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Posts posted by (PSN)PillarOfWar

  1. If you have a zephyr with 185 power strenght(max transient fort and intensify) and jet stream plus tonkor with terminal velocity the tonkor rounds will explode on contact with any surface as long as jet stream is active. I dont consider it a glitch as there is a ton of speed behind that explosive. you throw anything that explodes hard enough, it's gonna blow up.

    I pray to all that's holy that DE stays far away from this combo. It takes a lot of forma to get it working good. And it a pretty fun combo. A FUN COMBO. And I never see Zephyrs in the game.

  2. Those are utility upgrades, as opposed to damage upgrades. You have a choice, technically. The game predicts (correctly) that the player will gravitate towards damage upgrades, which is why damage upgrades are more expensive drain-wise

    Yes, you can offset the cost with potatos and formas. At that point, you've basically made a level 90 gun. And a level 90 gun SHOULD be super brokenly amazing

    Yup. Damage mods = upgrade. Utility mods = customization. So calling the mods system customization puts the wrong idea in our minds. Right?

    I'm talking about the guns. Frames are a different beast.

  3. If the system is about upgrading weapons, it should stop pretending to be a customization system.

    I think that hit the nail on the head.

    It is just upgrading the damage output. What customization do we have really? A zoom and a silencer that are always passed over for more damage.

    The customization is a myth! Or a joke?

  4. Most of the annoying features are just bandaid "solutions" to much bigger problems:

    -Powers are incredibly overpowered? Make enemies that nullifies powers

    -Weapons and mods are incredibly overpowered? Make enemies with invicibility frames

    -Camping is too efficient? Nerf the life support drops

    That's just how DE works, that also makes you wonder if other than the passion for this game they also have the capability to develop it. That may sound too harsh, but DE is always making the exactly same mistakes, over and over again, and they're not showing any sign of learning anything from them.

    With that said, I love this game and I hope to see more quality content.

    Well dang you got me. I can't argue with you. Manics and nullifiers don't bother me personally. But they do feel like cheap gimmicks.

    I've learned like aggp says don't fall in love with anything in this game.

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