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Posts posted by (PSN)PillarOfWar

  1. I'd love to have the Arcanes (both the old exclusive ones and the new ones dropping from raids) completely separated from cosmetics.

    Any type of cosmetic ties with stats is bad for the game.

    Make the arcane parts of the old helmets drop in raids and new guys can slap it in any helmet they want. Seem like a good idea. Would remove OPs butthurt.
  2. Make the sharkwing and archwing have different weapons and wing. Because water and outer space have very different feels. Like vacuum and zero G in space vs. extreme pressure. Our spaceship has our archwing on board. But it appears out of thin air for sharkwing, silly.

    Anyway some nautical weapons would be cool. Tridents, net guns, harpoons and torpedoes. I have a weird fascination with fish and the ocean so I am partial.

    Oh and add an infested archwing made from golem tech.

  3. I like the idea of Archwing. I like the sharkwing stuff. But the junk in outer space dies not feel like I am playing in outer space. And it's way boring except for the laughing at how junky gameplay is. It can be fixed and it needs to be fixed.

    Dead Space 3 had a really good outer space part. It would be great if we could latch down on to surfaces.

    If sharkwing had good in and out of the water animation and sharkwing only gear, it would be awesome.

    Archwing is boring and feels choppy. Interception is a snooze fest. Nuking the Fumorians was just okay. The corpus maps are garbage with wacky scaling, I mean the GIANT astronauts.

    I want to like. I really do. All the tweaks are heading in the right direction. But if it was a stand alone game I would have uninstalled it.

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