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Posts posted by (PSN)PillarOfWar

  1. Warfare's had that loading screen before Destiny existed. :(

    In destiny there is so little lore that a quarter through the campaign we still know nothing, then when you finally ask someone they say "I don't even have time to explain why I don't have time to explain." :(

    story not lore. And don't make me defend destiny it's a crappy game. but I have been playing warframe for as long as the ps4 has been out and watch the YouTube of it from the beginning. The loading stuff used to be artwork not the stupid spaceships.

    Warfare's had that loading screen before Destiny existed. :(

    In destiny there is so little lore that a quarter through the campaign we still know nothing, then when you finally ask someone they say "I don't even have time to explain why I don't have time to explain." :(

    story not lore. And don't make me defend destiny it's a crappy game. but I have been playing warframe for as long as the ps4 has been out and watch the YouTube of it from the beginning. The loading stuff used to be artwork not the stupid spaceships.
  2. This.

    The terms we agreed to before having the chance to even pay DE basically state everything in game is their property (even your account,) and they can do what ever the f*** they want with it. This includes EVERYTHING, such as some... more controversial items, but let's not go there for a change.

    Most anyoine can do is get over it or walk away from the game. However, losing Serration and having that built INTO our weapons instead is kind of a big win for modding variety, if not precisely the kind of win Warframe really needs if players want balanced and challenging enemies. We're simply not going to get those as long as numbers keep climbing all over the place.

    What variety? I don't care about serration. But, the mod system is an upgrade system not a customization system. Ammo size? Reload? Zoom? Silencers? It's really low on utility.

    And maxed serration should never have been tradable. Work to max it out, it's part of the game that gets skipped.

    And I'm not even sure if DE cares about the power creep. Think about it. The Soma is an amazing tool of death. Then we get the soma prime, what the hell? I am surprised Baro didn't sell primed serration

  3. Destiny is pretty looking. but warframe is hands down a funner game to play. My friends left warframe for destiny so I got it and all the expansion junk. Most of the guns feel the same in destiny. And I play it maybe an hour a month and only because I used some redbull promo codes.

    One thing destiny has going is it has a story. The warframe lore seems to get worse with every tidbit we get from a sanctuary scan. The warframe loading screen with the liset is a copy of destiny and that's tragic. Any similarity I find in warframe makes me cringe.

    If destiny was a 3rd person shooter I probably would like it.

    Warframe is my favorite game. Maybe ever.

  4. Idea: Sorta like an auction house without auctions. Click on "Traders Market" tab to bring up a UI screen. You can list 10 items and desired plat. You must be on your Liset or Relay to accept whispers from people who click "Whisper/Message" on the listing in the "Traders Market" screen. They whisper I want to buy/sell x item/set and you or they invite one another to dojo and trade. This would limit so many items on the market by players having to be logged on to trade stuff and still have that social interaction. This system is just and easier "Trade Tab". Also they could just not add a set plat amount and have the "Traders Market" use keywords to searches for desired items.

    Wow that sounds like a huge pain in the @$$.
  5. Hahaha I get in game messages all the time from people mad that I sell way too cheap. If it sits in the inventory it's a waste to me. I love undercutting. I really don't get why anyone needs to send a message telling me to sell volt or a mod for more. If I see someone selling I will sell for less right away.

    And i still get people trying to lowball be even when I am selling for dirt cheap "I don't have any plat" says the guy in the 60$ prime syandana.

    And sometimes I pay way too much for something. It is fun to deal with all the mess and chaos. I don't like jerks that abuse people on purpose but more power to you for trying to get what they can.

    So no auction house. This game deserves all the horror if what we have now.

  6. The mods are not customization they are upgrades. There is no utility. The mods increase your damage. That makes them upgrades. So getting rid of serration or elements or what ever doesn't give us anything back. We could have really lame weapons like destiny and be bored out of minds.

  7. Clem is Darvos friend not a pet. But we could hire him maybe. Or get a special daily mission from Darvo and have Clem come like the syndicates do things.

    Clem pets could mean 4 Clem's in a mission. That makes no sense he is one dude. But that would be so much dakadakadakadaka

  8. I see everyone going crazy for Hodo-...I mean, Clem!

    Clem Blueprint reusable!

    Clem Blueprint purchasable!

    Clem, Clem...Clem...Clem, Clem!

    Clem the new King!

    Clem Noggle!

    Moar Clem's missions!

    So...how about Clem Skin? Available for any frame!

    Let's make a Clem Army!

    Clem Center For Clones Who Can't Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too
  9. if i had to pick what they drop, i'd make them drop somthing that would change the games lore away from greener, but more towards the new sentients.

    excample; the twin qweens are dead, but they where trying to prepare for the sentients. and they drop something to help fight agents them. (more slots, power enhanced, ect) or even something to weaken them in battle.

    the battle itself, they most likely are going to be 2 sisters switching places during battle and saying the same thing simultaneity.

    I am guessing the Grineer are a lot stronger than the last time they fought the sentients. They have been this spartan race of warriors for a very long time now. It would be nice to see the real Grineer army not the guys left to watch the hall ways. Getting to the queens should be impossible.
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