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Posts posted by Lickity-Split

  1. That would be an easy fix.


    Make it so that you can only sell what you farmed. Tag an item bought from someone else as "Traded" and make it so that they can't be resold to someone else.


    This is the answer to the re-sellers problem...

    Once an item is purchased off the trading post/auction house it becomes soul bound... No more re-sellers.

    For those of you even mentioning re-sellers they already exist guys... I've seen in trade chat people asking for something and then a few minutes later people selling the same things... If there was an Auction house I'd have 2 ways of rejecting them.

    Mostly event mods.


    I strongly agree with the facts that trading shouldnt be a way to make income in the game... It should be a means for people to get rid of excess baggage and for someone who has farmed for an item and given up to be able to purchase that item as a last resort.


    If soulbinding was implemented it would abolish current and future re-sellers.


    Yes the economy would suffer (Only slightly with soulbinding) for a short time as it did when Primes became tradable but it balances out pretty quick.

    Even quicker with Soulbinding.


    Also quit it with the D3 excuse already... People using D3's auction house as an excuse for this clearly havnt actually played D3 else they would already know the massive difference between the 2 games...


    Also to reiterate.






    Trading should be a last resort to get the item you desire... 

    But it should also be done in a safe, comfortable, quick and easy way.

  2. " "

    I also cant stand resellers *spit* and am aware that lots of people think its hilarious to grief the general public by doing it.

    Its already happening in the spam chat trade system...


    But anything is better than the current tradespamchat thing that is in place...


    I dont think that trading is or should be an important factor in any game but when it is a factor it would be great to be able to do it in a comfortable, controlled and relaxed environment...

    Not spammed with a million messages when I post WTB nor reading 500 lines per second looking for the best deal on what I want.


    Put money in and item comes out... Put item in and money comes out... This is trading.

  3. Diablo killed auction house because it is crap. It is an imbecile idea to create a virtual economy in a game in the first place. Limited trading is better.

    Are you kidding me...





    Taking D3 as the 1 example out of the thousands of games that use an Auction house system just proves your own ignorance...

  4. Off topic: I see your point, I think the highest I've gone is 45 as I remember but that's just once. I'll try to get a Trinity on my squad next time and go till 60mins.

    On topic: I actually like the 5K creds cache which is prett nice. Tkeys are usually rewarded in other Towers, never have I seen this in survival though. If they gave cosmetics DE would lose one of the only things they can get money from. Please no Vauban parts either no matter how rare, I'd like to keep them as alerts. I wouldn't mind the orokin cell reward if they came in 3-5 but one for five minutes is crap. Neural sensors can be farmed from Salad V most of the time.

    Do it, get a Trinity in there with you and go 60min its brilliant!



    I understand this but once you have like 2mil credits and sit there wondering why do I need more since everything in Market costs Platinum.

    You already get quite a lot of credits just from running Void missions which is probably part of the problem people have with getting them as rewards.


    Dont worry I also dont support the option of adding cosmetic items, thats why I said 1% :P

    Just needed to add it in there as an example that there are other things that can be added to the reward table... 

    I'd prefer DE to keep making money from them so the game stays up and running.


    Also I know that Salad can be farmed for Neural Sensors but Jupiter being the only place where they are is kinda distressing... 

    Neurodes & Orokin Cells can be found in ODD and we already get Morphics as a SV reward sometimes so why not add Neural Sensors.


    By dropping the chance to receive credits as a reward they would need to implement something to take up the lost percentage... Some rare resources or a small chance at potato would be a nice fit.

  5. Honestly I could handle well in a good squad without Trinity in T3 Survival in 40 mins, usually leave during that time because we would usually end up being bored or get nothing good. But that's just my experience, I usually don't find a Trinity in my squad so I'll see how it goes.


    Its only really after the 40min point that things start getting good...

    You cant just 1 shot everything anymore and your frame abilities and how you use them start making the difference.


    Becoming bored is the problem I have with the first 30min... Thats why I keep asking for Nightmare mode Void Towers...

    So that we dont have to go through the first 30min of 1 shotting things with our secondary or melee before the fun begins.


    Been doing a 1hr T3SV every night now for the last couple weeks and have to admit that Trinity is the best frame to have with you by a long shot.

    People always going on about how over powered Nova is but after 45min in a T3S Nova's start falling over dead and their MP does nothing but reduce speed...



    Disclaimer : Not trying to start arguments or anything just pointing out my observations.


    Back to Topic - I still support OP but for different reasons.


    I dont believe that we should get the same things over and over as rewards but I also feel that keeping some Prime parts rare is vital to the diversity of the game and to keep people needing something to go back for.



    My point is that credit rewards can be removed and replaced with Neural Sensors or Tower keys or Vauban parts or a very very slim chance like 1% chance of a Cosmetic item... There are loads of options.

  6. What does Trinity have to do with this? I could say, oh you I guess you didn't notice my frame was Nova. All frames are great.


    Actually for long SV I'd have to admit that Trinity > Any other frame...

    Her Survivability is amazing when the mobs start taking an entire magazine to kill and MP is only used as a movement speed debuff at that point.


    Does anyone else see what's wrong with this picture?


    3 things.

    Your 1 mate thought it was too difficult at 40min when thats where it actually starts getting interesting.

    The other mate didnt know how to extract.

    Your USB device can safely be disconnected but still hasnt been.



    Edit : Although I do see your point with all these screenshots and support your end goal.

  8. Nyx  

    Or Rhino

    ( I have mag prime but she is fugly :/) 

    I used to like the look of Mag Prime until someone said she looks a "Lensor" from Chronicles of Rid$&*^...

    Now its all I see when I look at her...



    Back to Topic - Got a Volt brewing to see what all the amp is about!

  9. What he said ^

    It's what happened to diablo 3 and now they are closing it

    Diablo 3 is the only known case where an Auction house has failed... People should really stop using it as an example.

    Maybe, just maybe in the world of gaming the developers have heard of D3 and what happened to their auction house and like every other game out there have thought of a way to prevent the same issue...


    Face it, #Tradespamchat only caters for maybe 5% of the community of this game... most people dont want to be harassed by 500 messages when they ask to buy something and sure as hell dont want to read 500 lines per second looking for the best deal on something.


    If people dont want to use an Auction house then so be it... Dont use it... But I bet you the other 90% of the community will just because blatantly more user friendly than #tradespamchat.


    Yes the economy would suffer slightly at first while the initial rush is on of people getting rid of their access duplicates but just like recently when Primes became tradable it will level itself out again.


    Also the sellers get to choose the price... So if things are selling cheaper than you would like then thats your own fault for selling them that cheap.

  10. Yes, it needs an Auction House.

    With Bid / Buy Now options...


    There is no downside to auction house apart from random people crying because they cant rip noobs off anymore...

    It will create a stable economy and it will get more people trading...

    Because honestly I bet not ever 2% of the community use the #Tradespamchat system...


    Tried posting WTB once and ended up closing PM tabs for about 2min before just logging out and back in to get rid of them...

    We want to be harassed, we want to go to a "Shop" (Auction house) and make a purchase then walk off...


    Personally I'd rather not trade than post anything or message anyone in #Tradespamchat.


    If DE dont want us to trade then remove the option altogether... If they do then make it comfortable and easy!

  11. lol. Read carefully man.  I wrote #DistillingPrimeExtractorNOTSOMasterRace...  It's was a joke, because those things are terrible.


    I use them still...  and oxium is pain to farm outside of using both resource boosters and this double resource event (I'm getting 200-250 per run now), but yeah the point of building a few extra is to rotate them, so they don't die.


    Occasionally you get some rare mats, and that's not bad for doing nothing.



    My Bad...

    I take my hat off to your sneaky witt sir.



    Inb4 Zephyr took all my mods to the roof where only she can loot them QQ!



    Anyways as much as I should most likely be stocking up on oxium just in case.

    I would take the Catalyst, Pluto is a decent place of ox farm.

    Didnt question the Master race... Simply pointed it out.



    Edit : Also not a whole lot of people hang out on Pluto unfortunately... Wish that would change.

  13. Oxium isn't only used for Zephyr...



    Knew someone would say this...


    Who actually uses those extractors... Tried it a couple times, end up leaving the damn thing to die on a planet completely forgotten about :P

    Can get any Resource I want within minutes if you put your mind to it... Extractor just an extra thing to worry about.


    Would prefer if less people were in Zephyr tornadoing my Mods & MD Objectives through the roof and walls... Kappa would burn!



  14. Went from Work to Gym and got home at 20:00pm UK time.

    Seen resource event thing and got stoked so farmed for couple hours.

    Went shower / Bed.

    Vauban Helm alert I been waiting for for a while pops up at 3am my time so missed it.

    Woke up and came to work this morning.


    You may think this is Unlucky but I feel lucky in the sense that now I still have things to look forward to getting in the future like Cells/Sensors and the Vauban helm.








    Disclaimer - lol who my kidding I'm totes bitter :P

  15. Had limited time so I done a circuit...

    Ran Alad V (Nightmare) because free rare mod for transmute, Drops Orokin Cell x2 on Nightmare and Sensors... Takes like 3-4min a run breaking every box and came out with a ton of Sensors/Cells and Nightmare Mods.

    Then off too Kappa for Oxium.

    Then done an ODD 50 and got a ton of Neurodes, Cells & a Loltor P thing.

    -Back to top but replaced ODD with random runs of various Def/SV missions to stock up on everything.

    Ended the night with an hour long T3SV and got lots of credits & Frost P helms >.<


    Bummed that the event is on a Workday... Only had a couple hours to farm.

    Still nice of them to give us a free event so pretty stoked in general.

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