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Posts posted by (PSN)PillarOfWar

  1. Why? if they reduced it to 6, the average number of points per slot would be 10, which is excessive no matter how you look at it.

    If you look at 100% status weapons, 4 of those slots would be used for many to be able to get the 100% status, which combined with that only being 28 mod points for those, the other two slots would have a max load of 16 per, which is only a few mods in existence right now thus nullifying the use of forma entirely.

    That sounds good.

    They way you want it we could leave the system as is but add more slots, same difference.

    It's fine as is now. Rather see archwing get worked on way more anyway.

  2. -High MR players who cant play the game for S#&$e. So many incompetent players nowdays sporting MRs high as 18-20, and I really mean incompetent.

    -That one button spamming now is the "standard" way of doing a mission.

    -The increase in grind to get newly released things (Knux, Equinox, Mesa, etc).

    -Community whining

    That's like the whole game dude ;p

  3. 1st ability: Fat Roll - the frame rolls around squashing all enemies in his path, as well as being a travel utility

    2nd Ability: Cannibalism -frame eats corpses of enemies to regain health.

    3rd ability: Bulletproof Blubber - while active, any bullets that hit will ricochet off, explosives are caught and safely detonated inside flab, and melee attacks bounce off, sending the enemy back.

    4th ability: Belly Bounce - all weight is thrown into a dive that upon hitting the ground, causes a massive shockwave that kills all nearby enemies.

    Sounds better than some we really have
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