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Posts posted by (PSN)PillarOfWar

  1. Saryn for Xmas caus it's the smart thing to do.

    After that they would do well if they fast-track Oberon, because it's less popular and will match the empty pockets season.

    As things heat up either Vauban or Bone Dayy will be a slam dunk.

    Then it's Valkyr at the beginning of the summer and Banshee afterwards.

    I think you might be right

  2. as my Avatar might suggest what boat i'm coming from - i'm laughing right now.

    i'm more confused as to why i lost Health than anything. i thought i was supposed to be a Health weighted, hearty Warframe.

    i don't see why Saryn shouldn't have 150 Health. especially if you want Saryn to be fairly close Range, as she's always been.

    sure, more Blocking. pretty situational though. might as well be general Damage Resistance because Saryn interfaces with Guns as well as Melee.

    That's is where I'm at. I don't care if they take miasma away. Just give Saryn some tankieness.

  3. It is getting better. But I don't play it just to go do something. To tell the truth it's dorky. Like the funnest part is laughing at how goofy the the poor thing looks. It feels as much as outer space as the old asteroid game. I think what DE wants it to be someday is gonna be really cool. But I don't like it right now. I don't hate it. I just would not play it for no reason.

    I like it but it needs:

    1) much more enemies, and BIGGER .

    2) Dinamic combact and not "stay still and try to catch the enemy".

    3) new tracking system

    4) tileset size rework

    5) more variety in all (enemies, aw, aw weapons, etc...)


    7) auto collect drop

    8) Ranged assistance for incapacitated ally.

    9) Much more control in movements.

    10) Different type of missions (and when i see different , i mean totally new, not copied by the main game)

    11) Much more 50/50 arch-ground missions.

    12) Improve sharkwing speed and interaction with ground for the change of the mode. (More dinamic and fluid change)

    13) Much more mods .

    Do all this and everyone will play aw.

    Dude, you nailed it!
  4. I like his number two. It needs to be just a little wider. I use it all the the time. The boulder part is garbage but I love the wall.

    I was hoping we could turn into a boulder of death and roll over dudes.

    A small health buff would be neat for a high armor rage build.

  5. I like to crash down out of orbit and 360 no scope my loots and zoom back up to outer space.

    They need better sentinel stuff for other stuff. The deth cube sux. Is it a microwave? The scanner dude is kinda cool I like it has a melee, should be silent. The dijinn has to be broken nobody uses it. I want to work, the idea is fantastic. Wyrm is good. If you get hooked he will save you by knocking down the ancient or whoever. The new jelly fish thing is good. I guess. Shade is junk and a jerk.

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