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Posts posted by LucifelShiningL

  1. 17 minutes ago, (PS4)Ozymandias-13- said:

    So you literally need to level 2 different Railjack classes to make it partially functional? 


    Although, in my experience it does absolutely nothing most of the time since it's bugged, on console at least. It shows damage dealt, but the health doesn't change. 

    That's just blow up their engines. not hulls. freakin.

  2. 3 minutes ago, -skimmer- said:

    It needs skill and strategy at higher levels.

    I would argue that slingshot is overpowered and boarding and killing reactors is too easy.

    If boarding more harder, then nobody want to boarding and kill crewships. Just make forward arty more worthy.

  3. 17 minutes ago, CowDung said:

    Max zetki forward artillery + rhino roar 1 shot


    18 minutes ago, -skimmer- said:

    Actually me and buddy have strategy for this.

    You want Lavan apocs with +fire rate. They have extra status chance which lets you shred crew ships armor quickly.

    It then takes about 10-15 seconds of shredding and you can oneshot veil crewships with arti WITHOUT forward artillery avionics.

    Slingshot no need zetki forward artillery avionics, and no need rhino roar, and nooooo need 10~15 seconds of shredding before fire forward arty.

  4. 3 hours ago, Hellmaker2004 said:

    The Forward Artillery is also not meant to trivialize crew ship to none existence, You can still use normal guns to damage them and apply status effects, as long as the final damage is done by the Forward Artillery it will obliterate the Crew Ships.

    Me and my friends are doing exactly that, we damage the ship down with the normal guns and then blast it with the Forward Artillery, working perfectly fine and we do not even have the Avionic for it. My main complaint about the Forward Artillery would be that it does not have any punchthrough, so a single fighter flying in the way can block the shot or even worse / more likely the freaking crew ship engines block the shot and thus not killin it.

    if can't killing crewship at one dome charge, then invade into crewship and detonate reactor using slingshot much faster than forward artillery.

    it's worthless than slingshot.

    no way to use.

    and if no one matched mission(Frequent situations), then doing everything at solo.

    shoot to status applies onto crewship?

    it's funny. if you no one matched and forced to play solo, you can that?


    Forward Artillery:Need one tenno, require gunnery 5, slow charge, long range(but hard to sniping distanced target), non-lock-on able, require 1 dome charge.

    Slingshot:Need one tenno, require gunnery 3, fast charge(if locked-on, no charge), middle range, lock-on able, no require resources.

    worth it?

  5. 9 minutes ago, Firetempest said:

    Proc them:

    Original Damage Type

    Damage Type Status Effects Notes
    Slash Particle Tear
    Ship receives increased damage.
    An exponential stacking debuff.
    Puncture Plasma Decompress
    Ship has reduced shields and armor.
    Stacks similarly to Corrosive b Corrosive procs.

    Then Use Avionics.

    Forward Artillery

    Increases Forward Artillery (the Tunguska cannon) Damage. Drops from Exo Cutter (0.101%), Kosma Outrider (3.794%), Elite Exo Taktis (1.106%), and Gyre Outrider (3.794%).

    Manufacturer Unranked Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5 Rank 6 Rank 7
    HouseLavan House Lavan

    Ranks: 1


    Drain: 4


    Drain: 4-5


    Drain: 4-5


    Drain: 4-5


    Drain: 5

    HouseVidar House Vidar

    Ranks: 4


    Drain: 6


    Drain: 6-7


    Drain: 6-8


    Drain: 6-9


    Drain: 7-10


    Drain: 8-10


    Drain: 9-10


    Drain: 10

    HouseZetki House Zetki

    Ranks: 7


    Drain: 6


    Drain: 7


    Drain: 8


    Drain: 9


    Drain: 10


    Drain: 11


    Drain: 12


    Drain: 13


    Pss, not enough.

    Veil proxima crewships over 50000, but Forward Artillery base damage done under 22000.

    • Like 1
  6. Passive:Can held Archweapons in the atmosphere without attaching Gravimag to Archweapons, and performance does not deteriorate(Same as Archwing Missions).

    Base ammo pool x4. so carrying many bullets.

    Chargeable weapons' charging speed x4.

    Can't activate Archweapon Deployer.

    Ability 1:Launch the Elemental Grenade from left forearm. Elemental affected by energy color.

    Ability 2:Deploy Reactive Armor onto Frame. Melee attacker or closest hostile will be knock down.

    Ability 3:Summon Archweapon and held by own hands. mobility down to half. Infinity regenerative ammo pool same as Archwing missions.(Toggle)

    Ability 4:Deploy Multiple Launch Micro Missile System on both shoulder from frames back, Launch the massive micro missiles salvo linked by current weapon firing. Multiple targets auto Locked-On when targets in Lock-On sight.(Like Mesa Peacemaker)(Toggle) Always Blast Damage with additional Elemental damage affected by energy color.

  7. 2 minutes ago, rapt0rman said:

    Yeah... now that I've said it, I really want it lol.


    Shift to VECTOR CANNON mode.  All energy lines connected. Landing gear and climbing irons locked.  Inner chamber pressure rising normally.  LIFE ring has started revolving.  Ready to fire.

  8. 4 minutes ago, rapt0rman said:

    Augment for the Opticor: converts it to a beam weapon, as you hold the trigger, it cycles the initial charge up, then fires a continuous beam expending one ammo per second until depleted (5 seconds of fire at base).

    Wow, Nice that.

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