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Posts posted by (PSN)PillarOfWar

  1. I use a sunika with a bunch of formas in him for my solo survival run. I can heal it with melee and it will last the whole game with out dying. Sentinels eat a few rockets and are done. Teamed up with an Excal it's a good combo and will do a finisher when I blind. Its not super helpful or anything but looks cool if it kills things. I guess it doesn't really do me any good. I just like big smelly slobbery dogs.

    I play a lot so I try to find a use for all my things. Deth cube is junk other than it has a really cool skin that look like the G3 sentinel. Wyrm will save you from an ancient grapple. Djinn is a good idea but it really doesn't work too well. Carrier is an awesome space eggplant thing and vacuum allows so much cheese. Shade is not dependable. Sentinels need secondary utility.

    I like the flying horseshoe that scans, it got the stalker scans for me.

  2. Most of the mods we have now are upgrades not utility so we don't really have that much customization now even if damage goes away. Some zoom and some silencer mod. There isn't weapon customization in this game.

    Maybe break it up into a few sections of the weapon. Like 2 slots for scope 2 for barrels types, something in the magazine and grip or stock. So we can't put everything onto one category. Maybe even get to change the looks around each gun a bit.

    With what we have now if we took away damage upgrades lots will go to rate if fire or reload and ammo capacity so we can just shoot more.

  3. Hydroid is fine. His abilities do synergize, 2nd and Tentale swarm is a go to against infested ancients . While #1 and #3 is more of a backup in teamplay. Play the godddamn game without gimping something to max ffs. 150% effi, high duration are req, then choose between even higher duration and lower range or medium 145% range . Why telling so much? He is just a frame with useful abilities. not the abilities that do all the work like Mesa.....

    I love you. I use Hydroid a lot and he seems pretty good. And I like his abilities. I wish he had a way to get rid of procs with out an extra mod and maybe a innate bonus to block (he did have high stamina). But no real changes. Just a little innate buff that they all will get some different form of.
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