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Posts posted by LucifelShiningL

  1. 20 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

    No, but testing in the relay would let you try and recreate it, meaning if it persists each time you go in or is common then DE can use your account's data to recreate the bug for themselves and try and fix it, as I stated above. The main cure for the problem you are facing now is to just let it go and get some patience. The mastery test isnt going anywhere and you certainly arent on a deadline.

    But that bug wasted my time. End.

  2. 7 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

    The tests can bug up, yes. You made it sound as if the bug was preventing you from progressing, not that you had simply encountered it before and have now already done the rank up test. Hence me saying "try and recreate it" because that provides better information for DE to use to solve the problem.

    that can't solve the "Today's chance gone by bug" problem.

  3. 1 hour ago, caosfox said:

    even if you make dogs, the cyst is back 48 (or 24, i dont remember) hours later.

    so keep making dogs or wait till DE releases another way to remove it from frames

    Oh no...

    I'm already full of mah chamber...

  4. Visual of Warframes is more important than others in someone's mind.

    But these Helminth Cyst ruins the Visual of Warframes.

    We need more function to remove these Cyst.(Current build only Make the Helminth Charger to consume this Cyst)

  5. How about this?

    Grineer tech : Katana with Chemical accelerator(ex:detonate gunpowder[or explosives] to accelerate the blade) sheath.

    Corpus tech : Katana with Electromagnetic accelerator(ex:linear motor to accelerate the blade) sheath. or Energy-Blade(like plasma) Katana.

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