ember's passive gets dismissed a lot.

    I mean, it's a good ability, and I get that... But it's also a severe fun-suck for the rest of the squad, and this is a Multiplayer game. I try not to make a complete arse of myself by killing everything everywhere before we even see it.

  2. I use her first all the frickin' time, and her third is pretty effective, when you have a crowd or need to defend an objective for a little bit.

    Ironically, I actually use her four pretty rarely.

    But I like the passive idea you have, and the Charging mechanic from Hydroid should really get spread around more, that's a nice little thing.

  3. As a fellow Inaros player (he's my solid Secondary Frame, after my Main Bro Excalibur), I do agree that this would be nice.

    I think it would be better to trigger after a sand shadow is created, but that would make it drop off in usefulness on higher difficulties, much like Undying. So perhaps after devouring a certain amount of Health?

  4. So, I started The New Strange a while back, got to the bit where I needed to make the last bit of Chroma and stopped because Kela De Thaym is a *@##$ to get to.

    Well, I recently have returned, and discovered that the last bit now needs a Chroma Mark, which requires a Signal (built) and a Scorched Beacon. Well, I don't have the Scorched Beacon, and according to the Wiki, I get that from the previous part of the quest... Which I can't do now.

    So... What do?

  5. I mean... Whatever. It's not like it matters.


    At all.


    It doesn't even look that annoying.


    Anyway, as for why we have the infested room, Ordis points that out when you go in: Helminth is responsible for the biological functions of the ship.

  6. Personally, unless there's something your reeeaally want in the marketplace, I say spend Plat only on slots and fashion, possibly trading for prime parts. Everything in the market can either be obtained through fighting bosses, enemies, certain missions, or doing Clan Research. Or some things can just be bought outright for credits, but those are few and far between.

    Also, in regards to soloing: it's perfectly possible. Myself, I've never progressed from multiplayer, only gone back and helped my friends.

  7. I'm an Excalibur Main. He's a general frame good for most any encounter.

    As a secondary, however, I run Nyx for most defense missions, Inaros for Survival, Trinity if in Public, and Hydroid on the Plains.

    Ember, Oberon, Titania, and Octavia fill the tertiary role of "Sometimes fun but never really in any specific context".

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