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Posts posted by (PSN)PillarOfWar

  1. Uh, there are aliens.

    The Sentients Are Clearly Alien

    The Grinner (Remember guys, just cuz they look like humans, don't mean they are, I highly don't think the Grinner are humans, far from it)

    The Orokin are clearly alien

    The Corpus (Edit: Never mind the Corpus are humans, just cybernetic)

    The Cephalons (Dispute they are AI, still "Alien")

    The Wild (Where did they come from?, the Ice and Desert skags and the dog things, the catbrows)

    The Tenno Clearly Alien

    Alien as in weird maybe.

    But everything so far in the game is descended from Earth. The Orokin and corpus are humans. The Grineer are a race bred from humans. The rest of the stuff is created by the humans. So nothing is from beyond our solar system yet.

    The lack of ETs is kinda nice.

  2. There are no aliens in Warframe.

    The sentients might be but it sounds like they are an Orikin creation after reading the crewman lore stuff. So it comes from the origin system. It's kinda cool in a way. The universe is so huge and so empty. All this stuff and we are still alone out here in space. Kinda of what the old dark sector (not the video game) trailer showed us. There is nothing past Pluto just darkness.

  3. Back when you could take abilities off. I would always play a dive bomb Zephyr because its hilarious and fun. And the guy on Secura Pluto taxied his friend and kept asking for tornados and could not understand I didn't have it equipped. And would not shut up about how good it is and how much dive bomb sucks. I wished for friendly fire in that game.

    And my dive bombs bring all the boys to the yard... Damn right

  4. Steel: Hind

    Hexis: Boltor or Tiberon

    Suda: New Weapon

    Is what I'm going with.

    So far I'm pretty meh on the current reveled weapons: Love that Loka has the Tigris, I'm meh on the Penta, and I absolutely hate bows so I'm not hyped about Veil's weapon at all.

    I am all for this! I love the Hind idea.

    And I wish Veil was getting a different primary.

  5. The only problem I see with the current mod system is specifically with weapons. Damage and multishot mods for our weapons have no downside, so we are basically forced to use them.

    The mod system for Frames seem fine to me.

    Serration has the down side if being expensive to max out. I maxed mine out an age ago. But I remember it taking a lot of my cores as a new player. DE should strip all mods of cores when sold to an other player so nobody can skip the process of maxing it out.

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