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Posts posted by LucifelShiningL

  1. 7 minutes ago, SinergyX said:

    If you stop a second attacking, you can swap to another target. Not ideal, but it works.

    I stop the slashing sometimes to change target, but too slow, and unstable.


    14 minutes ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

    It's always been that way for old Archwing Melee. You can switch targets unless you stop attack for a second and sprint at another enemy, then you can insta-lock onto them quite quickly.

    It is sort of a hindrance, if you look at it a certain way. But hey, at least we don't have the 6 degrees of "Freedom"

    sorry mah poor grammar.

  2. Titania just Downsized while Razorwing mode.

    this means, Downsizing Attack box too.

    and I turn off the all melee aiming support options, but can't change the target when slashing enemies.

    Direction input, turning mouse, I tried all about movement, doesn't work while slashing.

    then? Just Fixed target.

    Titania, the smallest warframe with a good potential.

    but why melee killing own mobility?

    This is too different from my expectations.

  3. 29 minutes ago, CrudShuzKong said:

    If you paly with it for half an hour, you wont feel that need anymore. Just get used to the travel time and you wont miss and thus wont need proximity fuses.

    Also keep in mind that the AoE of the grattler falls off over distance, so if you proximity detonate shots that would hit it will result in less dps...

    Grattler's merit is too weak when compared with another AW weapons.

    for example, Fluctus has HUGE, Punch-through projectile. easy to hitting lot of enemies.

    I always saw Fluctus when playing AW.

  4. 1 minute ago, Magnulast said:

    Get used to the projectile speed.

    The only enemy I find it excusable is the lotcus drones.

    Every other enemy is easy to target and hit.

    But this is just Full-auto grenade launcher or old Flak-gun.(WW2)

  5. 4 minutes ago, Magnulast said:

    No, I use the 300 meter range to my advantage. Using the end explosion to deal damage.


    It's not that hard, but it's hard hitting some things like the prusuit powercells.

    High mobility small units is too hard. if they too close, then I took the self-explode damage.

    when hitting them.

    but, many cases are just hitting walls.

  6. 4 minutes ago, CrudShuzKong said:

    I think it makes more than up for this by being the strongest gun dps-wise...

    If it didnt have any downsides, you would never use anything else.

    yes, so, i didn't anything talk about maximum range.

    if maximum range to 600m, and attach proximity fuse, then OP.

    but leave the current maximum range 300m to attach proximity fuse, should be good.

  7. the combo system is not fit to sniper rifles. it fit to semi-auto rifles...


    so i suggest these.


    always head shot(or weak-spot shot) while maximum level zoom and aiming enemies perfectly.(even if you shoot the leg, the bullet flew toward head. like mesa's peacemaker.)

    head shot(or weak-spot shot) are ignore armor.

    ignore barriers.(nullifier, arctic, etc...)

    default punch-through 2m.

  8. [bad Grammar Caution]


    just damage amplify(combo system is does not fit for sniper rifles. maybe semi-auto rifles fit.) doesn't effective for sniper rifles role.

    if players want to powerful firepower, then many players choose the explosives.

    so, i suggest some improvements for sniper rifle.


    [sensitive]always head shot(or weak-point shot) when zoom in maximum levels.(even player aimed leg, bullet toward head)

    ignore(penetration) barriers.(against nullifier, arctic, etc...)

    ignore(penetration) armor.(fully, or half. against high levels enemies.)

    designed mission for sniper rifles.(like long-ranged assassination in hitman movies.)


    if you have a more better improvement? just write please.

  9. 매우 드넓은 공간에서 핀포인트로 직접 조준해서 맞추는 상태입니다.


    마치 망원 조준경 없이 몇백미터 멀리 떨어진 콩을 맞추는 기분이죠.


    이건 너무 난이도가 높다고 생각합니다.


    아크윙은 좋은 소재이지만, 플레이를 즐기기엔 조준이 상당히 힘든 편이라 느껴집니다.


    그리하여 주무기류에 록온 사이트를 추가해 그 록온 사이트 내의 적들을 자동으로 록온해주는 기능이 있었으면 합니다.


    물론, 무기별로 록온이 가능한 거리와, 록온 사이트의 크기가 달라지는 형태가 되어주면 좋겠군요.


    예를 들어서 벨로시투스는 탄속이 있고, 위력이 강한 대물 저격총 같은 무기입니다.


    그렇다면 록온 사이트 크기는 지름 약 2cm정도의 크기에 록온 가능한 거리는 4000m까지 가능하고, 록온에 걸리는 시간이 긴 대신(약 3초), 록온된 적의 움직임에 맞춰 탄속을 계산해 편차사격을 행해주는 형태로 록온되는 형태면 나름 괜찮을 것 같습니다.


    그와 반대로 코르바스는 지름 7cm정도에 록온 가능한 거리가 350m정도, 빠른 록온 속도(약 0.2초) 같은 형태로 가는것이지요.


    이런식으로 한다면 어느정도 화려한 3차원 기동을 하는 플레이를 보조해줄 수 있을 것 같습니다.

  10. 워프레임엔 그냥 주무기라고만 명시되어 있..지요

    예를 들면 소마(프라임), 볼터 프라임과 데라, 버스튼 같은 무기도 같은 주무기입니다.

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