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Posts posted by Lickity-Split

  1. Dont worry about what other people think dude... Just say your bit...

    If someone doesnt read your post because he see's youre an Initiate or whatever and thinks he's better than you then thats his loss...

  2. From MR4 I've enjoyed beating the hell out of guys with MR10+ scores...

    Its hilarious how they think they are better because they have been playing longer...

    Kinda like that "Im older so Im smarter than you" mentality...

  3. 1 - Till Wildstar™ is released. (But will still Log Warframe for breaks and events)

    2 - Wildstar™ being released. (As Above)

    3- RNG Loot system isnt very RNG so you spend hours grinding keys to spend hours in the void to get the same things you dont need 100 times over... Although it does provide a nice rarity in various items like all games require.

    4 - More Dynamic events, I understand that it is difficult and time consuming but events keep people interested no matter what.

    Instead of adding new weapons to Clan Research where we just buy a blueprint and then craft a weapon add it to an event... (Kill X Boss 50 times) (Collect XXX resources) and then the Monthly big event for something nice and a badge.

    4.1 - Add an Auction house... Current tradechatspam system sucks.

    4.2 - Need more big raid bosses like ODA.

    4.3 - More difficultly for when you feel hardcore (Optionally) Like Nightmare Void runs... 

    Done a T3SV Last night with 2 other guys I was in a soft frame with only 300 Shield & 400 HP, only really started enjoying it once the timer hit 35min.


    I understand that the game is in Beta and I can see improvements being made since I first got here but you asked for my thoughts on this and here they are.

    Not Whining just answering.

  4. Nova the quick and offensive (Not MP spam) but its nice to have a fast frame with offensive abilities not just tricks.


    Rhino the lol I dont feel like moving today so I'll just stand here and absorb everything then stomp it to death.


    Working on Trinity because support roll in long SV looks like fun.


    Working on Vauban but the helm only seems to alert at 3am my time... everytime... 

  5. Personal hygiene appliance that's often used as an insult shall not be uncensored. Sorry.

    Oh well had to try...



    I shall continue on my quest to free all #$&(%'s from the vicious stereotype that has befallen them on another site...

    I can tell when I am defeated but I shall rise again and fight for the freedom of the #$&(%!


    Well played sir.


    You dis the moderators YOU HAVE TO GO THROUGH ME!


    <Steve Irwins voice>

    "Sshh dont make any sudden moves... If you look carefully through the wall of text you'll see Le #&#036;&amp;(% in his natural habitat"

  7. One should never get keys for a lower level mission than you are currently running, imo.


    T1s should never drop in T2 or higher missions, should be farmable in T1s or regular Defence and Survivals (< level 10)


    T2s should never drop from T3 or Derelict missions, should be farmable from T1s, T2s and mid level Defence and Survivals (10< lvl <20)


    T3s should be farmable from T2s, T3s, Derelict and high level Defence and Survivals (20< lvl)


    This needed addressing about 3 months ago, not next month.




    Its like... Thanks for doing this difficult area, now heres a lower level key go do something easier.

    Reverse progression ftw.

  8. well i play this game for about a year or so and lately i thought to myself where dafuq did they came from whats the story behind it


    btw i really think they should do a tv program :D (this game and assassins creed)


    They are resources delivery men turned savage...

    Sometimes they decide to land on a planet and hand out loads of awesome resources to us.

    Pity they only ever land on Jupiter while Im at work... No Neural Sensors for me today.

  9. Also noticed this...


    Done SV/Def missions all the way from Venus too Pluto recently and got nothing but T2 keys and mods.

    ODD only gives T2 keys even after 45-50min.

    Void SV/Def also only giving T2 keys.


    Wasnt farming keys... I dont "Farm" anything after Oxium killed the vibe for me... 

    Just something I've noticed recently while playing.

  10. You only get the "helpers" if you are doing an Invasion Defence I thought.


    Just do regular Defence missions instead of Invasion ones.


    Tried this.


    They are irritating to solo (Not difficult just irritating)

    Those guys have guns so they stand all over the place and just shoot the objective... Nuisance when you're by yourself and have to be at 8 different places at the same time...


    Do normal defense missions with groups though thats a blast.

  11. Don't know if the option already exists, if it does I apologize for my ignorance.


    If not then please could we get an option to turn off the "helpers?" that come join in defense missions...


    They serve as a hindrance.

    I like soloing defense missions just to see how long I can go for, also because its a fun mission type.

    But those Grineer/Corpus guys that come along with you just bug the life out of me...

    They make a big noise and prevent the mobs from getting to me quick enough...

    Prefer all the mobs to die near the objective so its easier to loot.


    Also yesterday we had a Corpus walker things powerstomp The Stalker off the platform as he died... No loots he fell into the Abyss...


    Also I cant stress how many times one of these guys ran in front of me as I shot off a Penta Grenade, bounces back and blows me up...

    I find it hilarious and use a revive but still a hindrance.  




    TL;DR - If we could get an option at the start of the defense map like a console "Hack this to disable faction support" for the guys who dont want the support that would be great.


  12. Love it when there is a Nova in my group... Free Secondary and Melee weapon XP.

    Dont care who gets the kills so long as we win in the end... 

    If that summary at the end of the mission didnt appear we wouldnt be having this conversation... It only serves to make a co-op game competitive...


    That said with Nova I can stand at the Defense objective and Mprime at exactly the right time and everything will die...

    With my Rhino I can stand at the Defense objective and Stomp at exactly the right time then go around and kill everything before it hits the ground... Same thing just Nova is quicker.


    Only reason I choose Nova over Rhino is its faster...

  13. Yeah forgot about the Booster thing... Went and logged in as I do every morning to check things out and it started...

    Now 2 days of the booster are wasted while Im at work >.<


    Would be nice if we could choose when to activate it.


    Anyways, free stuff is free stuff... Disappoint doesn't mean complaint.

  14. I always thought she was based on the maiden, mother and crone triple goddess from paganism.


    Matrix was heavy on the christian symbolism though, so I could be wrong.



    Maiden, Mother & Crone Triple Goddess = 3

    Symbolism = ½

    Matrix = Life


    Half Life 3 Confirmed!

  15. I am Africa I work in flavored condom factory as taste tester. Everyday I try to internet but the power is low. My friends and I have LAN on nightime so 3 of us run on hamsterwheel to make energy while 1 plays mission. Its very dangerous because running makes sweat and then Cthulu smell the sweat and come to catch us but we make the best of it.

    Life is very difficult here in Africa but we get drunk from drink battery acid each night and have party to forget our friend who gets eaten by hipposaurus.

    This is my story please no copy pastario.

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