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Posts posted by (PSN)PillarOfWar

  1. Saryn. I forma'd her a bunch to get ready for the mutalist event. Breeding grounds I think. I wanted the priva vandal really bad and because I am on a console I had time to get ready. So I came up with a crazy immortal build with her and the Ichors.

    Now I have her tricked out to use the first three abilities really well in fear of the day miasma gets nerf'd or reworked. The Excalibur rework is what she should have got.

  2. At the same time, shifted, you dont want to risk turning Warframe into a 3rd person Destiny clone, where 95% of game play relies on guns and abilities come to feel like shoehorned afterthoughts. Do that, and you will lose a goodly portion of your audience.

    Warframe is not first and foremost a skill based shooter. And if does not continue to differentiate itself from the pack of skill based, weapon and aim focused shooters, it will lose an audience. Warframe is first and foremost an ARPG and really needs to stay that way to maintain a fan base.

  3. Maybe DE should take the hint? We don't need new content, we need them to fix the damn content we already have before shoving more crap into the rotation, seriously they dropped the ball majorly on this update, Im really considering calling it quits till they get their crap together, might be a good idea to just bugger off for a few months to see if things are better later provided something else doesn't come out to get peoples attention.

    Honestly. It seems like every update the first word out of my mouth is "why?"
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