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Posts posted by StarCommanderVong

  1. 2. What are you looking for in regards to a Warframe rework?

    Personally, I like abilities to have a cohesive theme with the warframe itself. Excalibur, the Holy Sword, has abilities based around using his sword. Nyx, goddess of night and chaos, sews chaos throughout the battlefield and turns her enemies to her friends. Atlas, titan of the earth, uses the ground itself to fight against his enemies. Ivara, bow of the warrior, is all about using her bow and arrows to destroy her enemies.

    Oberon... Heals? Confuses? He's... Not very cohesive, either thematically or just mechanically.

  2. Doubtful. It's easier to split the profits between the designer and DE if it's in straight money instead of platinum. Especially since platinum only works as a currency if the designer still plays the game, whereas money will always be good, even if they stop playing.


    EDIT: to note, I don't actually know if they split the profits, that just seems like something they'd do.

  3. 1 hour ago, O.O_ said:

    I made roughly 15kkk since yesterday(500k at medium) and its not really that hard if you bring the big guns... something will happen.

    Yeah. They'll buff the enemies. Lowering the rewards will only serve to annoy more people and break the lore.

  4. 22 minutes ago, O.O_ said:

    Credit farm at akkad? Index, low/medium risk poops on akkad, try it... before it gets nerfed.

    It's not gonna get nerfed.

    The whole point of the Index is gambling for huge gain.

    Most that might happen is the Brokers might get buffed.

  5. 5 minutes ago, (Xbox One)EternalDrk Mako said:

    main quest i think was go to uranus [scan sentieint drones] > natah > the second dream > [complete sedna junction] > the war within > [standby for thsi years main quest/ umbras ? ]

    Watch Umbras relate into the main quest somehow.

  6. Rework? Maybe not. Rebalance? Probably.


    Personally, I think that her Passive needs to rework how it procs. Mind Control needs to not proc. Psychic Bolts does F*** all for damage, so a higher proc chance for the passive, plus possibly more bolts. And Chaos, same as usual.


    That said, while I'm thinking about it, maybe make Psychic bolts a double press. First press puts you into a targeting mode, where you select as many targets as you like. Second press releases the bolts and as evenly as possible divides them between all targets chosen. If no targets are chosen, it acts as it does now.

  7. 1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Oussii said:

    but it takes more effort and time

    How is it more effort to kill 4 guys approximately 25 times? And it takes about the same time as Akaad or Seimeni, for a far higher payout.

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